Article I. In General
6-1 Definitions
6-2 Penalties
6-3 Consumption in public
6-4 Uncapped containers
6-5 Peddling
6-6 Sanitary conditions
6-7 Employees
6-8 Sales to unauthorized persons
6-9 Purchases by unauthorized persons
6-10 Minor in possession
6-11 Prohibitions for licensees
Disorderly intoxication, see § 34-191;
Use of alcoholic beverages and drugs at open house parties, see § 34-383
Statutory reference:
Liquor Control Act, see M.C.L.A. 436.1101 et seq.
The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this chapter, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning.
ALCOHOL LIQUOR. Means the same as defined by the Michigan Liquor Control Code of 1998. Any bodily alcohol content means either of the following:
(1) An alcohol content of 0.02 grams or more per 100 milliliters of blood, per 210 liters of breath, or per 67 milliliters of urine.
(2) Any presence of alcohol within a person's body resulting from the consumption of alcoholic liquor, other than consumption of alcoholic liquor as a part of a generally recognized religious service or ceremony.
CLUB LICENSE. A license for the consumption of alcoholic liquor on the premises issued by the state liquor control commission to a club, as defined by the Michigan Liquor Control Act.
LICENSE. A contract between the state liquor control commission and the licensee granting authority to the licensee to sell any alcoholic liquor for consumption on the premises.
LICENSEE. Any person possessing a license to sell alcoholic liquor for consumption on the premises by the state liquor control commission.
SALE. Exchange, barter or traffic, furnish or give away alcoholic liquor for consumption on the premises.
SPECIAL LICENSE. A contract between the state liquor control commission and the special licensee granting authority to the licensee to sell any alcoholic liquor for consumption on the premises.
(1993 Code, § 6-1) (Ord. passed 7-14-2003; Ord. passed 9-13-2004)
Cross reference:
Definitions and rules of construction generally, see § 1-2
Unless penalties are otherwise set forth in a specific section, any person who shall violate any of the provisions of this chapter shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and such person shall be guilty of a separate offense for each day or portion thereof during which any violation of any provision of this chapter is committed, and upon conviction such person shall be penalized by a fine as provided in § 1-16 of this Code.
(1993 Code, § 6-2) (Ord. passed 7-14-2003)
No alcoholic liquor shall be consumed on the public streets, parks or in any other public places, including any store or establishment doing business with the public not licensed to sell alcoholic liquor for consumption on the premises, except where permitted pursuant to § 38-2(B).
(1993 Code, § 6-3) (Ord. 2017-07, passed 9-25-2017)
No person shall transport or possess any alcoholic liquor in a container which is open, uncapped or upon which the seal is broken, on the public streets, including any store or establishment doing business with the public not licensed to sell alcoholic liquor for consumption on the premises.
(1993 Code, § 6-4)