1513.01 PROCEDURE.
   The Mayor and the Director of Public Safety are authorized to enter into contracts on behalf of the City with townships, villages, cities, county commissioners, administrative heads of any state institution, any person, group of persons, firm or corporation for fire protection in accordance with the provisions of Ohio Revised Code, Section 505.44 and any and all amendments or additions thereto and in accordance with the provisions of this chapter. Whenever the Director of Public Safety receives a proper application for the furnishing of fire protection under the terms of this chapter, the Fire Chief shall make a survey of the property of the applicant to determine the feasibility of furnishing fire protection and if the Fire Chief shall find for any reason it is not feasible to furnish fire protection, he shall notify Council in writing the reasons why a contract should not be entered into with applicant. The decision of the Chief of the Fire Department shall be final, unless otherwise ordained by Council.
(Ord. 2645-55. Passed 3-2-55; Ord. 20-65. Passed 1-1-65.)