9.29   Parking and Loading Standards
   A.   Purpose
   The intent of this section is to:
      1.   Provide for off-street parking and loading areas to assure that all developments adequately and safely provide for the parking, loading, and movement of vehicles on a premises.
      2.   Off-street vehicle parking and loading space shall be required for all land uses as specified in the standards in this section.
   B.   Off-Street Parking Standards
      1.   General Standards
         a.   Off-street parking facilities as required on a premises by this ordinance shall be used solely for the parking of motor vehicles in operating condition by patrons, occupants, or employees of the premises.
         b.   A bicycle, tricycle or other similar small-scale, human-powered vehicle designed primarily for the recreational use by a child shall be exempt from these provisions.
      2.   Requirements applicable to a residential premises
         a.   All vehicle parking areas shall be constructed with a hard paved surface. (Ord. 17-13)
         b.   Vehicles may be parked or stored outdoors in the front yard of a residential premises provided that:
            i.   The vehicle is a self-propelled motor vehicle that is licensable for operation on a public street.
            ii.   The overall dimensions of such a vehicle shall not exceed 8 feet in height, 8 feet in width or 22 feet in length. The vehicle may not be parked or encroach over a sidewalk. (Ord. 20-22)
            iii.   All vehicles including a recreational vehicle must be parked on a paved surface in accordance with Section 9.29, C. of this UDO.
            iv.   Only one such vehicle may be a commercial vehicle.
            v.   Front yard parking of all other types of vehicles not specifically permitted by this UDO, including Recreational Vehicles, shall be prohibited. However, any 1 vehicle, except a commercial vehicle, may be temporarily parked in the front yard for loading or unloading purposes for no more than 3 days in any 7 day period beginning the first day the recreational vehicle is parked on the property.
            vi.   A visitor's recreational vehicle may be parked in the driveway for a time not to exceed 7 days in any 6 month period beginning the first day the recreational vehicle is parked on the property.
         c.   Recreational Vehicle (Ord. 16-20)
            i.   A maximum of 1 recreational vehicle may be parked outdoors per dwelling unit.
            ii.   A recreational vehicle shall not exceed 8 feet in width, 12 feet in height, or 30 feet in length.
            iii.   Recreational vehicle shall be located in the side yard of a residential premises. Front or rear yard parking shall be prohibited except as provided in Section 9.29(B).
            iv.   No recreational vehicle shall be parked nearer to a side lot line than 5 feet.
            v.   A recreational vehicle shall be stored on a hard paved surface such as asphalt or concrete at all times.
         vi.   A recreational vehicle shall be screened in accordance to the Screening Requirements contained in Section 9.25, Table 9.6 of the UDO.
            vii.   Refer to Article 3.13(H)(5) for provisions pertaining to non-conforming Recreational Vehicle Uses of this UDO.
         d.   No vehicle shall be used for living, sleeping, housekeeping, or commercial purposes when parked on a residential lot, or in any location not approved for such use.
         e.   Side or rear yard parking of a commercial vehicle shall be prohibited.
         f.   A commercial trailer shall not be parked or stored outdoors on residential premises except a commercial trailer may be temporarily parked during the time of repair, maintenance or construction of the residence and/or premises.
   C.   Size and Design
      1.   Off-street parking spaces shall meet or exceed the minimum design standards for parking lot layouts as set forth in this section of the UDO. The minimum size for an off-street parking space as indicated in Table 9.7 shall be 18 feet in length by nine feet wide.
      2.   Minimum Design and Construction Standards
         a.   Off-street parking may be open to the sky, or enclosed in a building or structure, either above or below ground. Off-street parking areas shall meet acceptable engineering standards as set forth by the Engineering Department for such things as driveway widths, island design, curbs, barriers, grades, turning radii, vertical clearance, stacking and waiting areas and drainage.
         b.   Non-Residential Uses (including Multi-Family Residential Uses)
            i.   Each off-street parking space shall open directly into an aisle or driveway of adequate width and design for safe and efficient vehicular access to the parking space. No parking space shall open directly onto any public street.
            ii.   An aisle or driveway shall not be used for parking of vehicles.
            iii.   All vehicle parking areas shall be graded and constructed with a hard paved surface. (Ord. 17-13)
            iv.   A driveway permit shall be required from the Engineering Department for any new driveway opening onto a public street.
            v.   A grass paver parking lot for the purpose of overflow or occasional use parking of vehicles may be approved by the Planning Commission as a part of a major site plan.
         c.   Single-Family, Two-Family, or Townhouse Dwelling (Ord. 17-13, 7-18)
            i.   All vehicle parking areas shall be graded and constructed with a hard paved surface.
            ii.   Grass pavers may be used to access a vehicle parking area. Paver systems shall be planted with grass seed or sod and installed per manufacturer specifications for the anticipated vehicle load. Parking on grass pavers is prohibited.
         d.   Refer to Section 9.31, Access Control for Streets and Highways of the UDO for driveway width requirements.
         e.   Vehicle Inventory Lot
            i.   The minimum design standards for a parking stall and drive aisle may be reduced for a vehicle inventory lot, as defined by this ordinance.
            ii.   The City Planner or his designee shall approve the design of a vehicle inventory lot.
Figure 9.2: Parking Stall and Aisle Width Requirem ents
   A-Parking Angle               TW2-Total Width of Two Stalls with a One-Way Aisle
   SW-Stall Width on Angle            TW3-Total Width of One Stall with a Two-Way Aisle
   SL-Stall Length on Angle            TW4-Total Width of Two Stalls with a Two-Way Aisle
   SP-Stall Length Perpendicular to the Aisle   I-Reduction per Stall in the Total Width for Inter-Locking Stalls
   AW1-One Way Aisle Width
   AW2-Two-Way Aisle Width
   TW1-Total Width of One Stall with a One-Way Aisle
Table 9.7: Minimum Design Standards for Off-Street Parking Areas
Parking Angle (In Degrees)
0° (Parallel)
Parking Angle (In Degrees)
0° (Parallel)
SW - Stall Width on Angle
SL - Stall Length on Angle
SP - Stall Length Perpendicular to Angle
AW1 - Aisle Width, One-Way
AW2 - Aisle Width, Two-Way
TW1 - Total Width, 1 Stall, One-Way Aisle
TW2 - Total Width, 2 Stalls, One-Way Aisle
TW3 - Total Width, 1 Stalls, Two-Way Aisle
TW4 - Total Width, 2 Stall, Two-Way Aisle
I - Reduction in Total Width for Interlock (Per Stall)
Note: All figures are measured in feet unless otherwise noted.
      3.   Curbing and Wheel Stops
         a.   Where Required
         A continuous curbing and/or the installation of wheel stops shall be required for any parking lot or portion thereof, as determined by the City Planner or his designee, where any of the following conditions exist:
            i.   Encroachment of a vehicle into any traffic aisle, pedestrian walkway or sidewalk;
            ii.   Parking area abuts a wall, light standard, fence, or any other structure; or
            iii.   A severe grade change or embankment at the edge of a parking area.
         b.   Standards
            i.   All curbing shall be 6 inches in height above finished pavement and may be made of concrete, stone, timber or similar material. The use of asphalt as a curb material shall be prohibited.
            ii.   Wheel stops shall be made of concrete at least 6 feet in length and permanently affixed with steel dowels to the paved surface beneath it.
            iii.   All curbing and wheel stops shall provide a minimum clearance of at least 30 inches from any adjacent sidewalk, traffic aisle, embankment, wall, fence or other structure.
            iv.   A sidewalk may be used as a curb or wheel stop providing said sidewalk is a minimum of 6.5 feet in width. (Ord. 18-13)
Figure 9.3: Wheel Stops and Sidewalk Illustration
      4.    Drainage
      All off-street parking areas shall meet the standards for stormwater runoff control as adopted by the City of Centerville.
      5.    Marking
      Designated parking spaces shall be marked on the surface of the parking area with paint or permanent marking materials and maintained in a clearly visible condition. Where driveways intersect the public right-of-way, the paint lines dividing vehicle paths and other pavement markings shall be in accordance with the State of Ohio Uniform Traffic Control Manual.
      6.   Landscaping Required
      All parking lot landscaping shall conform to the standards located in Section 9.25, D of the UDO.
      7.   Parking for Handicapped Persons
      Any parking area to be used by the general public shall provide parking spaces and an accessible route designed and located to adequately accommodate the handicapped, and those spaces shall be clearly marked as such. The number, design and location of such spaces shall be consistent with the provisions of the City Building Code.
      8.   Mixed Uses
      The total requirement for off-street parking facilities for mixed occupancies or for parking areas shared by 2 or more buildings shall be the sum of the requirements for the various uses computed separately.
      9.   Joint Use of Parking Spaces
      The City Planner or his designee may authorize a reduction in the total number of required off-street parking spaces for 2 or more non-residential uses providing their respective hours of operation do not normally overlap. Examples of these types of uses are restaurants, theaters, churches, school auditoriums, banks, business or professional offices, and retail or personal service establishments.
      Reduction of joint use parking shall be subject to the following conditions:
         a.   Not more than 50 percent of the total number of off-street parking spaces required may be located on other premises.
         b.   The applicant shall submit data to indicate that there is no substantial conflict in the principal operating hours of the uses proposing to make use of the joint parking facilities.
   D.   Location
      1.   Single- or Two-Family Residential Uses (Ord. 17-14)
         a.   Front, side, or rear yard parking shall be permitted.
         b.   The total paved area shall not cover more than 35 percent of the front or rear yard. The total paved area shall not cover more than 50 percent of the total side yards.
      2.   Multi-Family Residential or Non-Residential Uses (Excluding the Architectural Preservation District)
      All off-street parking shall be located behind the minimum front, side, or rear setback line for parking or paving.
      3.   Architectural Preservation District
      Refer to the Section 9.05 of this Ordinance for additional requirements.
      4.   Zoning District
      All required off-street parking shall be located in the same zoning district as the use served or a zoning district where the use served is a principal permitted use.
      5.   Proximity to the Use Served
         a.   All required off-street parking facilities shall be situated on the same lot as the use it is intended to serve. However, if the City Planner or his appointed designee, determines that it is not feasible for a building or use to fulfill their total parking requirement on the premises, parking may be located off-premises provided that:
            i.   The farthest public or customer parking space is not more than 400 feet away from the premises.
            ii.   The farthest employee parking space is not more than 1,000 feet away from the premises.
            iii.   Such parking area meets all other requirements of this ordinance.
         b.   In no event shall the required parking for a residential use be located elsewhere than on the premises for which such parking is required.
      6.   Parking Provided Under Separate Ownership
      If a use requiring parking spaces is in one ownership and all or part of the required parking spaces provided is in another ownership, the property owners involved shall submit a legal agreement, approved by the City Attorney, guaranteeing that the required parking spaces shall be maintained so long as the use requiring parking is in existence or unless the required parking is provided elsewhere in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance. Such instrument shall be recorded by the property owner in the office of the corresponding County Recorder and a copy filed with the Planning Department.
   E.   Computation
      1.   Number of Spaces
      When determination of the number of off-street parking spaces required by this section results in a fraction less than one-half, may be disregarded and a fraction equal or greater than one-half, shall be counted as one parking space.
      2.   Units of Measurement
      For the purpose of determining off-street parking requirements, the following units of measurement shall apply:
         a.   Floor Area. Floor area for non-residential purposes shall be the sum of the gross horizontal area of all floors of a building measured from the exterior faces of the exterior walls. Any floor or part thereof used for incidental storage of goods, materials, or merchandise, not to exceed 25% of the total floor area, may be excluded from the gross floor area computation. (Ord. 17-14)
         b.   Hospital Beds. In hospitals, bassinets shall not be counted as beds.
         c.   Places of Public Assembly
            i.   Benches - In stadiums, sports arenas, churches and other places of assembly in which those in attendance occupy benches, pews or other similar seating facilities, 20 inches of such seating facilities shall be counted as one seat.
            ii.   Fixed Seats and Assembly Areas - In cases where a place of assembly has both fixed seats and open assembly area, requirements shall be computed separately for each type and added together.
         d.   Employees on the Largest Work Shift. Employees on the largest work shift means the maximum number of employees which could be employed at a facility, regardless of the time period during which this occurs and regardless of whether any such person is a full-time employee. The largest work shift may be a particular day of the week or a lunch or dinner period in the case of a restaurant.
         e.   Capacity. Capacity means the maximum number of persons which may be accommodated by the use as determined by its design or by fire code regulations, whichever is greater.
   F.   Number of Parking Spaces Required
      1.   The minimum number of parking spaces required per use is shown in Table 9.8.
      2.   The Parking requirements for accessible parking spaces through the American Disabilities Act should be used from the Ohio Building Code for the use and scale of the non-residential use. (Ord. 17-14, 7-18; 16-20)
      3.   For property owners in the Architectural Preservation District that are parties to the Uptown Parking District, the businesses and uses on said properties shall be exempt from the parking requirements of Table 9.8, as the public parking district accommodates the various land uses in a shared parking agreement. (Ord. 20-22)
   G.   Bicycle Parking Requirements (Ord. 17-16)
      1.   Off-street parking of bicycles shall be provided as follows:
         a.   Multi-Family Residential uses: 1 space per 10 units.
         b.   Non-residential uses: Two (2) spaces minimum, plus one space per 15 required off-street parking spaces up to a maximum of 20 total bicycle parking spaces.
      2.   For each required bicycle parking space, a permanently anchored facility shall be provided which supports the bicycle frame and can enable a user to secure the frame and one wheel of a bicycle with a six (6) foot cable and lock. The facility shall be conveniently located to a public entrance of the use it serves. Acceptable bicycle parking facilities include the following:
         a.   Permanently anchored freestanding bicycle rack, such as an Inverted-U rack, an Inverted-U Series Rack, Post and Ring rack, or other acceptable bicycle parking rack as determined by the City Planner provided it meets the requirements noted above.
         b.   Enclosed bicycle lockers large enough to accommodate a bicycle with a three (3)-foot handlebar width, a height of four (4) feet from the bottom of the wheel to the top of the handlebar, and a length of six (6) feet from the front of the front wheel to the back of the rear wheel.
         c.   A fenced, covered, locked, or guarded bicycle storage area. Such area shall be large enough that each of the required bicycle parking spaces can accommodate a bicycle with a three (3)-foot handlebar width, a height of four (4) feet from the bottom of the wheel to the top of the handlebar and a length of six (6) feet from the front of the front wheel to the back of the rear wheel.
Table 9-8: Minimum Number of Parking Spaces Required
   1   One (1) additional guest parking space shall be required within 150 feet of a dwelling unit where a street in front of the dwelling unit is less than 24 feet in width.
   2   At Capacity.
   3   Not less than 5 parking spaces per practitioner.
   4   Reserved. (Ord. 17-14)
   5   The number of parking spaces that is the greater between GFA and person shall apply.
   6   A maximum of 4 garage spaces shall be permitted.
   H.   Off-Street Loading
      1.   Off-Street Loading Spaces Required
         Any building or structure constructed, structurally altered, enlarged or having a change of use, which requires the receipt or distribution of materials or merchandise by trucks or similar vehicles, shall provide off-street loading spaces or berths as required in this section.
      2.   Design Standards
         a.   Dimension
            Each off-street loading space shall be at least ten feet in width by 25 feet in length with a vertical clearance of 15 feet or more and adequate area for ingress and egress.
         b.   Access
            i.   Each required loading space shall be served by access to a street, service drive, or alley in a manner that will not interfere with traffic or parking lot circulation.
            ii.   No loading space shall be located in such a manner as to allow a vehicle to back onto a public street or to extend into the right-of-way while being loaded or unloaded.
            iii.   All access to loading spaces shall meet the access control requirements of this Ordinance.
         c.   Surfacing and Drainage
         All loading areas shall be graded as necessary and improved with asphaltic concrete or portland cement and shall meet the standards for stormwater runoff control as adopted by the City of Centerville.
         d.   Location
         Off-street loading areas shall not be located in any front yard or within 25 feet of any street right-of-way, except for areas used for the occasional drop-off or pick-up of goods in vans, step vans, or panel trucks.
         e.   Marking
         Designated loading areas shall be marked as such on the surface of the loading area with paint or permanent marking materials and shall be maintained in clearly visible condition.
      3.   Utilization
         a.   No storage, motor vehicle repair work or service of any kind other than for an emergency shall be permitted within any required loading berth.
         b.   Space allocated to a required loading berth shall not be used to satisfy any requirement of this ordinance for off-street parking spaces.
      4.   Number of Loading Spaces Required
      The minimum number of loading spaces required per use is shown in Table 9.9.
TABLE 9-9: Minimum Number of Loading Spaces Required