(a)    Definitions.
      (1)   As used in this chapter, "small livestock" means any of the following: Goats, chickens and similar fowl, and rabbits.
      (2)   As used in this chapter, "large animals" and "large livestock" include, but are not limited to, the following: Horses, cattle, sheep, pigs, llamas, and alpacas.
   (b)   It shall be prohibited to keep or harbor certain animals within the City limits outside specific acreage requirements:
      (1)   Property owners with contiguous land of less than five (5) acres within the City limits are permitted to keep, harbor, and maintain rabbits, chickens and similar fowl on the residential property, either owned or rented, provided the rental property owner approves such keeping, harboring, and maintaining;
         A.   No person shall be permitted to keep roosters age ten (10) weeks or older, geese, donkey, mules, or turkeys on any lot within the city that is less than five (5) acres;
         B.   All livestock shall be cared for by appropriate standards as listed in Ohio Revised Code Chapter 901 & Chapter 9 of the Ohio Administrative Code;
         C.   Buildings for livestock storage or management shall not be located in the front or side yard of any home and shall not be located closer than twenty (20) feet from the property line and shall be constructed in alignment with zoning and building codes. (Buildings constructed prior to passage of this ordinance will be grandfathered and permitted.);
         D.   Animal/livestock management shall be subject to the nuisance laws. Small livestock shall be kept in a manner to not cause noxious odors or unsanitary conditions that result in a public health concern;
         E.   No piling, holding, or spreading of animal waste shall be done on any property within the city limits;
         F.   No large animals will be permitted on lots smaller than five (5) acres;
         G.   Livestock owners shall be responsible for all damage caused by livestock to adjoining properties;
         H.   Livestock owners shall be subject to fines for infractions to the nuisance laws;
         I.   All livestock within the city limits will be subject to inspection from the Nuisance Officer at any given time;
         J.   All livestock will be contained to the property by an appropriate fence or shelter in alignment with zoning and building codes;
         K.   All fowl will be kept within an enclosed run area and can only run free when directly supervised;
         L.   An exception to the permitted animals listed in subsection 505.14(b)(l) is hereby granted to active Ross County 4-H / Future Farmers of America (FFA) members to allow 4-H/FFA Junior Fair Livestock Projects to include goats, in addition to rabbits, chickens and similar fowl. The 4-H/FFA member may keep, harbor, and maintain said small livestock animals at the 4-H/FFA member's legal residence and must maintain at the residence documentation from the local 4-H/FFA organization verifying the type of livestock project including project dates. All other requirements of Section 505.14 remain in effect.
      (2)   Property owners with five (5) acres of land but less than or equal to ten (10) acres of contiguous land shall be permitted to keep, harbor, and maintain small livestock and large livestock on the residential property, either owned or rented, provided the rental property owner approves such keeping, harboring, and maintaining;
         A.   No person shall be permitted to keep roosters age ten (10) weeks or older, geese, donkey, mules, or turkeys on any lot within the city that is five (5) to ten (10) contiguous acres;
         B.   All livestock shall be cared for by appropriate standards as listed in Ohio Revised Code Chapter 901 & Chapter 9 of the Ohio Administrative Code;
         C.   Buildings for livestock storage or management shall not be located in the front or side yard of any home and shall not be located closer than twenty (20) feet from the property line and shall be constructed in alignment with zoning and building codes. (Buildings constructed prior to passage of this ordinance will be grandfathered and permitted.);
         D.   All pasture or grazing land will be enclosed by appropriate fencing in alignment with zoning and building codes;
         E.   Animal/livestock management shall be subject to the nuisance laws. Livestock shall be kept in a manner to not cause noxious odors or unsanitary conditions that result in a public health concern;
         F.   No piling, holding, or spreading of animal waste shall be done on any property within the city limits;
         G.   Large livestock will be permitted on land between five (5) acres and ten (10) acres that is contiguous;
         H.   One (1) large animal is allowed per acre of land for five (5) acres and above, with the exception of sheep, alpacas, and llamas, which will be permitted at one (1) animal per acre over five (5);
         I.   Livestock owners shall be responsible for all damage caused by livestock to adjoining properties;
         J.   Livestock owners shall be subject to fines for infractions to the nuisance laws;
         K.   All livestock within the city limits will be subject to inspection from the Nuisance Officer at any given time;
         L.   All livestock will be contained to the property by an appropriate fence or shelter in alignment with zoning and building codes;
         M.   All fowl will be kept within an enclosed run area and can only run free when directly supervised;
      (3)   Property owners with greater than ten acres of contiguous land shall be permitted to keep, harbor, and maintain small livestock and large livestock on the residential property, either owned or rented, provided the rental property owner approves such keeping, harboring, and maintaining;
         A.   All livestock shall be cared for by appropriate standards as listed in Ohio Revised Code Chapter 901 & Chapter 9 of the Ohio Administrative Code;
         B.   Buildings for livestock storage or management shall not be located in the front or side yard of any home and shall not be located closer than twenty (20) feet from the property line and shall be constructed in alignment with zoning and building codes. (Buildings constructed prior to passage of this section will be grandfathered and permitted.);
         C.   No buildings housing livestock shall be built within two hundred (200) feet of any inhabited structure or within one hundred fifty (150) feet of any property line. (Structures constructed prior to passage of this section will be grandfathered and permitted. All pasture or grazing land will be enclosed by appropriate fencing in alignment with zoning and building codes);
         D.   Animal/livestock management shall be subject to the nuisance laws. Livestock shall be kept in a manner to not cause noxious odors or unsanitary conditions that result in a public health concern;
         E.   No piling, holding, or spreading of animal waste shall be done on any property within the city limits;
         F.   Landowners will be responsible for appropriate disposal of livestock waste;
         G.   Large animals will be permitted on land between five (5) acres and ten (10) acres that is contiguous;
         H.   One (1) large animal is allowed per every five (5) acres of land and above, with the exception of sheep, alpacas, and llamas, which will be permitted at one (1) animal per acre over five;
         I.   Livestock owners shall be responsible for all damage caused by livestock to adjoining properties;
         J.   Livestock owners shall be subject to fines for infractions to the nuisance laws;
         K.   All livestock within the city limits will be subject to inspection from the Nuisance Officer at any given time;
         L.   All livestock will be contained to the property by an appropriate fence or shelter in alignment with zoning and building code;
         M.   All fowl will be kept within an enclosed run area and can only run free when directly supervised.
   (c)   The lack of knowledge of intent is not a defense to a violation of this section.
   (d)   Whoever violates or fails to comply with any provision of this section is guilty of a misdemeanor of the fourth degree, punishable by up to thirty (30) days of incarceration and up to a two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00) fine, or both. A separate offense shall be deemed committed each day during which a violation or noncompliance occurs or continues. This section replaces any earlier Ordinance passed by the legislative authority of the City of Chillicothe, Ohio. (Ord. 79-22. Passed 11-14-22.)