(a) The purpose of this section is to control discharges into the public sewerage collection system and wastewater treatment plant that interfere with the operations of the system, cause blockage and plugging of pipelines, interfere with normal operation of pumps and their controls, and contribute waste of a strength or form that either causes treatment difficulties or is beyond the treatment capability of the wastewater treatment plant.
(b) Control Plan for (Fog) and Food Waste:
(1) Any new construction, renovation, or expansion of Food Service Facilities shall be required to submit to the City a FOG and food waste control plan that will effectively control the discharge of undesirable materials into the wastewater collection system.
(2) Any existing Food Service facilities shall also be required to submit a FOG and food waste control plan that will effectively control the discharge of undesirable materials into the wastewater collection system. Existing facilities shall not be exempt from the requirements of this ordinance. There will be no “Grandfathering.”
(c) General Criteria:
(1) Installation Requirements: All existing, proposed, or newly remodeled Food Service facilities inside the City of Charles Town wastewater service area shall be required to install, at the user’s expense an approved, properly operated and maintained grease trap.
(2) Sanitary sewer flows: Sanitary sewer flows from toilets, urinals, lavatories, etc. shall not be discharged into the grease trap. These flows shall be conveyed separately to the sanitary sewer service lateral.
(3) Floor Drains: Only floor drains which discharge or have the potential to discharge grease shall be connected to a grease trap.
(4) Garbage grinders/disposers: It is recommended that solid food waste products be disposed of through normal solid waste/garbage disposal means. If a grinder/disposal is used it must be connected to the grease trap. The use of grinders is discouraged since it decreases the operational capacity of the grease trap and will require an increased pumping frequency to ensure continuous and effective operation.
(5) Dishwashers: Commercial dishwashers must be connected to the grease trap. Dishwashers discharge soap and hot water which can melt grease and allow it to pass through an undersized grease trap. Traps must be sized accordingly to allow enough detention time to allow water to cool and grease to solidify and float to the top of the trap.
(6) Location: Grease trap shall be installed outside the building upstream from the sanitary sewer service lateral connection. This will allow easy access for inspection, cleaning, and removal of the intercepted grease at any time. A grease trap may not be installed inside any part of a building without written approval by the City of Charles Town Utility Board.
(7) Pass Through Limits: No User shall allow wastewater discharge concentration from grease trap to exceed 100 MgPL (milligrams per liter) as identified by EPA method 413.
(d) Design Criteria:
(1) Construction: Grease traps shall be constructed in accordance with The City of Charles Town’s standards and shall have a minimum of two compartments with fittings designed for grease retention. All grease removal devises or technologies shall be subject to the written approval of the Charles Town Utility Board. Such approval shall be based on demonstrated removal efficiencies of the proposed technology.
(2) Access: Access to grease traps shall be available at all times, to allow for their maintenance and inspection. Access to trap shall be provided by two manholes (one on each compartment) terminating at finished grade with cast iron frame and cover.
(3) Load-Bearing Capacity: In areas where additional weight loads may exist, the grease trap shall be designed to have adequate load- bearing capacity. (Example: vehicular traffic in driving or parking areas).
(4) Inlet and Outlet Piping: Wastewater discharging to a grease trap shall enter only through the inlet pipe of the trap. Each grease trap shall have only one inlet and one outlet pipe.
(5) Grease Trap Sizing: The required size of the grease trap shall be calculated using EPA-2 model. All grease traps shall have a capacity of not less than 1,000 gal. nor exceed a capacity of 3,000 gal. If the calculated capacity exceeds 3,000 gal., multiple units plumbed in series shall be installed.
(6) Central Business District: The Central Business District (CBD) shall be exempt to the sizing requirements of 921.14 and subject to the following requirements -
A. Compliance with the WV State Building Code
B. If sized by gallon capacity the tank shall have a liquid volume of not less than 150 gals. (ref: WVDHHR manual of Environmental Health Procedures - Procedure WW13)
C. If sized by standard PDI-G101 method the tank shall have a minimum of 50 lbs. of grease capacity.
D. All calculations shall be using maximum occupancy numbers established by the State Fire Marshall or the Code Official. All plans are subject to Fire Marshall and Health Department review as part of building plan review.
E. No building permit for food service in the CBD will be issued without Charles Town Utility Board review for maintenance requirements. (Passed 8-15-11)
(e) Grease Trap Maintenance:
(1) Cleaning/Pumping: The user at the user’s expense shall maintain all grease traps to assure proper operation and efficiency and maintain compliance with the City’s Pass Through Limits. Maintenance of grease trap shall include the complete removal of all contents, including floating materials, wastewater, and bottom sludge and solids. This work shall be performed by a qualified and licensed hauler. Decanting or discharging of removed waste back into the trap from which it was removed or any other grease trap, for the purpose of reducing the volume to be disposed, is prohibited. This service shall also include a thorough inspection of the trap and its components. Any needed repairs shall be noted. Repairs shall be made at user’s expense.
(2) Cleaning/Pumping frequency: The grease trap must be pumped out completely a minimum of once every four months, or more frequently, as determined by the City of Charles Town Utility Board, as needed to prevent carry over of grease into the sanitary sewer system.
(3) Disposal: All waste removed from each grease trap must be disposed of at a facility approved to receive such waste in accordance with the provisions of this program. In no way shall the pumpage be returned to any private or public portion of the City’s sanitary sewer collection system. All pumpage from grease traps must be tracked by a manifest, which confirms pumping, hauling, and disposal of waste. The customer must obtain and retain a copy of the original manifest from the hauler.
(4) Maintenance Log: A grease trap cleaning/maintenance log indicating each pumping for the previous 24 months shall be maintained by each Food Service Facility. This log shall include the date, time, amount pumped, hauler, and disposal site and shall be kept in a conspicuous location for inspection. Said log shall be made available to the City of Charles Town Utility Manager or their representative upon request.
(5) Submittal of Records: Each user shall submit all cleaning and maintenance records to the City of Charles Town Utility Manager. The maintenance records shall include the following information:
A. Facility name, address, contact person, and phone number
B. Company name, address, phone number, and contact name of person responsible for performing the maintenance, cleaning, pumping, or repair of grease trap.
C. Types of maintenance performed.
D. Dates maintenance was performed.
E. Date of next scheduled maintenance.
F. Copies of manifests.
The user shall be required to submit maintenance records to the City of Charles Town Utility Manager on a biannual basis (twice per year). Records shall be submitted by March 1st and September 1st of each year. The records shall be submitted to:
Attn. City of Charles Town Utility Manager
P.O. Box 14
Charles Town, WV 25414
The City of Charles Town Utility Manager will perform periodic inspections of these facilities and shall notify the user of any additional required maintenance or repairs. Upon written notification by the City of Charles Town Utility Manager, the user shall be required to perform the maintenance and records of said maintenance within 14 calendar days. Upon inspection by the City of Charles Town Utility Manager the user may be required to install, at his expense, additional controls to provide a complete system which prevents discharges of undesirable materials into the wastewater collection system.
(f) Additives: Any biological additive(s) placed into the grease trap or building discharge line including but not limited to, enzymes, commercially available bacteria, or other additives designed to absorb, purge, consume, treat, or otherwise eliminate fats, oils, and grease shall require written approval by the City of Charles Town Utility Board prior to use. The use of such additives shall in no way be considered as a substitution to the maintenance procedures required herein,
(g) Chemical Treatment: Chemical treatments such as drain cleaners, acid, or other chemical solvents designed to dissolve or remove grease shall not be allowed to enter the grease trap.
(h) Sand, Soil, and Oil Interceptors: All car washes, truck washes, garages, service stations, car and truck maintenance facilities, fabricators, utility equipment shops, and other facilities (as determined by the City of Charles Town Utility Board) that have sources of sand, soil, and oil shall install effective sand, soil and oil traps, interceptors, and/or oil/water separators. These systems shall be sized to effectively remove sand, soil, and oil at the expected flow rates. These systems shall be, at the user’s expense, cleaned or pumped on a regular basis to prevent impact upon the wastewater collection and treatment systems. Users whose systems are deemed to be ineffective by the Utility Board shall be asked to change the cleaning frequency or to increase the size of the system. Owners or operators of washing facilities will be required to prevent the inflow of detergents and rainwater into the wastewater collection system. Oil/water separator installations shall be required at facilities that accumulate petroleum oils and greases and at facilities deemed necessary by the Utility Board.
(i) Laundries: Commercial laundries shall be equipped with an interceptor with a wire basket or similar device, removable for cleaning, that prevents passage (into the wastewater collection system) of solids ½” or larger in size such as rags, strings, buttons, or other solids detrimental to the system.
(j) Control Equipment: The equipment or facilities installed to control FOG, food waste, sand, soil, oil, and lint must be designed in accordance with the Southern Plumbing Code, the West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection and Conservation guidelines, most current engineering standards, or other applicable guidelines approved by the Utility Board. Underground equipment shall be tightly sealed to prevent inflow of rainwater and shall be easily accessible to allow regular maintenance and inspection. Control equipment shall be maintained by the owner and/or operator of the facility as to prevent a stoppage of the wastewater collection system, and the accumulation of FOG, food waste, sand, soil, and lint in the collection lines, pump stations, and wastewater treatment plant. If the City of Charles Town is required to clean out the wastewater collection lines, as a result of a stoppage resulting from poorly maintained control equipment (or lack thereof) the owner or operator shall be required to refund the labor, equipment, materials, and any overhead costs to the City including any fines incurred due to any sanitary sewer overflow due directly to the stoppage. The City retains the right to inspect and approve any and all installations of control equipment.
(k) Alteration of Control Methods: The City of Charles Town, through the Utility Board, reserves the right to request additional control measures if existing control equipment is shown to be insufficient to protect the wastewater collection system and wastewater treatment plant from interference due to the discharge of FOG, sand, soil, lint, or any other undesirable materials.
(l) Enforcement and Penalties: Any person who violates this ordinance, in part or whole, shall be guilty of a civil violation punishable under and according to the general penalty provision of the City of Charles Town’s Codified Ordinances. Each day’s violation of this ordinance shall be considered a separate offense. (Passed 3-5-07.)