(a)   The Division of Water shall establish and maintain a uniform tap fee to be paid by applicants for water service in the City. In addition to the fees levied for tap service, there shall be levied against all the properties connecting to the water lines previously installed either by the City, by special assessment against other abutting properties, or by other public or private agencies, a connection fee, to be paid in full at the same time as the application is made for a water tap permit. The charge shall be determined by the Utilities Director taking the front foot cost of installing a six inch water main and necessary fittings and connections from the average of the last two bid prices awarded for six inch water mains.
   The application shall be accompanied by a copy of the deed, or other instrument of title, showing the foot frontage. The deed shall remain with the application.
   Payment in lieu of assessments, as a connection charge, shall apply in cases where an assessment has been declared illegal, and has not been reassessed.
(Ord. 50-78. Passed 4-10-78.)
   (b)   In consideration for the implementation of a user capacity fee, the City will no longer charge a connection fee pursuant to Section 915.05.
(Ord. 69-20. Passed 8-24-20.)