No alcoholic liquor licensee, his agent or employee shall:
      (1)   Permit the sale or consumption of alcoholic liquor on the licensed premises without being licensed to sell alcoholic liquor;
      (2)   Permit any gambling on the premises or the placing or using of any gambling apparatus or paraphernalia therein;
      (3)   Permit an intoxicated person to frequent, loiter or be employed upon the licensed premises;
      (4)   Permit any disorderly conduct or action which disturbs the peace and good order of the neighborhood;
      (5)   Permit any resorting of thieves, prostitutes or other disorderly persons;
      (6)   Permit upon the licensed premises any lewd, indecent, profane or obscene language, songs, entertainment, literature, pictures or advertising materials or cooperate to have any lewd, indecent or obscene literature, pictures or advertising materials;
      (7)   Refuse to cooperate with any law enforcement officer in the performance of such officer's duties upon the licensed premises.
(1993 Code, § 6-11)