For the purposes of enforcement of this Zoning Code, as well as any other references within the Codified Ordinances, the following standards shall be used by the Zoning Administrator in order to make a determination of whether a specified group of persons constitutes a household by virtue of being the functional equivalent of a family. A group of three (3) or fewer unrelated persons shall be deemed the functional equivalent of a family regardless of the presence or absence of any factors described herein.
   (a)   Responsibilities. It shall be the responsibility of the property owner to provide information / evidence as may be required by the Zoning Administrator as defined herein to document that a household meets the functional equivalency test as a family. The Zoning Administrator through the powers and duties set forth in Section 1107.02 shall have the final determination in deciding whether the functional equivalency test is met.
   (b)   Factors. The determination of whether a group of four (4) or more unrelated persons living together are the functional equivalent of a family shall be based on the following factors. The presence or absence of any single factor is not necessarily determinative of whether the unit constitutes a family.
      (1)   The same group of persons, or a majority of them, has resided together at a different location for a period of no fewer than six (6) months, or resided together at the present location for at least twelve (12) months shall be considered evidence in support of the proposition that the group is a household.
      (2)   One (1) or two (2) members of the group have executed the lease for the entire premises, including the entire rental obligation, and there are no sub-lease, hold harmless or other arrangements to pro-rate the rent or recover the rent from other members of the group shall be considered evidence in support of the proposition that the group is a household.
      (3)   Individual members of the group have entered into separate leases for the same premises or parts thereof, with the obligation under each lease constituting only a portion of the total periodic rent payment due to the landlord for occupancy of the premises shall be considered evidence negating the proposition that the group is a household.
      (4)   The premises are furnished with key-operated locks on individual rooms or with other means through which one (1) member of the group may prevent other members of the group from entering his/her room or portion of the premises when he/she is not physically present shall be considered evidence negating the proposition that the group is a household. Existence of a skeleton key, deadbolt, chain, or other locking device operated only from the inside of the room shall not be considered as evidence of the status of the group.
      (5)   Voter registration by a majority of the eligible members of the group listing the address of the group's dwelling shall be considered evidence in support of the proposition that the group is a household. Voter registration listing other addresses by a majority of the adult members of the group, or by a majority of those actually registered to vote shall be considered evidence negating the proposition that the group is a household.
      (6)   Drivers licenses held by a majority of the adult members of the group listing the address of the group's dwelling shall be considered evidence in support of the proposition that the group is a household. Driver's licenses listing other addresses by a majority of the adult members of the group, or by a majority of those actually holding such licenses shall be considered evidence negating the proposition that the group is a household.
      (7)   The registration of motor vehicles regularly found at the dwelling listing the address of the group's dwelling shall be considered evidence in support of the proposition that the group is a household. The regular presence at the dwelling of one (1) or more motor vehicles belonging to members of the group and registered at one (1) or more other addresses shall be considered evidence negating the proposition that the group is a household.
      (8)   The filing of tax returns by a majority of the members of the group listing the address of the group's dwelling shall be considered evidence in support of the proposition that the group is a household. The filing of tax returns listing other addresses by members of the group shall be considered evidence negating the proposition that the group is a household. Evidence that one (1) or more individuals are claimed as dependents on the income tax return of individuals not resident in the household shall be considered evidence that the group is not a household.
      (9)   The presence of minor dependent children regularly residing in the dwelling unit and enrolled in local schools with one (1) or more members of the group acting in the role of parents (and primary care-givers) shall be considered evidence in support of the proposition that the group is a household.
      (10)   Evidence that different residents of the dwelling unit are away during the summer and that they have several as opposed to a single summer address shall be considered evidence negating the proposition that the group is a household.
      (11)   Evidence of common acquisition and ownership of furniture and appliances shall be considered evidence in support of the proposition that the group is a household.
      (12)   Full-time employment of some members of the group in the general community shall be considered evidence in support of the proposition that the group is a household.
      (13)   Evidence that groceries are purchased and meals regularly prepared for the group as a whole shall be considered evidence in support of the proposition that the group is a household. For purposes of this factor, weekly joint purchases of groceries and the preparation and sharing of at least seven meals per week shall be considered "regularly prepared."
   (c)   Evidence. In making the determination of whether the group constitutes a household, the decision shall be made based on the preponderance of the evidence made available to the Zoning Administrator by the property owner or designee. The property owner or designee shall carry the burden of proof.
      (Ord. 025-2023. Passed 6-5-23.)