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Notwithstanding any other provision of the Municipal Code, any establishment that is located in the Wrigley Field Adjacent Area may provide catering services to a special club licensee, including the provision of beer and wine allowed to be served by a special club licensee pursuant to this chapter.
(Added Coun. J. 1-20-99, p. 88459)
(a) Notwithstanding subsections 13-56-090(a) and (b), special club licensees may not provide services to more than 100 persons on the rooftop; provided that if the square footage of the roof level exceeds 1,600 square feet, the special club licensee may provide service for up to 200 persons on the rooftop; provided further, that the maximum allowed occupancy capacity of the roof level shall be the maximum allowed occupancy capacity for the rooftop.
(b) Notwithstanding subsection (a), the occupancy limitation for a special club license that has been issued prior to the effective date of this ordinance which is limited to 100 persons or less shall remain limited to 100 persons or less, regardless of whether the total square footage of the roof level exceeds 1,600 square feet due to expansion.
(c) The occupancy limitations set forth in this section are absolute maximums, and the actual allowed capacity shall be based on the applicable provisions of the building code.
(Added Coun. J. 1-11-06, p. 68371, § 1; Amend Coun. J. 3-1-06, p. 72097, § 1)
Notwithstanding any other provision of the Municipal Code, each special club licensee shall be required to maintain two women's toilets, one men's toilet and one men's urinal; however, any special club licensee that uses only the roof level and has a maximum total capacity of 100 persons or less shall be required to have at least one women's toilet and one men's toilet. No drinking fountain is required for any special club license location.
(Added Coun. J. 1-11-06, p. 68371, § 1)
(a) No later than 90 days after the effective date of this amendatory ordinance, every special club licensee shall submit to the commissioner of buildings a statement signed and sealed by a structural engineer or architect licensed by the State of Illinois attesting that the building structure, its foundation and any additions or modifications to the building, comply with all applicable provisions of Chapters 13-52 and 13-132 of the Municipal Code, and the basic load combinations as provided in the latest edition of SEI/ASCE 7-98, as amended from time to time. The statement shall also include: (i) a statement that soil borings were taken to determine the soil bearing capacity used to verify the adequacy of the building's foundation system for any existing dead loads, superimposed live loads, and new loads; and (ii) an attachment setting forth the supporting calculations and tests which form the basis of the engineer's or architect's conclusions.
(b) In addition to the requirements of subsection (a) of this section, each special club licensee shall submit the statement required by subsection (a) of this section within 60 days after every modification or alternation to the building in which the special club license is located.
(Added Coun. J. 1-11-06, p. 68371, § 1)
(a) Notwithstanding Section 13-56-090, no building permit shall be issued for the alteration or modification of a building in which a special club license is located if the expansion will increase the floor area by more than 25% of the original building, measured over the prior 30 month period, unless the entire building complies with all the applicable provisions for a Class C-2, small assembly unit and the requirements of this chapter; provided that in those instances where there is a conflict, the more restrictive shall apply.
For purposes of this section, the expansion of any existing rooftops which includes the construction of decks or enclosed areas shall be counted towards the increase in floor area; provided that any enclosed area that is interstitial space shall not be counted towards any increase in floor area.
(b) Notwithstanding Section 13-56-090, no building permit shall be issued for the construction of a seating structure or structure used for viewing purposes on the roof level of any building that has not been a licensed location for a special club license prior to the effective date of this amendatory ordinance unless the entire building complies with all the applicable provisions for a Class C-2, small assembly unit.
(Added Coun. J. 1-11-06, p. 68371, § 1)