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11-4-1770  Cogeneration.
   (a)   The commissioner shall obtain from licensee copies of any relevant information related to cogeneration with respect to interconnection with the licensee's system and provide such information to the committee on an annual basis.
   (b)   Pursuant to Section 4.2 of the compact, the commissioner shall obtain from the licensee or I.C.C. a written statement concerning licensee's policies and procedures with respect to seeking I.C.C. approval of a separate, reduced monthly customer charge for those Rate 6 customers who require only standby service and to whom the licensee's Rate 18 is applicable and provide the committee with a copy of such written statement on an annual basis.
(Added Coun. J. 11-27-91, p. 10151)
11-4-1780  Residential bills.
   The commissioner shall obtain a copy of licensee's cost-of-service study within 30 days of its completion and provide a copy of it to the committee.
(Added Coun. J. 11-27-91, p. 10151)
11-4-1790  Report on other relevant jurisdictions.
   The commissioner shall file status reports with the committee on active dockets before the Illinois Commerce Commission as well as reports on the status of pending state and federal legislation effecting the relationship between the city and the licensee specifically regarding rates, rate structures, conservation, energy efficiency, cogeneration, wheeling, open access, ratepayer rights, municipal acquisition, or any other issue that the commissioner believes relevant to an ongoing understanding of the relationship between the city and the licensee. These reports shall be filed with the committee quarterly, beginning April 1, 1992.
(Added Coun. J. 11-27-91, p. 10151)
11-4-1800  Legislative review.
   The commissioner shall institute an ongoing review of all applicable state and federal statutes, rules and regulations related to electric utilities and from time to time make recommendations to the mayor and committee for the purpose of advocating changes thereto.
(Added Coun. J. 11-27-91, p. 10151)
11-4-1810  Annual report.
   The commissioner shall submit an annual report to the committee concerning the agreement and compact. The report shall include, but not be limited to, an analysis of implementation of and compliance with the agreement and compact including matters related to conservation, rate relief, competition, open access, acquisition and cogeneration.
(Added Coun. J. 11-27-91, p. 10151)
ARTICLE XIII.  RECYCLING (11-4-1820 et seq.)
11-4-1820  Findings.
   After due investigation and consideration, the city council finds:
   (a)   It is in the best interest of the citizens of the City of Chicago to promote recycling as a key part of a comprehensive solid waste management plan, which will ensure that all municipal waste is disposed of in an environmentally sound and cost effective manner.
   (b)   It is in the interest of the City of Chicago and its taxpayers to maximize the use of source reduction, recycling, and composting methods, thereby reducing the economic expenditures and environmental burdens associated with other waste management options in the long term, even if some short-term increase in the overall cost of solid waste management results.
   (c)   It is in the best interest of the City of Chicago as a purchaser and consumer of goods to aid in the development of secondary materials markets by purchasing products made with recycled content wherever practicable and to assure a continuous supply of secondary materials sufficient to meet demand for the production of useful commodities and for the economy by establishing and promoting a program of recycling used and discarded materials.
   (d)   It is in the best interest of the City of Chicago to create a recycling program that provides opportunities for everyone in the city to recycle to ensure a varied and comprehensive citywide recycling program.
(Prior code § 99.1-1; Added Coun. J. 2-28-90, p. 12605; Amend Coun. J. 12-11-91, p. 10978)
11-4-1830  Liberal construction of provisions.
   The provisions of this chapter shall be liberally construed in order to implement findings expressed in Section 11-4-1820.
(Prior code § 99.1-2; Added Coun. J. 2-28-90, p. 12605; Amend Coun. J. 12-11-91, p. 10978)