(a)   Any person desiring a certificate of necessity shall file with the Mayor a written application therefor, on a form to be provided by the City. Such application shall be in affidavit form and contain the following information:
      (1)   The full name, age and residence of the applicant, and if the applicant is a partnership, the full name, age and residence of each of the partners, and if a corporation, the full name of the corporation together with the full name of its principal officers;
      (2)   The name under which the applicant will do business;
      (3)   The type of vehicle which is proposed to be used in such service with information as to the age, carrying capacity and motor power of same, the color scheme and local symbols to be used, together with all other lettering or marks proposed to be used by the applicant on such vehicle;
      (4)   The number of vehicles proposed to be used, and the rate of fare to be charged and the method of charging the same;
      (5)   That the applicant is capable of and will carry liability insurance or a bond as hereinafter provided for;
      (6)   The Mayor may require information as to the applicant's financial responsibility or fitness and such other information as he may desire.
         (1943 R.O., Ch. II, Art. D.; Ord. 153-2021. Passed 12-6-21.)
   (b)   The application shall be accompanied by a fee of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) to cover City expenses in investigation and notice of public hearing to determine the granting or denial of the certificate of necessity.