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13-132-010 General requirements.
13-132-020 Bearing values of soils, borings and tests.
13-132-030 Classification of subsurface materials.
13-132-040 Soil investigation.
13-132-050 Borings.
13-132-060 Soil bearing values.
13-132-070 Field loading tests.
13-132-080 Footings – Requirements.
13-132-090 Footings – Proportion.
13-132-100 Footings – Depth requirements.
13-132-110 Footings – Construction.
13-132-120 Pile foundations – General requirements.
13-132-130 Allowable loads on piles.
13-132-140 Pile loads determined by driving formula.
13-132-150 Pile loads determined by load tests.
13-132-160 Load tests on piles.
13-132-170 Allowable pile loads – Special considerations.
13-132-180 Timber piles – Requirements.
13-132-190 Timber piles – Construction requirements.
13-132-200 Cut-off of untreated piles.
13-132-210 Treated piles.
13-132-220 Precast concrete piles – Compliance.
13-132-230 Precast concrete piles – Construction.
13-132-240 Precast concrete piles – Handling and driving.
13-132-250 Cast-in-place concrete piles – Compliance.
13-132-260 Cast-in-place concrete piles – Construction.
13-132-270 Cast-in-place concrete piles – Allowable stresses.
13-132-280 Concrete-filled steel pipe piles.
13-132-290 Concrete-filled steel pipe piles – Construction.
13-132-300 Concrete-filled steel pipe piles – Allowable stresses.
13-132-310 Concrete-filled steel pipe piles – Durability.
13-132-320 Rolled structural steel piles.
13-132-330 Rolled structural steel piles – Construction.
13-132-340 Rolled structural steel piles – Splices.
13-132-350 Rolled structural steel piles – Allowable stresses.
13-132-360 Rolled structural steel piles – Durability.
13-132-370 Special type piles.
13-132-380 Foundation caissons.
13-132-390 Foundation caissons – Allowable loads and stresses.
13-132-400 Foundation caissons – Concrete stresses.
13-132-410 Foundation caissons – Steel casings.
13-132-420 Foundation caissons – Inspection and testing.
13-132-430 Foundation caissons – Tolerance.
13-132-440 Foundation caissons – Construction methods.
13-132-450 Foundation caissons – Safety requirements.
13-132-460 Special type caissons.
(a) Every building or structure shall be supported on footings, piles, foundation columns, piers or caissons complying with the requirements of this section.
(b) The encroachment of foundations on public property shall be governed by the provisions of Section 13-132-030.
(Prior code § 70-1)
Bearing values of soils, borings, and tests shall be governed by the provisions of Sections 13-132-030 to 13-132-070, inclusive.
(Prior code § 70-2)
Insofar as practicable, the following terms shall be used in the description and classification of sub-surface materials:
(a) Solid Rock. Sound, unweathered limestone without visible voids, known to have a thickness of at least eight feet;
(b) Soft Rock. Weathered or porous limestone, rock containing fissures, shale or other rock material not included under (a);
(c) Boulders. Rounded to angular rock fragments having a least dimension not less than eight inches;
(d) Gravel. Cohesionless aggregate of rounded to angular rock fragments ranging in size from one-quarter inch to eight inches;
(e) Sand. Cohesionless aggregate of rock fragments or grains ranging in size from 0.06 mm. to one-quarter inch. Deposits of sand shall be described as loose or compact;
(f) Inorganic Silt. Cohesionless aggregate of grains ranging in size from 0.002 mm. to 0.66 mm. Aggregate is non-plastic and consists of grains not distinguishable by the naked eye. Deposits of inorganic silt shall be described as loose or compact. A lump of the air-dried material has very little resistance to crushing;
(g) Clay. Cohesive soil, plastic within wide range of water content. The consistency of a clay shall be defined by the strength of a fairly undisturbed cylinder whose length is from 1.5 to 2 times its diameter, as follows:
Consistency | Unconfined Compressive Strength – Tons per Square Foot |
Very soft | less than 0.35 |
Soft | 0.35 to 0.59 |
Stiff | 0.60 to 0.99 |
Tough | 1.0 to 1.9 |
Very tough | 2.0 to 3.9 |
Hard | 4.0 to 7.9 |
(h) Hardpan. Cohesive or cemented material that offers great resistance to hand excavating tools.
(i) Organic Soil. Soil containing significant percentage of partly or wholly decomposed organic matter. According to the character of the constituents, the terms organic clay, organic silt or peat shall be used.
(Prior code § 70-2.1)
All applications for building permits for (1) the construction of a permanent structure, or (2) for the alteration of a permanent structure involving an increase in load on the foundations, or (3) for the underpinning of a structure, shall be accompanied by a statement from the architect or structural engineer as to the character of the soil, satisfactory to the building commissioner. Where there is reasonable doubt as to the character or bearing capacity of the soil, the building commissioner may require such borings, test pits or test loads as may be necessary to determine the actual conditions.
(Prior code § 70-2.2; Amend Coun. J. 9-13-89, p. 4604; Amend Coun. J. 3-5-03, p. 104990, § 30; Amend Coun. J. 11-13-07, p. 14999, Art. II, § 1)
(a) Whenever borings are required to determine the subsurface conditions, they shall be made in accordance with the requirements of this section.
(b) All borings shall be made by a procedure that provides information capable of serving as a basis for the classification of the subsurface materials as specified in Section 13-132-030. In particular, data shall be obtained to ascertain the consistency of clays.
(c) The boring report shall contain a record of all strata encountered, including their color, texture and resistance to penetration or other measure of relative density or consistency. If intact samples are removed and tested, the results of the tests shall be added to the report. All materials encountered shall be classified in accordance with Section 13-132-030.
(d) The boring report shall contain the elevation of the ground surface with respect to city datum, the elevation of the water table and any other significant data concerning groundwater conditions. A plat showing the location of the borings with reference to a permanent coordinate system shall accompany the report.
(e) The boring report shall indicate the type of drilling and sampling tools used, the size and depth of casing, the method of determining the relative density or consistency, and the reason for discontinuing boring operations. The date of beginning and of completion of each boring shall be recorded.
(Prior code § 70-2.3)