§ 70.01 RESERVED.
   (A)   It shall hereafter be unlawful to operate or to cause to be operated, upon any public street or alley within the Town of Chandler, Indiana, any vehicle or combination of vehicles having a total gross weight, with load, in excess of 30,000 pounds.
   (B)   The Street Department of the Town of Chandler, Indiana, may erect appropriate signs stating the existence of the limitation, but division (A) above shall be operative whether or not the signs are erected.
   (C)   Any person or persons, natural or corporate, hereafter operating or causing to be operated upon the public streets or alleys of the Town of Chandler, Indiana, any vehicle or combination of vehicles having a total gross weight, with load, in excess of 30,000 pounds, shall be guilty of a violation of this section and shall, upon conviction thereof, be fined in any sum not to exceed $10, along with the costs of any action.
   (D)   Whereas, an emergency exists for the immediate taking effect of this section, it shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage.
(Ord. 2-1968, passed 2-5-1968) Penalty, see § 70.99
§ 70.99 PENALTY.
   (A)   General. Any person violating any provision of this chapter for which no penalty is prescribed shall be subject to § 10.99
   (B)   Traffic schedules.
      (1)   Any person who fails to stop at a stop sign, including those stop signs enumerated in Chapter 71, Schedule I, commits a violation of disregarding a stop sign. The fine for disregarding a stop sign shall be $25.00.
      (2)   Any person who violates a speed limit set by the Town of Chandler, Indiana (including those limits enumerated in Chapter 71, Schedule III) commits a violation of exceeding a local speed limit.
         (a)   The fine for exceeding a local speed limit shall be $25.00 for the first offense committed in any 12-month period.
         (b)   The fine for a second, unrelated violation of a local speed limit committed in any 12-month period shall be $50.00.
         (c)   The fine for a third, unrelated violation of a local speed limit committed in any 12-month period shall be $100.00.
   (C)   Parking schedules. Any person who commits a parking schedule violation (including violations of Chapter 72, Schedule I, division (A)) shall be subject to a civil penalty as follows:
      (1)   Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00) for the first violation in any 12-month period.
      (2)   Fifty Dollars ($50.00) for the second violation in any 12-month period.
      (3)   One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) for the third and each subsequent violation accruing during any 12-month period.
   (D)   Public rights-of-way. Any person who commits a public right-of-way violation shall be subject to a civil penalty as follows:
      (1)   Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00) for the first violation in any 12-month period.
      (2)   Fifty Dollars ($50.00) for the second violation in any 12-month period.
      (3)   One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) for the third and each subsequent violation accruing during any 12-month period.
   (E)   All fines and penalties for violations that a violator desires to waive trial and admit the violation shall be payable to the Chandler Police Department. The Chandler Police Department shall then deliver all such fines and penalties to the Town Clerk-Treasurer, who is the Town Violations Clerk, who is hereby authorized to accept the payment of the monetary penalties into the police training and equipment fund of the Town.
   (F)   All cases wherein persons cited for a violation do not waive trial and admit the violation or default in appearance before the Clerk-Treasurer shall be referred to the Town Attorney for filing with the appropriate court in Warrick County, Indiana. (Ord. 2021-02, passed 1-19-2021)