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15-16-500  Gauges.
   There shall be provided dial spring pressure gauges in each sprinkler system on the riser above and below the alarm valve if so equipped, at the system main drain; at each main drain associated with a floor control valve; at the pressure tanks and in each independent pipe from the air supply to dry pipe systems.
   Gauges shall be graduated from zero to a pressure approximately double the normal working pressure of the system to which they are connected. Pressure gauges shall have a connection to the sprinkler system not less than one-quarter inch. Each gauge connection shall be equipped with a shutoff valve and provision for draining.
(Prior code §  91-34; Amend Coun. J. 10-30-96, p. 31216, § 1)
15-16-510  Relief valves.
   A brass relief valve not less than one and one-half inches in size shall be installed at the filling pump, set to relieve pressures ten percent in excess of the pressure at the pump when the pressure tank is under normal working pressure.
   A brass relief valve not less than three-fourths inch in size set to relieve pressures ten percent in excess of the normal pressure shall be installed in the air pipe between the check valve and the air compressor.
(Prior code §  91-35; Amend Coun. J. 10-30-96, p. 31216, § 1)
15-16-520  Painting or finishing.
   No part of any sprinkler shall be painted except to indicate the temperature rating of the sprinkler. No sprinkler shall be encumbered. Only the painting or coating applied to the sprinkler by the manufacturer shall be permitted.
(Prior code §  91-36; Amend Coun. J. 10-30-96, p. 31216, § 1)
15-16-530  Alarms.
   Whenever any sprinkler system is installed under this code which has more than ten sprinklers, a local alarm system shall be connected to the sprinkler system. There shall be provided an alarm on each system which is wholly or partially wet, consisting of an alarm valve or a listed flow indicating device and necessary attachments; they shall be of a design which will initiate a water flow signal if there is a flow of water through them equal to the flow from one sprinkler head.
   The alarm on a dry pipe system shall include an alarm attachment to each dry pipe valve. Where two or more dry pipe valves are in the same frost-proof enclosure, the same alarm may serve all dry pipe valves in each enclosure. The attachments for either wet or dry systems shall include a water motor gong or electric bell on the outside of the building above a fire department siamese connection and inside bells and other electrical equipment hereinafter described.
   Alarm, dry pipe, pre-action, and deluge valves shall be fitted with an alarm bypass test connection for the electric alarm switch, water motor gong or both. This pipe connection shall be made on the water supply side of the valve and provided with a control valve and drain for the alarm piping.
   Water motor gongs shall be located as near the alarm valves or dry pipe valves as possible; piping shall be galvanized or brass and shall be installed to drain. A sign shall be placed near the outside bell where readily visible and shall bear the following:
   Electrically operated alarm attachments shall be installed in accordance with NFPA 72-2013. Outside electric alarm devices shall be listed for outdoor use.
   All water flow alarm devices on automatic sprinkler systems installed in open plan schools shall be interconnected to the city fire alarm system.
(Prior code § 91-37; Amend Coun. J. 10-30-96, p. 31216, § 1; Amend Coun. J. 9-6-17, p. 55278, Art. VII, § 26)
15-16-540  Spare sprinklers.
   A supply of at least six spare sprinklers shall be provided in a readily accessible location at the main sprinkler control valve or valves. The spare sprinkler shall include all of the types and temperature ratings used in the system.
(Prior code §  91-38; Amend Coun. J. 10-30-96, p. 31216, § 1)
15-16-550  Reserved.
Editor's note – Coun. J. 10-30-96, p. 31216, § 1, repealed § 15-16-550, pertaining to fire pumps for open sprinkler system.
15-16-560  Reserved.
Editor's note – Coun. J. 10-30-96, p. 31216, § 1, repealed § 15-16-560, pertaining to arrangement of open sprinkler system.
15-16-570  Reserved.
Editor's note – Coun. J. 10-30-96, p. 31216, § 1, repealed § 15-16-570, pertaining to sprinkler heads for open sprinkler system.