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18-11-1109.7  Lifts.
   Platform lifts shall not be a part of a required accessible route in new construction.
   Exception: Platform lifts are permitted for:
      1.   An accessible route to a performance area and to raised platforms in assembly occupancies.
      2.   An accessible route to wheelchair spaces required by Section 18-11-1108.2.2.
      3.   An accessible route to spaces with an occupant load of not more than five, if the space is not open to the general public.
      4.   An accessible route within a dwelling or sleeping unit. If a platform lift is used as part of an accessible route within a Type A unit, a visitable unit, or attached multi-story single-family units with separate means of egress, the level containing the required accessible entrance into the unit is required to contain habitable space in accordance with Sections 18-11-1107.7.2.3, 18-11-1107. and 18-11-1107., respectively.
      5.   An accessible route to wheelchair seating spaces located in outdoor dining terraces in open air assembly occupancies, if the means of egress from the dining terraces to a public way is open to the outdoors.
      6.   An accessible route to the second story or the mezzanine of a two-story building or to the basement or mezzanine space of a one-story building, if each story is more than 1,000 square feet (93 m 2 ) and less than 3,000 square feet in area (279 m 2 ), and the building is not a shopping center, shopping mall or the professional office of a health care provider.
      7.   An accessible route in play areas in accordance with Section 18-11-1115.
      8.   An accessible route to player seating areas serving an area of sport activity.
(Amend Coun. J. 7-26-06, p. 81373, § 1)