Circuit Court of Franklin County
   EDITOR'S NOTE: Violations of City law are prosecuted in the Circuit Court of Franklin County, Illinois, through the office of the Circuit Clerk of Franklin County, Illinois.
      There are no sections in Chapter 290, This chapter has been established to provide a place for cross references and any future legislation.
   Authorized penalties - see Ill. R. S. Ch. 24, Sees. 1-2-1, 1-2-1.1
   Enforcement of ordinances - see Ill. R. S. Ch. 24, Sec. 1-2-7
   Disposition of fine moneys - see Ill. R. S. Ch. 24, Sec. 1-2-8
   Summons or warrants - see Ill. R. S. Ch. 24, Sec. 1-2-9
   Use of county jail - see Ill. R. S. Ch. 24, Sec. 11-3-2
   General Code penalty - see ADM. 202.99
   General Traffic Code penalty - see TRAF. 424.99