9.31   Access Control for Streets and Highways
   A.   Purpose
   The intent of this section is to:
      1.   Regulate driveway access to public streets to lessen the impact of future development on the City's thoroughfare system. These standards are designed to minimize safety hazards, traffic congestion, and other adverse impacts thereby protecting the integrity of the thoroughfare system.
      2.   Minimize the number of driveways and access points onto public streets. These regulations should be interpreted to that end whenever possible.
      3.   Require that sidewalks be constructed along arterial and collector streets to provide for safe and convenient pedestrian access to neighborhoods, businesses and other community facilities.
   B.   Access to City by Driveway or Street Located Outside City
   These requirements shall specifically apply to a situation where the driveway or street or a portion of the driveway or street to be constructed, altered or the access point for such a driveway or street is within the City of Centerville and the land or a portion of the land to be accessed by the driveway or street is outside the City of Centerville. A Development Approval request in accordance with Section 5.09 of this UDO shall be required by the developer before any such construction within or access to the City of Centerville shall be permitted.
   C.   Roadway Access Standards
   (See Ohio Department of Transportation Ohio State's Highway Access Management Manual, December 2001 and the Institute of Transportation Engineers Transportation and Land Development, 2nd Edition; or most recent revisions.) (Ord. 17-14)
      1.   Street Cut Permit Required
         A street-cut permit shall be required to permit or expand a driveway to intersect any public street.
      2.   Driveway and Roadway Surface
         All driveways and roadways shall be constructed with a hard paved surface. (Ord. 17-13)
      3.   Driveway and Roadway Spacing
         The minimum spacing of driveways and roadways in relation to other driveways and roadways shall be based on the posted speed limit as illustrated in Table 9.10. This distance shall be measured from the point formed by the intersection of extended curb lines of each driveway or street.
Table 9.10   Minimum Driveway Spacing
Driveway Spacing
Posted Speed (MPH)
Minimum Distance
Driveway Spacing
Posted Speed (MPH)
Minimum Distance
Source: Ohio Department of Transportation
         a.   The minimum spacing distance between adjacent one-way driveways or roadways with the inbound drive upstream from the outbound drive may be reduced by 1/2 the distance shown in Table 9.10.
         b.   The minimum driveway spacing distance for single-family or two-family residential uses shall be a minimum of 20 feet; driveways may, however, be joined together.
      4.   Alignment Across the Street
         a.   Driveways or roadways shall either be directly opposite other driveway or street intersections or shall be offset by the minimum driveway spacing shown in Table 9.10 except in locations where there is a raised median in the street.
         b.   Single-family and two-family residential uses shall be exempt from this provision.
      5.   Dimensions of a Driveway
         a.   Non-Residential Uses (including Multi-Family Residential Uses)
            i.   All driveways shall have a minimum width of 24 feet. This provision may be modified by the City Planner or his designee to allow for a second entrance lane and/or a left turn exit lane for a large or intensive non-residential or multi-family residential use. In no case shall any driveway exceed 48 feet in width.
            ii.   Aisle widths for off-street parking areas shall be as provided in Table 9.7, Minimum Design Standards for Off-Street Parking Areas.
         b.   Single-Family and Two-Family Residential Uses
            i.   A driveway for a single-family or two-family residence shall have a minimum width of 8 feet and a minimum length of 20 feet from the public right-of-way. For a single-family or two-family residence on a private street, it shall be minimum length of 20' from the back of sidewalk or 30' from back of the curb if a sidewalk or path is not present. In no case shall any driveway exceed 24 feet in width at the public right of way. (Ord. 17-14; 16-20)
            ii.   A driveway shall extend from the public right-of-way or curb-line of a private street to any vehicle parking area or the garage door of any principal or accessory building whichever is greater.
      6.   Intersection Angle
      A driveway or roadway shall intersect a cross-street at, or nearly at, a right, 90 degree angle. In no case shall any intersection have an angle less than 75 degrees.
      7.   Grade at Intersection
         a.   A driveway or roadway intersection shall have a maximum vertical grade of 2 percent, for a distance of 70 feet, for each leg of the intersection. This distance shall be measured from the edge of pavement of the cross-street back a distance 70 feet as shown in Figure 9.4.
Figure 9.4: Grade at Intersection
         b.    Single-family and two-family residential uses shall have a maximum vertical grade of 2 percent for a distance of 10 feet or to the public right-of-way whichever is greater.
      8.    Horizontal Intersection Sight Distance
         a.   In order to provide a clear view of intersecting streets to the motorist, there shall be a triangular area of clear vision formed by the 2 intersecting streets and the driver's line of sight toward a car approaching the intersection. Reference A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets (American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials). (Ord. 17-14)
         b.   On any portion of a lot that lies within this triangular area, nothing shall be erected, placed, planted, or allowed to grow which impedes vision between a height of 2.5 feet and 10 feet above the grade at any point within the triangle.
      9.   Vertical Intersection Sight Distance (Ord. 17-14)
         a.   Driveways or roadways shall intersect other roadways at a point where there shall be provided a line of clear vision that is free of hills or valleys that can obstruct the visibility of a motorist. Reference A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets (American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials).
Figure 9.5     Horizontal Intersection Sight Distance
Figure 9.6     Vertical Intersection Sight Distance
      10.   Median Openings
      Openings to non-mountable medians with a width of 4 feet or greater shall be permitted only as follows:
         a.   Residential Properties
         A median opening will be permitted for 1 driveway to each residential property when the alternate route that would be required to gain access to the driveway is in excess of 2600 feet.
         b.   Non-Residential Properties
            i.   A median opening may be permitted for 1 driveway to each on-corner property.
            ii.   A median opening will not be permitted for driveways to corner properties where access can be gained by way of the cross-street, except as noted below (See Figure 9.7).
Figure 9.7    Median Openings
            iii.   A median opening may be permitted to a corner property only if the alternate turn from the cross-street causes unnecessary delay or creates a traffic hazard.
         c.   Additional median openings may be permitted to serve high volume parking lot driveways as the need is demonstrated.
         d.   Crosswalks
            To provide a minimum length of median at crosswalks, openings will not be permitted within 20 feet of a crosswalk.
      11.   These access control standards may be modified and increased or decreased upon recommendation to the City Planner or his designee, in order to accommodate unique safety or design situations or if indicated by a traffic impact analysis. In cases where these standards are recommended to be modified, the City Planner or his designee shall make a report which documents the facts of the case and the rationale for modifying these requirements.