(a)   Merit and fitness examination. Merit and fitness to be determined by competitive examination are hereby established as the basis for appointment and promotion in the classified service. Examinations may be held at such places determined by the Commission and shall be administered under the direction of the Commission in accordance with the Commission policy.
   (b)   Notice of examination.
      (1)   Entrance examinations. Notice of competitive entrance examinations shall be given in a manner determined by the Commission by advertising same in a newspaper of general circulation in the City and by posting notices in such public places as the Commission may deem advisable.
      (2)   Promotional examinations. Notice of competitive promotional examinations shall be given by the posting of bulletins in conspicuous places in the police department or by individual written communication to all employees eligible for such promotion. If the appointment is for the position of Lieutenant or Captain and § 141.06 (f) applies, and the Commission opens the examination to persons who do not hold positions with the police department, then notice shall also be by advertising as required in division (b)(1) above. All notice required hereunder shall be given not less than 30 days prior to the examination.
   (c)   Identity of examinees. The identity of persons taking entrance or promotional examinations shall be concealed by the use of an identification number which shall be used on all examination papers. Any written examinations bearing the name of the applicant or any other mark which identifies the applicant shall be rejected and the applicant so notified.
   (d)   Scope: Content and Standards thereof:
      (1)   Entrance examinations.
         A.   Physical agility examination. Applicants for the Police Department shall be required to pass a physical agility examination designed to determine the capacity to discharge the duties of the position for which appointment is sought. The Commission shall prescribe the activities and standards for each physical agility examination, but shall consult with the City Manager and Police Chief relative to same. The name of any applicant who the City Manager determines to be unsuited for appointment based upon criteria established for the physical agility examination, shall be removed from the eligible list.
         B.   Written examination. 
            1.   Prior to appointment, Applicants for the Police Department shall be required to pass a written examination. Written examinations shall be practical in character and shall relate to those matters which will fairly test the ability and capacity of the persons examined to discharge the duties of the position for which appointment is sought.
            2.   The Commission shall prescribe the content of each written examination but shall consult with the City Manager and Police Chief, relative to the content of each examination.
            3.   Written examinations shall be graded on a scale of 100%, a passing grade being 70% or greater. No person with a score of less than 70% on the written examination shall be certified to an eligible list.
         C.   Background examination. Prior to appointment, a background examination shall be conducted in a manner prescribed by the City Manager in order to determine the suitability of an applicant for appointment. The name of any applicant who the City Manager determines to be unsuited for appointment based upon criteria established for the background examination shall be removed from the eligible list.
         D.   Polygraph examination. Prior to appointment, applicants shall be given a polygraph examination. The City Manager shall prescribe the content of the polygraph examination. The name of any applicant who the City Manager determines to be unsuited for appointment based upon criteria established for the polygraph examination shall be removed from the eligible list.
         E.   Medical examination. Prior to appointment, applicants shall be required to pass a medical examination based upon criteria established by the City Manager. Medical examinations shall be made by a licensed physician designated by the City Manager. The name of any applicant who the City Manager determines to be unsuited for appointment based upon criteria established for the medical examination shall be removed from the eligible list. Applicants must pass a physical examination, given by a licensed physician, certifying that the applicant is free of cardiovascular and pulmonary diseases, and showing that the applicant meets the physical requirements necessary to perform the duties of a police officer as established by the civil service commission. The commission shall, prior to making any such appointment, file with the Ohio police and fire pension fund a copy of the report or findings of the licensed physician. The professional fee for such physical examination shall be paid by the civil service commission.
         F.   Psychological examination. Prior to appointment, applicants shall be given a psychological examination. Based upon criteria established by the City Manager, the psychological examination shall be given by a licensed psychiatrist or psychologist designated by the City Manager. The name of any applicant who the City Manager determines to be unsuited for appointment based upon criteria established for the psychological examination shall be removed from the eligible list.
         G.   Oral examination. Prior to appointment, applicants shall be required to take an oral examination based upon criteria and in a manner prescribed by the City Manager to test general suitability for the position to be filled. The name of any applicant who the City Manager determines to be unsuited for appointment based upon criteria established for the oral examination shall be removed from the eligible list.
         H.   Credit for part-time service to the City of Chardon Police Department. For any applicant who has passed the physical agility examination and earned a passing grade on the written examination, credit for part-time service to the City of Chardon Police Department as a police officer shall be added to the applicant's written entrance examination score. Applicants receiving a passing grade shall receive credit of one point for each year of part-time service to the City, not to exceed five points. To be considered for part-time credit, applicant must successfully complete a period of probation for a part-time police officer and be currently employed as a part-time officer. Each credit requires a year of service, which is a minimum of 240 hours of service to the police department in a calendar year.
      (2)   Promotional examinations.
         A.   Written examination. 
            1.   Written examinations shall be practical in character and shall relate to those matters which will fairly test the ability and capacity of the persons examined to discharge the duties of the position for which promotion is sought.
            2.   The Commission shall prescribe the content of each examination but shall consult with the City Manager and Police Chief relative to the content of each examination.
            3.   Written examinations shall be graded on a scale of 100% and no person shall be deemed to have passed the written examination with a score of less than 70%.
            4.   The score on the written examination for the position of Police Sergeant shall comprise 60% of the final grade for purposes of establishing a certified eligible list. The score on the written examination for the position of Police Lieutenant shall comprise 50% of the final grade for purposes of establishing a certified eligible list. The score on the written examination for the position of Police Captain shall comprise 40% of the final grade for purposes of establishing a certified eligible list.
         B.   Assessment center examination.
            1.   Applicants who pass the written examination shall take an assessment center examination in order to determine the applicant's suitability for promotion to a particular position. Evaluators for the assessment center examination shall be impartial and qualified to serve in such capacity based upon their training and experience in police personnel administration as determined by the Commission. Applicants may object to the impartiality of an evaluator. After the examination, an objection in writing by the applicant to the impartiality of an evaluator must be filed with the Commission within five calendar days (Saturdays, Sundays and holidays excluded) after the date of the examination and must contain specific reasons for the objection. The Commission shall consider the objection and, if such objection is upheld by the Commission, the rating of the evaluator in question shall not be considered in determining the score on the assessment center examination of the applicant who has filed the objection. Evaluators for the assessment center examination shall not be informed of the written examination scores of those who have passed the written examination.
            2.   The assessment center examination shall be graded on a scale of 100%. A passing score is 70% or greater.
            3.   The score on the assessment center for the position of Police Sergeant shall comprise 40% of the final grade for the purposes of establishing a certified eligible list. The score on the assessment center examination for the position of Police Lieutenant shall comprise 50% of the final grade for purposes of establishing a certified eligible list. The score on the assessment center examination for the position of Police Captain shall comprise 60% of the final grade for purposes of establishing a certified eligible list. The Commission shall consult with the City Manager and Police Chief relative to the content of each assessment center examination and the panel of evaluators to be selected. The content of the assessment center examination shall be based upon the official city job class specification.
         C.   Credit for seniority in promotional examinations. Credit for seniority in service to the City of Chardon shall not be a part of a promotional examination, but shall be a credit added to the applicant's earned grade resulting from the written and oral or assessment center competitive examinations, provided the applicant received a passing earned grade in such competitive examinations before adding such extra credit. Applicants taking promotional examinations who receive a passing grade, shall receive credit for seniority, amounting to ½ point for each full year of service of full-time service to the City of Chardon up to and including the 10th year.
   (e)   Appointment.  
      (1)   Subject to § 141.06(f) below, no promotion to positions in the classified service above the rank of police officer in the police department shall be filled by original appointment, and vacancies in the classified service above the rank of police officer may be filled by promotion of eligible persons holding positions in a rank lower than the position to be filled. No classified position above the rank of police officer shall be filled by any person unless he or she has first passed either a competitive promotional examination, or a competitive entrance examination for the position of Lieutenant or Captain if application is pursuant to division (f) below.
      (2)   A police officer shall not be eligible to test for promotion to a higher rank who has not been a regular full-time sworn police officer in the Chardon Police Department for a period of at least 36 months;
   (f)   Less than two candidates. Whenever the Commission determines that there are less than two persons holding positions in the next lower rank from which the promotion to Lieutenant or Captain is to be made and which persons are eligible and willing to compete, the Commission: (1) shall allow persons holding positions in the next lower rank who are eligible, to also compete for the position to be filled; and (2) may advertise for qualified applicants for the position of Lieutenant or Captain pursuant to § 141.06(b), take applications pursuant to § 141.05 and allow the applicants hereunder to take the promotional examination, and be considered for the position, pursuant to § 141.06(d)(2) and the other applicable provisions of this chapter.
   (g)   Admitting applicants to examination. No applicant shall be admitted to any assembled examination more than 30 minutes after the advertised time for beginning such examination, or after any applicant competing in any such examination has completed his work and left the examination room, except by special permission of the person in charge, who, at his or her discretion, may admit the applicant conditionally, subject to the final approval or disapproval of such admission by the Commission.
   (h)   Time to complete examination. No applicant in any examination shall be given a longer time on any subject than prescribed by the Commission.
   (i)   Frauds in examinations are prohibited. No person or officer shall:
      (1)   By himself or herself or in cooperation with one or more persons, deceive or obstruct any person in respect to his or her right of examination, appointment or employment arising under the provisions of this chapter; or
      (2)   Falsely mark, grade, estimate or report upon the examination or proper standing of any person examined, registered or certified pursuant to the provisions of this chapter, or aid in so doing; or
      (3)   Make any false representations concerning the results of such examinations or concerning any person examined; or
      (4)   Furnish to any person any special or secret information for the purpose of either improving or injuring the prospects or chances of any person so examined, registered or certified or to be appointed, employed or promoted; or
      (5)   Impersonate any other person, or permit or aid in any manner any other person to impersonate him or her in connection with any examination, registration or appointment or application or request to be examined, registered or appointed; or
      (6)   Furnish any false information about himself or herself, or any other person, in connection with any examination, registration, or appointment or application or request to be examined, registered or appointed; or
      (7)   Make known or assist in making known to any applicant for examination, any question to be asked on such examination; or
      (8)   For any applicant taking an examination, assist any other applicant in any manner whatsoever; or
      (9)   Personally solicit a favor from any member of the Commission, a City official, the City Manager, or have any person solicit a favor on his or her behalf.
      (10)   Any applicant in any examination found to be using any means of information, other than that provided in the examination itself, such as memoranda, pamphlets or books of any kind to assist him or her in answering the questions, shall have the examination papers taken from the applicant and filed with a zero percent marking when the circumstances justify such action.
   (j)   Visitors at Examinations. No visitor shall be admitted to the examination room during any examination except by special permission of the person in charge and upon written request at least 72 hours prior to the scheduled examination.
   (k)   Inspection of Written Promotional Examination Papers.
      (1)   Prior to grading.
         A.   Unless otherwise announced prior to the promotional examination, participants in written promotional examinations may inspect the written questions together with the rating key for the questions for a period of not more than five days after the date of promotional examination (Saturdays, Sundays and holidays excluded). Any protest by applicant as to the questions asked or the rating key answers must be filed in writing within the five day period and must contain detailed information and authority therefore. Immediately following this inspection period, the Commission shall review the protests with the testing company and thereafter make such changes in the tentative rating key as are warranted after which the rating key adopted shall be used in the actual scoring of the written promotional examination papers.
         B.   The written promotional examination papers of each applicant shall then be graded and each applicant shall be notified of his or her grade by mail.
      (2)   After grading. Unless otherwise announced prior to the promotional examination, after notice of grade has been received, each participant shall have the right to inspect his or her promotional examination papers together with the rating key within five days of the postal date stamped on the mailed notice of the grade (Saturdays, Sundays and holidays excluded) and to determine the markings given on each subject or question. Any protest as to clerical errors in grading must be filed in writing by the applicant within the five day period. The Commission shall then give consideration to all such claims of error and make such changes as are warranted. The Commission shall then establish the eligible list and no grades given in any written promotional examination shall be changed after the posting of an eligible list.
      (3)   Public inspection. Documents and papers which are subject to R.C. §149.430 (the Ohio Public Records Act) as may hereafter be amended and submitted by applicants in any written promotional examinations shall be open to public inspection only during office hours and upon written request to the Commission; provided however that such application is made during the period in which persons whose names appear on the eligible list resulting from such written promotional examination are eligible for appointment.
   (l)   Examination Postponed. Examinations, unless postponed, must be held upon dates fixed by the Commission. Examinations may be postponed by order of the Commission, which order shall designate the reason therefor.
(Ord. 2090. Passed 12-13-01; Am. Ord. 2186. Passed 2-12-04; Am. Ord. 2242. Passed 11-11-04; Am. Ord. 2291. Passed 7-14-05; Ord. 2885. Passed 7-9-15.)