Art. 501. Administration and Law Enforcement.
Art. 509. Disorderly Conduct and Peace Disturbance.
Art. 513. Gambling.
Art. 517. Indecency and Obscenity.
Art. 521. Liquor Control.
Art. 525. Minors.
Art. 527. Noise Control.
Art. 529. Offenses Relating to Persons.
Art. 530. Loitering.
Art. 531. Simple Possession of Marijuana.
Art. 532. Wandering, Remaining in or Prowling Public Places with Purpose
of Obtaining or Selling Controlled Substances; Disorderly Person Offense.
Art. 533. Offenses Relating to Property.
Art. 541. Railroads.
Art. 545. Weapons and Explosives.
Art. 549. Drug and Gang Houses, Houses of Prostitution, and Illegal Gambling Houses.