General Provisions
   70.01   Title
   70.02   Traffic code controlling
   70.03   Definitions
   70.04   Adoption of State Traffic Code
   70.05   Obedience to traffic code
   70.06   Enforcement of traffic laws; establishment of Traffic Control Division
   70.07   Direction of traffic by hand or voice
   70.08   Direction of traffic by unauthorized persons
   70.09   Obedience to police and fire officials
   70.10   Emergency and experimental regulations
   70.11   Public officers and employees to obey traffic regulations
   70.12   Police Department authorized to conduct driver's license checks
   70.13   Seat belt requirements
   70.14   Child passenger restraints required
   70.30   Issuance of citation tags
   70.31   Failure to obey citation
   70.32   Failure to comply with traffic citations attached to parked vehicle
   70.33   Presumption in reference to illegal parking
   70.34   Illegal cancellation of traffic citations
   70.35   Disposition and records of traffic citations, warrants, and complaints
   70.36   Court records; abstract to be sent to State Department of Public Safety
Traffic-Control Devices
   70.50   Authority to install traffic-control devices
   70.51   Traffic-control devices; uniform requirements
   70.52   Obedience to official traffic-control devices
   70.53   When official traffic-control devices required for enforcement purposes
   70.54   Traffic-control signal legend
   70.55   Pedestrians; signal indicators; regulations
   70.56   Flashing signals
   70.57   Pedestrian-actuated school crossing signals
   70.58   Display of unauthorized signs, signals, or marking
   70.59   Defacement of traffic-control devices
   70.60   Play streets; authority to establish and restriction on use
   70.61   Designation of crosswalks and safety zones
   70.62   Traffic lanes
   70.99   Penalty
   Traffic Violations Bureau, see § 37.20