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All fees, fines or penalties prescribed for the issuance of permits, licenses or certificates or for the inspection of premises or equipment, or for the regulation of liquid waste and construction or demolition debris, under any provision of this chapter, shall be paid to the commissioner, or to the comptroller, who shall render to the person making such payment a receipt stating the amount and purpose for which such fee or penalty has been paid. All fees and penalties thus received shall be deposited with the city comptroller for the corporate fund; provided however, that the fees and fines collected pursuant to Section 11-4-140 shall be deposited in the special fund known as the “liquid waste management fund”, as described in Section 11-4-150; and that the fees and fines collected pursuant to Section 11-4-1961 shall be deposited in the special fund known as the “construction/demolition debris management fund”, as described in Section 11-4-1961.
(Prior code § 17-1.16; Amend Coun. J. 12-18-86, p. 38637; Amend Coun. J. 9-1-99, p. 10082, § 3; Amend Coun. J. 12-12-07, p. 17167, § 5; Amend Coun. J. 11-16-11, p. 13798, Art. I, § 9)
All fees, fines or penalties prescribed for payment required under any provision of this chapter shall constitute a debt due the city. No civil judgment, or any act by the corporation counsel, the commissioner, or the violator, shall bar or prevent a criminal prosecution for each and every violation of this chapter as provided.
(Prior code § 17-1.17; Amend Coun. J. 9-1-99, p. 10082, § 4)
Any person found guilty of violating, disobeying, omitting, neglecting, refusing to comply with or resisting or opposing the enforcement of any of the provisions of this chapter, except when otherwise specifically provided, upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not less than $100.00 nor more than $300.00 for the first offense, and not less than $300.00 nor more than $500.00 for the second and each subsequent offense, in any 180-day period. Repeated offenses in excess of three within any 180-day period may also be punishable as a misdemeanor by incarceration in the county jail for a term not to exceed six months under the procedure set forth in Section 1-2-1.1 of the Illinois Municipal Code (Illinois Revised Statutes 1969, Chapter 25, paragraph 1-2-1.1) and under the provisions of the Illinois Code of Criminal Procedure (Illinois Statute 1969, Chapter 38, paragraph 100-1, et seq.) in a separate proceeding. A separate and distinct offense shall be regarded as committed each day on which such person shall continue or permit any such violation or failure to comply is permitted to exist after notification thereof. In addition to such fines and penalties, the permit, or certificate of operation of such person, or of the offending property may be suspended or revoked as hereinbefore provided.
(Prior code § 17-1.20; Amend Coun. J. 11-8-12, p. 38872, § 195)
(a) It shall be unlawful for any person to install or to construct or to operate any liquid waste handling facility, resource recovery facility, incinerator, sanitary landfill, transfer station or any facility that disposes, handles or treats any waste in the City of Chicago without having obtained a written permit from the commissioner. No changes, additions, expansions or extensions to any such facility shall be made without having obtained a written permit from the commissioner. For purposes of this section, an expansion or extension shall refer to an increase in the horizontal and/or vertical permitted limits of a facility or an increase in the handling or treating capacity of a facility; provided, however, the definition of expansion with respect to sanitary landfills shall be as set forth in Section 11-4-120.
Any operation at any such facility which exceeds or does not comply with the plans and specifications of the facility reviewed and approved by the commissioner pursuant to the permit application, or which violates any of the conditions imposed by the permit, or which violates any provisions of this chapter or rules or regulations promulgated hereunder shall be a violation of this section and will constitute grounds for revocation of the permit.
(b) Any person requiring a permit under this section shall submit to the commissioner of the department of streets and sanitation a written annual report summarizing all waste and recyclable material disposition, handling and treatment activities occurring at the facility during each calendar year. The annual report required under this subsection shall be submitted by such person to the department no later than February 28th following the calendar year to which the annual report relates. Such report shall contain the following data and information:
(1) the full name and business address of the permitted facility;
(2) the full name, business telephone number and e-mail address of a responsible person to contact regarding the content of any written report submitted under this section;
(3) if applicable, the tonnage of all recyclable material, per material type or category, collected by the permittee during the applicable reporting period; the name and location of the facility to which each type or category of recyclable material was delivered; and the approximate percentage of each type or category of recyclable material delivered to each named facility;
(4) if applicable, the tonnage of all municipal solid waste collected by the permittee during the applicable reporting period; the name and location to which the municipal solid waste was delivered; and the approximate percentage of municipal solid waste delivered to each named location;
(5) if applicable, the tonnage of all construction and demolition debris, per material type or category, collected by the permittee during the applicable reporting period; the name and location to which the construction and demolition debris was delivered; and the approximate percentage of construction and demolition debris delivered to each named location; and
(6) any other information that the commissioner of streets and sanitation may require to implement the requirements of this chapter and Chapter 11-5 of this Code.
(c) If a permittee under this section fails to submit in a timely manner the annual recycling report required under subsection (b) of this section or submits an incomplete annual recycling report, such permittee's permit under this section shall not be renewed by the department until such time that the annual recycling report required under subsection (b) of this section is submitted and is complete.
(d) Penalties imposed for violations of this section shall be as provided in Section 11-4-030 of this Code.
(Prior code § 17-1.22; Amend Coun. J. 3-8-89, p. 25433; Amend Coun. J. 1-12-95, p. 65073; Amended Coun. J. 9-27-07, p. 9208, § 1; Amend Coun. J. 2-9-11, p. 112149, § 3; Amend Coun. J. 7-20-16, p. 28694, § 4)
(a) For purpose of this section, the terms “shooting range” and “shooting range facility” have the meaning ascribed to those terms in Section 4-151-010.
(b) The commissioner is authorized to promulgate rules and regulations for the cleaning of, sound and air quality control at, and discharge of particulate matter and waste from shooting ranges and shooting range facilities.
(c) In addition to any other fine or penalty provided, any person who violates any rule or regulation promulgated under this section shall be fined not less than $300.00 nor more than $1,000.00.
(Added Coun. J. 7-6-11, p. 3073, §6)
Editor's note – Coun. J. 10-7-09, p. 73413, § 1, repealed a former § 11-4-260, which pertained to a certificate of operation.