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2-116-140  Power and duties.
   The board of examiners of mason contractors shall have the following powers and duties in the licensing and regulation of mason contractors under the provisions of this Code:
   (a)   Preparing forms for applications for examinations;
   (b)   Preparing forms for license certificates and issuing the same in conformity with the provisions of this Code;
   (c)   Preparing or causing to be prepared subject matter for examinations, as provided in this Code;
   (d)   [Reserved];
   (e)   Holding hearings to contest the suspension or revocation of licenses pursuant to Section 2-116-280 of this Code or for reinstatement of licenses pursuant to Section 2-116-290 of this Code;
   (f)   Grading or causing to be graded all tests and examinations for licenses;
   (g)   Preparing and giving uniform examinations to applicants for licenses which will test their qualifications in the planning and supervision of masonry contracting and the physical and mechanical installation, replacement, repair and maintenance of masonry in accordance with the rules and regulations prescribed in this Code;
   (h)   Prescribing standards for what shall constitute a recognized college, university or trade school and determining the conformance to such standards;
   (i)   Holding regular meetings at least once each calendar month at any time fixed by rule or resolution of said board; and holding special meetings for any stated purpose on at least 24 hours' notice to each member in person, or by mail, telegraph or telephone. The chairman or two members of said board may call such special meetings. Two members of said board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of any business, and the concurrence of at least two members is necessary for the validity of any proceedings or act of said board;
   (j)   Keeping a full and correct detailed record of the official proceedings of said board; preserving all documents, books and papers relating to examinations for licenses and hearings of complaints or charges; keeping a record of the names, ages, places of business and residences of all applicants for licenses and the disposition made of the applications, the number issued and rejected; keeping an up-to-date record specifying names and addresses of licensed mason contractors of this city, including the dates of issuance of all such licenses; keeping a record specifying names, addresses, and dates of such licenses; keeping a record specifying names, addresses and dates of licenses suspended, revoked or forfeited, the cause therefor, and licenses renewed;
   (k)   Holding examinations to license mason contractors at least once every three months.
(Prior code § 20-14; Amend Coun. J. 2-22-17, p. 43876, § 2)