(a) Site Plan. A Site Plan, pursuant to the standards of Section 1131.02(g), shall be required for all permitted and conditional uses within the RC District. Such Site Plan shall be approved by the Zoning Inspector prior to issuance of a zoning certificate and may be subject to approval by the Planning Commission. The Site Plan shall clearly show the location, size and type of structures and signage on the site, any proposed outside storage areas and landscaping, as well as how parking and traffic circulation will be managed.
In addition, the Site Plan shall clearly show how the configuration of parking and vehicular circulation areas will promote connectivity with similar areas on adjacent properties, thereby allowing circulation of traffic between the uses to occur without direct entry or egress onto the arterial roadway.
(b) Minimum Lot Area. No minimum lot area is required; however, lot area shall be adequate to provide for the required parking, setbacks and yard areas.
(c) Minimum Lot Width. All lots shall have frontage on an arterial highway as defined in Chapter 1105 or frontage roadway except that lots without such frontage shall be permitted if the lots are part of a larger commercial or office development if such development has such frontage elsewhere in the development. All lots shall have either direct access onto such public road, or shall have indirect access on to such road if the lot is part of a larger development and the larger development has direct access onto such road. Lot width shall be adequate to accommodate all required parking areas, yards and vehicle circulation lanes.
(d) Minimum Front Yard Setback. Eighty (80) feet from the right-of-way of any arterial highway and thirty (30) feet from any marginal access and/or frontage roadways, for buildings. Twenty-five (25) feet from the right-of-way of any arterial highway and fifteen (15) feet from any marginal access and/or frontage roadway, for pavement. Driveways are permitted within any yard setback area if they connect to a public road or adjacent parcels.
(e) Minimum Side Yard. Twenty-five (25) feet for buildings, ten (10) feet for paved areas.
(f) Minimum Rear Yard. Forty (40) feet for buildings, ten (10) feet for paved areas.
(g) Provisions for Access Roadways. Not withstanding the provisions of subsections (d) through (f) above, all new structures within the RC District shall be located so as to provide adequate yard and/or setback space to accommodate marginal access or frontage roadways as designated on the City Thoroughfare Plan. Compliance with this requirement shall be subject to review by the City Engineer.
(h) Height of Structures. Sixty (60) feet.
(i) Parking and Loading. Parking and loading spaces shall be provided as required in Chapter 1177. All parking areas shall be graded and drained so as to dispose of surface water which might accumulate within or upon such area, and shall be designed to prevent the excessive drainage of surface water onto adjacent properties or public roadways. The developer of the project shall demonstrate that adequate provisions have been made to direct storm water runoff to a suitable and adequate storm water drainage system as approved by the City Engineer, pursuant to the Storm Water Management and Sediment Control Regulations, as cited in Chapter 916 of the Codified Ordinances.
(j) Exterior Storage. Exterior Storage includes the outdoor storage of raw or finished goods (packaged or bulk) including building materials, packing materials, salvage goods, machinery, equipment, damaged vehicles, etc. Exterior storage shall be permitted in the RC District if an acceptable plan for screening such storage is submitted to and approved by the Planning Commission. (Ord. 27-11. Passed 3-14-11.)