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15-28-930  Drying boxes.
   Every box for the drying of nitrocellulose products shall be provided with one automatic sprinkler head for each 60 cubic feet of volume.
(Prior code §  92-82)
15-28-940  Safety clearances.
   Every nitrocellulose building shall be freestanding and isolated by a safety clearance computed at the rate of five feet per 1,000 pounds or fraction thereof of nitrocellulose manufactured or reclaimed; provided, however, that such safety clearance shall in no case be less than 50 feet; and provided further, that the requirements of this paragraph shall not apply to any buildings in which 25 pounds or less of nitrocellulose are manufactured or reclaimed during any 24-hour period.
(Prior code §  92-83)
15-28-950  Construction requirements.
   Every nitrocellulose building shall be of Type IA, IB or IC construction.
(Prior code §  92-84)
15-28-960  Fire-resistive separation.
   Every nitrocellulose room shall have a separation between it and any other room permitted in the same building of not less than two-hour fire-resistive construction.
(Prior code §  92-85)
15-28-970  Standard fireproof cabinets.
   The maximum capacity of a standard fireproof cabinet shall be 200 pounds of nitrocellulose material or nitrocellulose product, or other high hazard material for which such vault is intended. All standard fireproof cabinets shall be constructed of metal. The bottom, top and sides shall be made of sheet metal not less than No. 18 U.S. standard gauge in thickness, and such cabinet shall be double-walled with not less than one and one- half inches air space between the double walls. All joints in the sheet metal shall be riveted or welded. All doors shall be of construction equal to the cabinet, and shall have a three point lock and self-closing device. Any standard fireproof cabinet having more than one compartment shall have a separate partition constructed of not less than No. 18 U.S. standard gauge sheet metal, double-walled, with an air space not less than one and one-half inches between the surface thereof.
(Prior code §  92-86)
15-28-980  Capacity regulations.
   Not more than 25 pounds of nitrocellulose shall be manufactured or reclaimed in other than a nitrocellulose building or a nitrocellulose room constructed as required; provided, however, that completely manufactured nitrocellulose enclosed within sealed shipping containers, meeting the regulations of the Interstate Commerce Commission for containers for nitrocellulose may be stored in one or more standard fireproof vaults located in any building, except as prohibited under this Code.
(Prior code § 92-87; Amend Coun. J. 6-14-95, p. 2841; Amend Coun. J. 6-6-12, p. 28356, § 45)
15-28-990  Restrictions.
   The business or process for recovery of nitrocellulose base shall not be permitted within the city.
(Prior code §  92-88)
15-28-1000  General requirements.
   Any person lawfully engaged in the business of manufacturing, dealing, selling, leasing, renting or exchanging motion picture films shall have the right to project pictures from nitrocellulose films by means of motion picture machines for exhibition to prospective purchasers, renters or lessees of films, in a room meeting the requirements of this chapter in respect thereto, which room shall not be required to conform to the special provision in the building provisions of this Code, governing theaters, public assembly units or other places where motion pictures are permitted to be shown.
   Exhibition Room. Any motion picture trial exhibition room shall have a floor of the same type of construction as required for the building in which located and shall have both walls and ceiling of one- hour fire-resistive construction.
   Projection Room. Every motion picture trial exhibition room shall have a projection room, which shall have an enclosure of the same character as required by Section 13-84-120 for a projection block in a theater. If the floor of the projection room is above the level of the floor of the exhibition room, the projection room shall be supported on structural members of noncombustible materials. Every opening in such room for the purposes of picture screen observation or operation of a projector shall be equipped with a closure such as required by Section 13-84-120 for a projection room in a theater.
(Prior code §  92-89)
15-28-1010  Ventilation.
   Every motion picture trial exhibition room shall have ventilation as required by Chapter 13-176 of this Code for motion picture studios.
(Prior code §  92-90)



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15-28-1020  Seating requirements.
   In every motion picture trial exhibition room, seats provided for spectators shall be fixed seats.
(Prior code §  92-91)