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(a) All doors used in connection with exits shall be so arranged as to be readily opened without the use of a key from the side from which egress is made.
(b) In assembly units, exit doors serving more than 200 persons shall be equipped with approved latches or bolts which release under a pressure of 15 pounds.
(c) In rooms of institutional units used as jails or similar places of detention for more than ten persons, approved releasing devices with remote control shall be provided for emergency use.
(d) Doors in public buildings, opening into mechanical or electrical equipment rooms, stairs or entrances to vehicular traffic areas, shall have knurled handles to alert the blind.
(e) In nursing homes, hospitals, day care centers as defined in Section 13-4-010 that operate between the hours of 9:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m., sheltered care facilities and intermediate care facilities for the developmentally disabled – 15 or less, required exterior exit doors and doors from stairways leading to main exit level shall be equipped with approved latches, bolts or panic hardware which release under pressure of 15 pounds.
(Prior code § 67-9.2; Amend Coun. J. 12-21-84, p. 12140; Amend Coun. J. 11-19-97, p. 57848, § 2; Amend Coun. J. 5-9-12, p. 27485, § 177)
(a) In exhibition facilities consisting of at least 500,000 square feet in area, during periods of incidental human occupancy, as defined in subsection (c) of this section, external exit doors may be secured by an electronic locking system equipped with approved automatic releasing devices that shall unlock all such exit doors upon:
(1) The activation of an approved automatic sprinkler system installed in accordance with Section 15-16-010;
(2) The activation of any one heat detector or any two smoke detectors of an approved fire alarm system installed in accordance with Section 15-16-110; or
(3) A loss of power controlling the locking system or a locking mechanism.
(b) No electronic locking system shall be installed or operated without the prior approval of the fire commissioner. No approval shall be given until the plans for such system have been reviewed and the operation of such system tested by the fire commissioner. The fire commissioner shall determine, based on the size of the facility and configuration of available exit doors, the number and location of doors which shall not be included in the electronic locking system. The fire commissioner shall also determine the appropriate markings for such 24-hour exit doors which may include, but shall not be limited to, a flashing rotating beacon light which is automatically activated when the electronic locking mechanism is engaged and a sign indicating “Fire Exit” is posted in a highly visible space near the rotating beacon light.
(c) No electronic locking device as described in subsection (a) herein shall be engaged at any time when the exhibition facility is open to the public or when exhibition workers are present. The electronic locking device may be engaged only during permitted periods when the facility contains such number of persons as to be deemed at a level of incidental human occupancy. For the purposes of this section, “incidental human occupancy” means the occupancy of an exhibition facility of 500,000 square feet or greater in an area by a minimal number of essential personnel, and in no event more than 50 persons, including such number of special fire guards as are required pursuant to Section 15-4-640.
(d) The permitted period during which an electronic door locking system may be engaged shall begin no sooner than one hour after the facility has become incidentally occupied and shall terminate no later than one hour before the facility ceases to be incidentally occupied. The owner, operator, or person in control of such facility shall maintain daily records indicating the period during which the electronic locking device was engaged. Such records shall be subject to inspection by the fire commissioner.
(Added Coun. J. 6-12-91, p. 1642; Amend Coun. J. 5-18-16, p. 24131, § 44)
(a) Electromagnetic Locking Devices. In buildings classified as B – Institutional, C – Assembly, E – Business, F – Mercantile, G – Industrial, H – Storage and all hotels in A2 – Multiple Dwellings protected throughout by an approved supervised automatic fire detection system or an approved supervised automatic sprinkler system, doors as a means of egress may be equipped with approved, listed electromagnetic locking devices that shall unlock in accordance with the following:
(1) All electromagnetic locking devices within a building shall unlock immediately upon the actuation of the approved supervised automatic fire detection system or the approved supervised automatic sprinkler system.
(2) All electromagnetic locking devices within a building shall unlock immediately upon a trouble signal or abnormal condition in a supervisory circuit of the approved supervised automatic fire detection system or approved supervised automatic sprinkler system in-ground fault or other condition rendering the system partially or completely inoperative. All electromagnetic locking devices shall remain unlocked until the required fire alarm or sprinkler system is restored to normal operation.
(3) All electromagnetic locking devices within a building shall unlock immediately upon loss of electrical power controlling the electromagnetic locking devices.
(4) All electromagnetic locking devices within a building shall unlock immediately upon loss of normal electrical power of the building.
(5) All electromagnetic locking devices within a building shall unlock immediately upon activation of a manually operated signal switching device located in a required central control station on the premises. The manually operated signal switching device shall be clearly and permanently identified as to its function and shall be readily accessible to qualified building personnel at all times while the building is occupied. Nothing in this paragraph shall prohibit the installation of more than one manually operated signal switching device in any building.
(6) Individual electromagnetic locking devices shall unlock upon the initiation of an automatic irreversible process which will release the electromagnetic locking device within 15 seconds when a force of not more than 15 pounds is applied for one second to the release device; the electromagnetic locking device shall not relock until the door has been opened and returned to the closed position no less than 30 seconds. Any reopening of the door before the end of the 30 second relocking cycle shall restart the 30 second relocking cycle.
(7) Any attempt to exit which exceeds one second shall render the door openable as described herein and shall not be field adjustable. The time delay (15 seconds) and the minimum relocking cycle (30 seconds) shall not be field adjustable. The electromagnetic locking device shall contain no moving parts.
(8) The operation of the release device and the subsequent initiation of the irreversible unlocking process shall activate an audible alarm in the vicinity of the door.
(9) A durable sign having block letters which are one inch in height and 1/8 in width shall be permanently affixed on the door above and within 12 inches of the release device stating: “PUSH UNTIL ALARM SOUNDS. DOOR CAN BE OPENED IN 15 SECONDS.”
(b) Multiple Classification/Mixed Use Buildings. Special locking arrangements shall be permitted in buildings which consist of multiple classifications of those listed in subsection (a) of this section. Special locking arrangements shall not be permitted in buildings which consist, in whole or part, of any classification not listed in subsection (a) of this section.
(c) Release Devices. The release device referred to in subsections (a)(5) and (a)(7) of this section shall consist of conventional types of hardware, whereby the door is released by turning a knob or handle, or pushing against a panic bar. Once the release device is activated manually, the door must unlock within 15 seconds.
(d) Electrical Requirements. Wiring for electromagnetic locking devices shall not occupy the same raceways or enclosures as wiring for required life safety systems, including required fire detection systems and exit/emergency lighting and power systems. Wiring for electromagnetic locking devices may occupy the same raceways and enclosures as “normal” lighting and power systems within a building, or may be installed in separate, dedicated raceways and enclosures. In addition to the requirements of this section, all electrical wiring and equipment installations shall conform to the requirements provided in Title 14E
Exception: Wiring for electromagnetic locking devices may occupy the same enclosure as required fire detection and sprinkler system auxiliary contact and relay devices upon activation of either the fire detection or sprinkler systems; such auxiliary contacts and relays shall not interfere with the normal operation of any required fire detection system or automatic sprinkler system.
(e) Approval. Special locking arrangement incorporating the use of electromagnetic locking devices shall be installed or utilized with the approval of the building commissioner and fire commissioner whose duty it shall be to insure compliance with fire prevention provisions.
(Added Coun. J. 12-15-93, p. 43930; Amend Coun. J. 8-2-95, p. 5544; Corrected. 9-13-95, p. 7562; Amend Coun. J. 3-5-03, p. 104990, § 34; Amend Coun. J. 11-13-07, p. 14999, Art. II, § 1; Amend Coun. J. 5-18-16, p. 24131, § 45; Amend Coun. J. 9-6-17, p. 55278, Art. II, § 41)
Revolving doors may be used as required exits in residential, business and mercantile units under the following conditions:
(a) Revolving doors shall be of an approved type.
(b) Revolving doors shall be used only as outside exits at grades.
(c) Revolving doors shall constitute not more than 50 percent of required outside exits.
(Prior code § 67-9.3)
Entrance and vestibule doors for handicapped as required by Section 13-160-050(j) of this Code, in public buildings located within the route of travel, shall, in addition to complying with other laws and ordinances, comply with the following regulations:
(a) There shall be a clear level space of at least three feet when said doors are in 90 degree open position. Vestibules shall have a minimum width of four feet, six inches.
(b) Minimum single door width shall be three feet, zero inches in width.
(c) The manual pull or push on a door shall not exceed ten pounds in order to operate the door.
(Prior code § 67-9.4)