No person shall plant, or cause to be planted, nor allow to grow upon property owned by him or her any shrubs, trees or planting of any kind within ten feet of any fire hydrant in the city, in order that every fire hydrant shall be in full view day or night to fire apparatus approaching from any direction.
(a) It shall be unlawful for the owner and/or the occupant of any lots abutting upon any sidewalks to fail to cause to be removed from such sidewalks all snow and ice within 12 hours from the time that the snow fall or ice storm ceases. If the snow falls or ice accumulates upon the sidewalks in the nighttime, removal of same must be made within 12 hours after sunrise on the following day.
(b) It shall be unlawful for any person to place snow removed from private property upon any public street, alley or sidewalk.
Where there shall be ice or compacted snow on any such sidewalk of such a character as to make it practically impossible to remove the same, the sprinkling of ashes, sand or other noncorrosive chemicals on the accumulation of ice or snow in such a manner as to make such sidewalk reasonably safe for pedestrian travel shall be deemed a sufficient compliance with the provisions of this article until the ice or snow can be removed.
Any person violating the provisions of § 13-401 shall, upon conviction, be fined $25.