Where there shall be ice or compacted snow on any such sidewalk of such a character as to make it practically impossible to remove the same, the sprinkling of ashes, sand or other noncorrosive chemicals on the accumulation of ice or snow in such a manner as to make such sidewalk reasonably safe for pedestrian travel shall be deemed a sufficient compliance with the provisions of this article until the ice or snow can be removed.
Any person violating the provisions of § 13-401 shall, upon conviction, be fined $25.
If any owner or occupant of any lot or lots shall refuse or neglect to clean or remove from the sidewalk abutting the lot or lots all snow and ice within the time specified, the city may cause such snow and ice to be removed from sidewalks and the cost thereof shall be assessed against such abutting lot or lots, and the City Clerk shall certify the same to the County Clerk for collection as provided by law.
The City Clerk shall, at the time of certifying other city taxes to the County Clerk, certify the unpaid costs for removal of snow or ice performed under the authority of § 13-404 and the County Clerk shall extend the same on the tax roll of the county against the lot or parcel of ground. The cost of such work shall be paid from the General Fund or other proper fund of the city, and such fund shall be reimbursed when payments therefor are received or when such assessments are collected and received by the city.