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Sections 15-28-280 to 15-28-930 shall apply to all nitrocellulose products except nitrocellulose film used in the motion picture industry. For regulation covering motion picture nitrocellulose film, see Sections 15-28-1000 to 15-28-1040 of this Code.
(Prior code § 92-70)
No license shall be issued to any person for the storage or manufacture of nitrocellulose products and no person shall store or manufacture nitrocellulose products in any building in which a hazardous use, as defined by Chapter 13-56 of this Code, is prohibited.
No person shall manufacture, fabricate, assemble, adapt, mold, press, develop or complete within any 24-hour period more than 25 pounds of nitrocellulose products in other than a nitrocellulose building or a nitrocellulose room constructed as required hereafter.
(Prior code § 92-72)
Nitrocellulose products in the process of manufacture, fabrication, assembly, adaptation or completion, including finished and wrapped products not packed in the final shipping containers, but not including products wrapped and packed in final shipping containers, shall be stored on shelving meeting the requirements for standard fireproof vaults under Section 15-24-370 of this Code.
It shall be unlawful to store any nitrocellulose products which are finished, wrapped and packed in the final shipping containers in any building except in a standard fireproof vault, or in a standard fireproof cabinet or in a nitrocellulose room constructed as required hereafter.
(Prior code § 92-73)
Any nitrocellulose products room other than a standard fireproof vault shall not exceed the limits of floor area required by Section 15-28-830 for certain types of fire-resistive construction.
(Prior code § 92-74)
Every nitrocellulose products room shall have an enclosure of two-hour fire-resistive construction, if it has a floor area of 1,000 square feet or less and of three- hour fire-resistive construction of solid masonry or concrete if it has a floor area exceeding 1,000 square feet but not more than 2,000 square feet; and of four- hour fire-resistive construction if it has a floor area exceeding 2,000 square feet; provided, however, that these requirements shall not apply to a standard fireproof vault intended for any of the purposes of such a room.
(Prior code § 92-75)
A nitrocellulose products room shall be heated by hot water or steam, by either direct or indirect means. Any steam radiator or steam pipe, in which the working pressure exceeds five pounds per square inch, shall be located not less than four feet from the floor. Every steam or hot water radiator or pipe which is less than four feet from the floor, or which is so located that any nitrocellulose material or waste might come in contact with it, shall be protected by a guard of No. 18 U.S. gauge galvanized wire screen of one-fourth-inch mesh. Such guard shall be not less than three inches from the radiator or pipe at all points, and the tops, if any, shall slope at an angle of not less than 45 degrees from the horizontal so as to prevent the use of the tops as shelves. No floor register shall be used with any indirect system of heating, and no wall register shall have an opening nearer than six inches from the floor. Every furnace or other equipment for the heating of air in an indirect system shall be located in an independent room separated from every nitrocellulose products room by not less than two-hour fire-resistive construction.
(Prior code § 92-76)