(a)    All fees and charges for fire service protection shall be billed and collected by the Director of Finance.
   (b)    Charges for the fire service protection may be billed on a monthly, bimonthly, quarterly or annual basis as determined by the Director of Finance and all charges shall be billed in advance of the services being rendered.
   (c)   (Subsection (c) was repealed by Ordinance 02-15, passed June 6, 2002.)
   (d)    To avoid the late payment penalty imposed by subsection (g) hereof, payment for any fire service protection fee imposed by this article, be paid within thirty (30) days of the date the bill for services is mailed. (Ord. 02-15. Passed 6-6-02.)
   (e)    Deposit. The Director of Finance may require an initial up front cash deposit equal to a total of the fee for two months fire service protection for new residential customers.
   (f)    Discount. Users billed for fire service protection, who elect to pay, in advance, the entire annual fee for the fire service protection on or before February 5 of each calendar year, shall be entitled to a five percent (5%) discount on the total annual fee. Those who elect not to pay their fire service fees on an annual basis shall be billed on a monthly, bimonthly or quarterly basis for fire service protection fees. (Ord. 96-24. Passed 12-19-96.)
   (g)    Delinquent Charges; Penalty. Any charge for service remaining unpaid thirty (30) days after mailing shall be deemed delinquent and a late payment penalty of 10% of the unpaid charge for the preceding billing shall be assessed. In the event that any such delinquent charge remains unpaid for twelve (12) months, an additional penalty of ten percent (10%) shall be assessed. In the event that any such charge is delinquent for a period beyond 12 months, an additional penalty equal to interest at the rate of 10% per annum of the billing shall be assessed. (Ord. 02-15. Passed 6-6-02.)