General Provisions
102.01 Definitions
102.02 Street or park tree species to be planted
102.03 Street or park tree species not to be planted
102.04 Spacing
102.05 Distance from curb and sidewalk
102.06 Distance from street corners and fireplugs
102.07 Tree distance from utilities
102.08 Public tree care
102.09 Trees detrimental to public welfare
102.10 Procedure for trimming, removal of detrimental trees
102.11 Interference
102.12 Arborist's license and liability insurance
Maintenance of Trees and Shrubs
102.20 Property owner maintenance responsibility and duty to public
102.21 Vegetation obstructing public ways
102.22 Removal of dead trees and shrubs
102.23 Obstructions on private property affecting roadway sight angle
102.24 Enforcement and abatement
Cross reference:
Landscape requirements, see Ch. 155