In addition to the above regulations, gasoline stations permitted in a C-3 General Commercial District shall comply with the following standards:
   (a)   Gasoline stations located on a corner lot shall have not less than 100 feet frontage on each of the two (2) intersecting streets.
   (b)   Fuel pumps may be erected in a front yard but not less than twenty-five (25) feet from the public right of way.
   (c)   Pavement to provide access to a gasoline pump shall be located no less than fifteen (15) feet from the public right-of-way. The resulting open space shall be landscaped and maintained in satisfactory condition and, except for entrance and exit drives and permitted signs, shall not be used for any other purpose.
   (d)   A canopy may be constructed over the pump island provided the canopy shall be no closer than fifteen (15) feet to the right of way.
   (e)   The only services permitted to be performed on a vehicle shall be the dispensing of fuel, oil, air and windshield wiper fluid.
   (f)   The location, display or storage of rental trailers, automobiles, trucks or other rental equipment on the premises is not permitted.
   (g)   No merchandise, except fuel and oil, may be stored or displayed outside the building.
   (h)   Except while being serviced at a pump island, no vehicles shall be parked between the pump setback line and the front property line; nor on a corner lot shall any vehicles be parked between the pump setback line and the property line on either of the intersecting streets. A vehicle parked in violation hereof during the time such station is open for business shall be presumed to have been so parked with the knowledge and consent of the operator of that station.
   (i)   No junk, inoperative or unlicensed motor vehicles will be permitted to remain on gasoline station property for more than forty-eight (48) hours.
   (j)   All refuse shall be kept or stored within the building, or be screened from view as required by Section 1166.10.
   (k)   All outdoor wiring, including electrical and telephone wiring, shall be installed underground.
   (l)   At least one (1) standard tree and at least two (2) standard shrubs shall be planted and maintained on the lot for each gasoline pump on the station property subject to the regulations of Section 1166.04.
   (m)   A landscaped area at least fifteen (15) feet wide shall be provided on private property adjacent to the public sidewalk areas, except where interrupted by driveways.
   (n)   Locations where such use abuts a residential district or use shall also provide a buffer zone along the entire length of the common boundary between the commercial use and the residential use which shall be maintained not less than ten (10) feet in depth. This buffer zone shall be landscaped with grass, standard shrubs and standard trees, subject to the regulations of Section 1166.07.
      (Ord. 025-2023. Passed 6-5-23; Ord. 187-2023. Passed 1-16-24.)