(a) No building plans except those for minor alterations shall be approved unless such plans have been prepared by an architect.
(b) All plans shall be neatly and legibly prepared in such a manner as to permit legible and serviceable copies to be made therefrom. Triplicate sets of such reproductions shall be submitted as part of each application for a building permit, except that applications for permits to make minor alterations need not be accompanied by reproductions of plans, when, in the opinion of the Building Inspector, such plans are unnecessary. It shall be the duty of the Inspector to examine plans and, upon approval, to stamp and attach his signature to each of the three sets submitted. He shall retain two of the stamped approved sets for his files and deliver one set to the applicant at the time of issuing the permit. A stamped and approved set of drawings shall be kept on the job for which a permit is issued from the beginning of construction until final acceptance of the work by the Inspector. If so requested at the time the triplicate reproductions of drawings are submitted, the Inspector shall stamp and approve a fourth set of drawings for the applicant.
(c) No plans shall be approved unless all essential floor plans, elevations, cross-sections and details of construction are accurately shown, including horizontal and vertical dimensions, thickness of walls, dimensions and materials of supporting members and such other information as may be essential to illustrate completely the work covered by the application.
(Ord. 1965-616. Passed 6-14-65.)
(d) Whenever, in the opinion of the Inspector, the plans submitted include structural members, the size, proportions or design of which necessitate approval by a qualified structural engineer, he may require the applicant to furnish certification as to the sufficiency of the design by a registered structural engineer. The form of certification shall be subject to the approval of the Inspector.
(Ord. 1980-5. Passed 1-28-80.)
(e) The Inspector may waive the requirements as to certification when, in his opinion, such separate certification is unnecessary. The originals of all certifications and copies of all waivers of certification shall be made a part of the permanent files of the Inspector's office.
(Ord. 1965-616. Passed 6-14-65.)