9.05   Base Zoning Districts
   A.   Dimensional and Density Regulations
      1.   Purpose
         a.   The purpose of this section is to establish dimensional standards for situating buildings on lots within the City's Base Zoning Districts. The proper height, setback, and lot dimensions are shown in Table 9.0.
      2.   Applicability
         a.   Table 9.0 summarizes the dimensional standards within each zoning district classification. These standards apply to lots in the A, Agricultural District; R1- a thru R1-e, Single-Family Residential, R-2 Two- Family Residential, R-3 Multi-Family Residential, R-PD, Residential Planned Development; O-S, Office Service, O-PD, Office Planned Development; B-1 Neighborhood Business, B-2 General Business, B-PD, Business Planned Development; APD, Architectural Preservation District; I-1, Light Industrial District, and I-PD, Industrial Planned Development Districts. (Ord. 17-16, 07-18, 20-22)
      3.   Non-Residential Use in a Agriculture or Residential Zoning District
         a.   A non-residential use, except a park or open space, shall be situated on a agriculture or residential zoned parcel at the edge of a neighborhood and adjacent to a thoroughfare or collector street as defined on the Official Thoroughfare Plan to provide vehicluar access.
         b.   A Cemetery shall have a minimum lot area of 15 acres and a minimum front, side or rear building setback of 50 feet.
      4.   Residential Cluster Development
         Clustering of single-family dwelling units on a tract of land will be permitted within residential districts R-1a through R-1e provided that new open space from that tract of land is reserved for use by the residents of that tract of land and provided that a maximum gross density of 2 dwelling units per acre averaged over the entire tract of land is not exceeded. A Residential Cluster Development shall be applicable subject to the following standards:
         a.   The lot area of the total development shall be at least 5 acres.
         b.   The minimum lot area or front, side, or rear yard may be reduced for any individual lot by the approving authority; however, the average lot area for the entire development shall not be less than the minimum lot area required in this zoning district. In calculating the average lot area for the development, public or private street area shall be excluded; however, private open space created as part of the development and perpetually reserved for use by all future residents of the development, and public parkland or open space dedicated by the developer, may be included in the total lot area of the development.
         c.   A reserve area shall be established where a residential cluster development abuts a major street. This reserve area shall be a lot of record separate from any individual residential lot, have a minimum width of 25 feet and extend along the entire road frontage. No individual, platted lot shall have vehicular access through this reserve area. The reserve area shall be landscaped in accordance to the bufferyard requirements contained in Section 9.25 of this UDO.
      5.   Residence Group Home
         a.   An application for conditional use for a Residence Group Home shall include all necessary permits and licenses for the use and operation of a residence group home or evidence shall be submitted that such permits are obtainable for the subject property.
         b.   The architectural design and site layout of the Residence Group Home and the location, nature, and height of any walls, screens, and fences must be compatible with adjoining land uses and the residential character of the neighborhood.
         c.   The Residence Group Home must comply with yard, parking, and sign regulation.
         d.   The location of the Residence Group Home must be such that a spacing radius of not less than 1,000 feet is maintained between or among residence group homes and/or residence family homes.
         e.   A Residence Group Home for developmentally disabled persons shall be approved by the Montgomery County Board of Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities.
      6.   Residence Family Home
         a.   A Residence Family Home is a permitted use in all residential districts or zones within the City of Centerville.
         b.   An application for a Residence Family Home shall be submitted for the sole purpose of verification of compliance with area, height, yard, and architectural compatibility requirements that are uniformly imposed upon all single-family residences within the district or zone where the residence family home is to be located.
         c.   The application shall include all necessary permits and licenses for the use and operation of a Residence Family Home or evidence shall be submitted that such permits are obtainable for the subject property.
         d.   The location of the Residence Family Home must be such that a spacing radius of not less than 1,000 feet is maintained between or among Residence Group Homes and/or Residence Family Homes.
         e.   A Residence Family Home for developmentally disabled persons shall be approved by the Montgomery County Board of Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities.
      7.   Stable in a Agriculture or Residential Zoning District
         a.   No commercial stable shall be permitted if its existence would be incompatible with surrounding residential land uses or zoning.
         b.   The minimum lot area shall be five (5) acres.
            i.   If any horses (including horses, ponies, mules, donkeys, and other animals used for riding) are outside of any building, the maximum number of horses permitted outside of any building at one time shall be one (1) per acre.
            ii.   If any horses (and other riding animals) are kept inside a building, the maximum number of horses permitted shall be limited to the building capacity to house, show, and ride said horses.
         c.   The following minimum setbacks shall be provided:
            i.   Stables, corrals, piles of manure, feed, and bedding shall be located seventy-five (75) feet from any street or nonresidential lot line and one hundred (100) feet from any residential lot line, in order to minimize odor and nuisance problems. Pasture may extend to the lot line.
            ii.   Manure piles shall be stored, removed, and/or applied in accordance with City Health Department regulations; however, manure shall not be applied on land that is closer than one hundred (100) feet to a residential lot line.
      8.   Temporary Seasonal Garden Centers
         Temporary seasonal outdoor retail sale of garden and landscaping plants and materials including bagged soil, fertilizer, and mulch (Temporary Garden Center). Natural holiday decorations such as Christmas trees are included in this use. (Ord. 17-16, 10-17)
         a.   A maximum of one (1) Temporary Garden Center may be conducted on a premises in any calendar year.
         b.   A Temporary Garden Center may be conducted on a premises for a period of time not to exceed 180 consecutive days at which time this temporary use shall be removed and the premises restored.
         c.   A Temporary Garden Center may display a maximum of 32 square feet of ground signs, wall signs, or combination thereof in association with the business. No more than three (3) total signs are permitted. Such signs may be temporary in their placement and construction. All other signs shall be prohibited.
      9.   Sidewalk Sale. (Ord. 16-20)
         The owner or operator of a business located in the B-1, B-2, B-PD and the APD Zoning Districts may conduct a sidewalk sale outside that business premises on private property in accordance with the following provisions:
         a.   The merchandise for sale shall be limited to only that merchandise normally offered for sale by the business owner or operator conducting the sale,
         b.   Sidewalk sales shall be limited to a maximum time period of 20 days per calendar year through either a single event or multiple events,
         c.   A sidewalk sale by persons who are not the owners or operators of a business may be permitted in connection with either of the following:
            i.   A planned program involving at least 6 separate sellers.
            ii.   A Food Truck with a valid Mobile Food Vendor permit from the City Manager's Office.
      10.   Mobile Food Vehicle Vendors
         a.   A Mobile Food Vehicle may operate as a temporary use in accordance with all requirements, contained in Chapter 844 of the Centerville Municipal Code.
         b.   License Required. Any person desiring to operate a Mobile Food Vehicle shall make a written application for such License to the City Manager's Office in accordance with the licensing requirements contained in Chapter 844 of the Centerville Municipal Code.
         c.   License Fee. All vendors licensed under this Chapter shall pay an annual license fee. The amount shall be in accordance with Chapter 844 of the Centerville Municipal Code. (Ord. 16-20)
         d.   Permitted Locations (Ord. 16-20)
            i.   A Mobile Food Vehicle may operate within the public right-of-way, provided it meets all conditions of Chapter 844 of the Centerville Municipal Code. This use does not require a zoning permit.
            ii.   A Mobile Food Vehicle may operate on private property as a Temporary Use to the premises as defined by the UDO. A Mobile Food Vehicle shall not be permitted as a principal use on a premise and shall be an accessory or secondary use. The following are types of permitted Temporary Uses for mobile food vehicle vendors.
               1)   Industrial and Office Uses: A Mobile Food Vehicle may be temporarily parked on the premises of an industrial use or a premises zoned I-1, I-PD, and O-PD to serve the employees of said premises and limited to a maximum of 1 hour per day during normal business hours of the industrial or office use. The applicant may apply for one Temporary Use permit for the year for a designated daily, weekly, biweekly or monthly time.
               2)   General Commercial Use: A Mobile Food Vehicle may be placed on the premises of a property zoned B-1, B-2, B-PD, and the APD in conjunction with a Temporary Use or sidewalk sale in accordance with the provisions contained in Article 9.05.(A).(9) of the UDO, including the time limitations of the permit. The event shall meet the following guidelines for each mobile food vehicle:
                  i)   A Mobile Food Vehicle shall operate only during the dates and times when the Temporary Use or Sidewalk Sale occurs. This event must follow all regulations of a Sidewalk Sale, as listed in Article 9.05.(A).(9).
                  ii)   A Mobile Food Vehicle shall not be located on or within 100 feet of a business premises that dispenses gasoline or other fuel, or a restaurant.
                  iii)   A Mobile Food Vehicle shall not be located on or within 100 feet of residential premises.
                  iv)   A Mobile Food Vehicle shall be legally parked within a parking lot having the capacity of at least 20 parking spaces. An off-site parking agreement to an adjacent or nearby parking lot within 400' of the use for the designated time period would be alternatively permitted.
                  v)   A License shall be required in accordance with part b. License Required, of this section for each mobile food vehicle.
                  vi)   The licensee or property owner shall make application with the City and submit all necessary documentation, including a site plan, to demonstrate all requirements will be met.
                  vii)   An affidavit from the property owner and business owner of the premises where the owner/operator of the Mobile Food Vehicle intends to conduct business stating that the owner/operator has permission to conduct business there.
               3)   Public Parks, Library and Civic Spaces: A Mobile Food Vehicle may operate in a public park or municipal facility in accordance with this ordinance, the Centerville Municipal Code and with the permission or license of the owner of the public park or municipal facility. Each mobile food vehicle shall have a valid City Manager's Mobile Food Vendor License, however a Temporary Use zoning permit is not required.
               4)   Carnival Event: A Mobile Food Vehicle may be parked on a premises in conjunction with a carnival event per Article 9.05.(A).(9) of the Centerville Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) or as part of a Carnival, Circus, Other Community Event or Showcase. Each Mobile Food Vendor shall have a valid City Manager's Mobile Food Vendor License, however a Temporary Use zoning permit is not required. The event, as well as Mobile Food Vendors shall meet the following criteria:
                  i)   A carnival permit shall be approved by the Centerville City Manager in accordance with Chapter 808 of the Centerville Municipal Code.
                  ii)   Shall operate only during the dates and times when the event occurs.
                  iii)   Shall be legally parked within a parking lot having the capacity of at least 30 parking spaces.
                  iv)   The licensee shall make application with the City and submit all necessary documentation, including a site plan, to demonstrate all requirements will be met.
               5)   Unless specifically permitted in this section, Mobile Food Vendors are prohibited from operating on private property in residential, agricultural and O-S zoned districts.
         e.   Sound emanating from a Mobile Food Vehicle shall be in accordance with the sound requirements contained in UDO Article 9.53. (Ord. 16-20)
         f.   Suspension and Revocation. See Chapter 844 of the Centerville Municipal Code.
         g.   Closure for Operation without a License. See Chapter 844 of the Centerville Municipal Code.
      11.   Commercial Alternative Energy Production
         a.   Solar Power Plant
            i.   Zoning Districts: A solar power plant is a conditional use in the A, Agriculture, R-1a, R-1b, and R-1c Single Family Residential Zoning Districts, and the I-PD, Industrial Planned Development zoning districts.
            ii.   Minimum lot size: The minimum lot size for a solar power plant shall be 20 acres.
            iii.   Setback: A solar power plant shall be setback a minimum of one hundred (100) feet from any property line.
            iv.   Screening shall be in accordance with the requirements for O-PD, B-PD, and I-PD located in Table 9.6: Bufferyard, Landscape and Screening Requirements of this UDO.
         b.   Wind Power Plant
            i.   A wind power plant is a conditional use in the A, Agriculture Zoning District, subject to the following requirements:
               1)   Minimum lot size: The minimum lot size for a wind power plant shall be 20 acres.
               2)   Maximum Height: 130 feet to the top of the wind turbine blade at its highest point of travel.
               3)   Minimum Setback from Property Lines: All elements of a Large Wind Energy Conversion System shall be set back a distance equal to the height of the system with a wind turbine blade at its highest point of travel.
               4)   All Large Wind Energy Conversion Systems shall adhere to all Federal and State Regulations including, but not limited to, submittal of an application to the Ohio Power Siting Board and Section 4906 of the Ohio Administrative Code.
               5)   Vehicular Access: Vehicular access to the wind turbines or equipment shelter shall be via concrete or asphalt roadways.
               6)   Equipment Shelter: The minimum setbacks for principal and accessory structures shall apply and such shelter shall not be located in any required front or side yards.
               7)   Uncontrolled Rotation: Both a manual and automatic braking, governing or feathering system shall be required to prevent uncontrolled rotation.
      12.   Self-Storage Facilities
         a.   A Self-Storage Facility may only be permitted in 8% of the total acreage of the zoning district for which it is located.
         b.   Maximum Lot Size: The maximum lot size for a parcel with Self Storage Facilities would be three (3) acres.
         c.   Buffer: A Self-Storage Facility property may not be located within 1000' of another Self Storage Facility property.
         d.   Outdoor Storage Prohibited. All goods and property stored in a Self-Storage Facility shall be stored in an enclosed building. No outdoor storage of boats, RVs, vehicles, etc., or storage in outdoor storage pods or shipping containers is permitted on a Self Storage Facility property.
         e.   Fences or walls including entry gates shall be constructed of high-quality materials, such as decorative metal or wrought iron fences. These fences or walls may include a combination of the fence material with a stone or brick base or columns. The fence or wall shall be compatible with the design and materials of the building(s). Planning Commission may approve a different material not listed here on a case-by-case basis as part a Major Site Plan or by amendment if it aligns with the architecture and design of the site. Chain-link (or similar) fences, barbed or razor wire fences, or walls made of precast concrete blocks are prohibited.
         f.   All Self Storage Facilities must have security installed. Examples include, but are not limited to, property fencing, lighting, motion sensors, key pads, access control hardware, security cameras, video monitors, gate and digital gate operators, unit alarms or electronic doors. (Ord. 09-21)
   B.   Uses
      1.   Purpose
      The purpose of this section is to list accessory, permitted, and conditionally permitted uses within the Standard Zoning Districts. These uses with their corresponding districts are shown in Table 9.1. (Ord. 01-14, 17-14)
      2.   Applicability
      Table 9.1 lists the accessory, permitted, and conditionally permitted uses zoning district classification. These uses apply to Agricultural (A), Single-Family Residential (R-1a to R-1e), Two-Family Residential (R-2), Multi-Family Residential (R-3), Office-Service (O-S), Neighborhood Business (B-1), General Business (B-2), Light Industrial (I-1), Architectural Preservation District (APD), and Planned Development (R-PD, O-PD, B-PD, & I-PD).
(Ord. 17-14, 17-16, 20-22)
Table 9.0 Table of Minimum Standards
1   Average Depth of Front Yard: In Agricultural and Residential Base Zoning Districts, where the average depth of at least 2 neighboring front yards on lots within 100 feet of a lot in question and within the same block front is less or greater than the least front yard depth prescribed in the table above, the required front yard on such lot shall be modified. In such case, the depth of the front yard shall not be less than the average depth of the neighboring front yards. However, the required front yard shall be a minimum of 10 feet and not required to exceed 60 feet.
2   The minimum rear yard in the R-1c District may be modified as follows: Draw a line 100 feet from the front lot line in the same manner as determining the minimum front yard. Any portion of this line that is at least 30 feet but less than 50 feet from the rear lot line shall define the rear yard building setback.
3   Per Dwelling Unit
4   A 100 foot minimum building setback is required for any non-residential use and any residential building that is greater than 150 feet in width, 6,000 square feet in gross floor area and greater than one story in height.
5   Refer to Section 9.15C. for subdivision requirements.
6   The minimum side or rear yard building setback when abutting a single-family residential zoning district shall be 50 feet plus a 5 foot additional setback for every 1 additional foot of building height for a principal building that is greater than 35 feet in height.
7   The Building Ground Floor Area may be increased up to 15,000 square feet subject to the following:
   1.   The parcel is contiguous to a non-residential or multi-family zoning district, and
   2.   The parcel is contiguous to a single-family zoning district or use and the principal building has a setback of 75 feet or greater from the single-family zoning district or use.
8   A single-family dwelling may have a driveway for parking of the owners or guest vehicle in the front yard.
9   The minimum building and parking or paving setbacks established for the Planned Development Zoning Districts by this table shall apply to the perimeter of the Development Plan as approved by City Council. If the minimum building and parking or paving setbacks for any internal lot lines(s) are not established by a Development Plan as approved by City Council, the setbacks shall default in the following manner:
   1.   R-3 Zoning District standards shall apply in the R-PD Zoning District.
   2.   O-S Zoning District standards shall apply in the O-PD Zoning District.
   3.   B-2 Zoning District standards shall apply in the B-PD Zoning District.
   4.   I-1 Zoning District standards shall apply in the I-PD Zoning District.
10   Proposal must follow standards of Article 9.53.D(2)(g).
Table 9.1, Permitted Land Uses in the Base Zoning Districts
Type of Use (Site Plan Requirement)
Land Uses
P   Permitted Use
-   Not Permitted Use
C   Conditional Use
(Maj)   Major Site Plan
(Min)   Minor Site Plan
A   Agricultural
R-1(a-e)   Single-Family Residential
R-2   Two-Family Residential
R-3   Multi-Family Residential
R-PD   Residential Planned Development
O-S   Office-Service
O-PD   Office Planned Development
B-1   Neighborhood Business
B-2   General Business
B-PD   Business Planned Development
I-1   Light Industrial District
I-PD   Industrial Planned District
APD   Architectural Preservation District
Specific Use Type
Approval Required by District
Land Use Type
Table 9.1, Permitted Land Uses in the Base Zoning Districts
Type of Use (Site Plan Requirement)
Land Uses
P   Permitted Use
-   Not Permitted Use
C   Conditional Use
(Maj)   Major Site Plan
(Min)   Minor Site Plan
A   Agricultural
R-1(a-e)   Single-Family Residential
R-2   Two-Family Residential
R-3   Multi-Family Residential
R-PD   Residential Planned Development
O-S   Office-Service
O-PD   Office Planned Development
B-1   Neighborhood Business
B-2   General Business
B-PD   Business Planned Development
I-1   Light Industrial District
I-PD   Industrial Planned District
APD   Architectural Preservation District
Specific Use Type
Approval Required by District
Land Use Type
Accessory Uses1
   Accessory Structures
   Bed & Breakfast
   Home Sales
   Outdoor Display or Storage of Materials, Goods, Supplies, or Equipment
   Mobile Food Vehicle - See Article 9.05 A 10.
   Pet Shelters
   Solar Energy Device - Roof Mounted2
   Solar Energy Device - Freestanding or Wall Mounted2
C (Maj)
C (Maj)
C (Maj)
C (Maj)
C (Maj)
C (Maj)
C (Maj)
C (Maj)
C (Maj)
C (Maj)
C (Maj)
C (Maj)
C (Maj)
C (Maj)
C (Maj)
C (Maj)
C (Maj)
   Swimming Pools and Hot Tubs, Private
   Tennis Courts, Private
   Wind Energy Device2
C (Maj)
C (Maj)
C (Maj)
C (Maj)
C (Maj)
C (Maj)
C (Maj)
C (Maj)
C (Maj)
C (Maj)
C (Maj)
C (Maj)
C (Maj)
C (Maj)
C (Maj)
   Wireless Telecommunications Antennae (Co-Location)
See Article 9.55, Wireless Communication Facility Standards
Agricultural Uses
   Bee Keeping4
P (Min)
P (Min)
P (Min)
P (Min)
P (Min)
P (Min)
P (Min)
P (Min)
P (Min)
P (Min)
P (Min)
P (Min)
P (Min)
P (Min)
P (Min)
P (Min)
P (Min)
   Stable (Commercial)
P (Maj)
C (Maj)
C (Maj)
C (Maj)
C (Maj)
C (Maj)
C (Maj)
C (Maj)
C (Maj)
   Stable (Private)
P (Min)
C (Maj)
C (Maj)
C (Maj)
C (Maj)
C (Maj)
C (Maj)
C (Maj)
C (Maj)
   Wholesale or Commercial Plant Nursery
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
Commercial Use
   Amusement Arcades
C (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
   Animal Hospital/Clinics
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
   Bakeries (Retail)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
   Banquet Hall
C (Maj)
C (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
   Barbers Shops & Beauty Parlors
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
   Bars, Taverns
C (Maj)
C (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
   Big Box Recall
C (Maj)
P (Maj)
   Book Store
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
   Camera/Photography Store
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
   Car Wash
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
   Clothing Store
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
   Commercial Entertainment
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
   Convenience Store   
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
   Corporate Data Centers
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
C (Maj)
P (Maj)
   Craft Breweries, Distilleries & Microwineries
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
C (Maj)
   Department Stores
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
   Drive-through Stores
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
   Drive-up Windows, associated with a Restaurant use5
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
   Drive-up Windows, not associated with a Restaurant use5
C (Maj)
C (Maj)
C (Maj)
C (Maj)
C (Maj)
C (Maj)
   Dry Cleaning Shops
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
   Flea Markets
C (Maj)
C (Maj)
C (Maj)
   Florist Shops
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
   Fueling Station6
C (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
C (Maj)
   Funeral Home
C (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
C (Maj)
P (Maj)
   General Merchandise Store
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
C (Maj)
   Grocery Stores
C (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
C (Maj)
   Hardware Stores
C (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
   Hobby Shops
C (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
   Hotel Motel
C (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
C (Maj)
C (Maj)
C (Maj)
Commercial Use
C (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
   Liquor Stores
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
   Driving Range
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
   Music Stores
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
   Night Clubs
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
   Office/Business Service Uses
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
   Pet Groomer
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
   Pet Store
P (Min)
P (Min)
P (Min)
P (Min)
P (Min)
P (Maj)
   Photography Studio
P (Min)
P (Min)
P (Min)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
   Plant Nursery/Garden Supply
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
   Restaurant, Class 1 - Sit Down
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
   Restaurant, Class 2 - Sit Down
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
   Restaurant, Class 3 - Sit Down, Drive-up
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
   Restaurant, Class 4 - Drive-up, Food Kiosk
C (Maj)
C (Maj)
   Retail Sales and Services (Generally, not otherwise enumerated)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
   Sexually Oriented Business
P (Maj)
   Shopping Center
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
   Vehicle Sale and Service
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
Institutional, Civic, Recreational
   Adult Day Care
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
   Animal Shelter
C (Maj)
C (Maj)
C (Maj)
C (Maj)
C (Maj)
C (Maj)
C (Maj)
C (Maj)
C (Maj)
C (Maj)
C (Maj)
C (Maj)
C (Maj)
C (Maj)
   Club or Lodge
C (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
C (Maj)
   Convention Center
C (Maj)
   Cultural (Museum, Art Gallery)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
   Day Care Center
C (Maj)7
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
   Entertainment Public
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
   Family Day Care, Type A
C (Maj)
C (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
   Family Day Care, Type B8
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
   Outdoor Recreational Club
C (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
   Golf Course
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
   Indoor Recreational Club
C (Maj)
C (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
   Natural Preserve Areas
P (Min)
P (Min)
P (Min)
P (Min)
P (Min)
P (Min)
P (Min)
P (Min)
P (Min)
P (Min)
P (Min)
P (Min)
P (Min)
P (Min)
P (Min)
P (Min)
P (Maj)
   Out Patient Surgery Center
C (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
   Parks, Open Space
P (Min)
P (Min)
P (Min)
P (Min)
P (Min)
P (Min)
P (Min)
P (Min)
P (Min)
P (Min)
P (Min)
P (Min)
P (Min)
P (Min)
P (Min)
P (Min)
P (Maj)
   Public Library
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
   Religious Institutions and Places of Worship (Large 150+ capacity)
C (Maj)
C (Maj)
C (Maj)
C (Maj)
C (Maj)
C (Maj)
C (Maj)
C (Maj)
C (Maj)
C (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
   Religious Institutions and Places of Worship (Small 1 - 150 capacity)
C (Maj)
C (Maj)
C (Maj)
C (Maj)
C (Maj)
C (Maj)
C (Maj)
C (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
   School: College
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
   School, Primary
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
   Swimming Pools (Not Private Residential)
C (Maj)
C (Maj)
C (Maj)
C (Maj)
C (Maj)
C (Maj)
C (Maj)
C (Maj)
C (Maj)
C (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
C (Maj)
C (Maj)
C (Maj)
Industrial, Manufacturing, Research, and Wholesale Use
   Artisan/Craft Product Workshop
C (Maj)
C (Maj)
C (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
C (Maj)
   Automobile or truck repair, including body work
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
   Bakeries (Factory or Distribution)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
   City Service Yards and Garages
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
   Construction trades and contractor offices and shops
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
   Food Processing
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
   Heavy equipment rental, sales, service and storage
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
   Industrial Park
P (Maj)
   Junkyards/Salvage Yards
C (Maj)
   Light Manufacturing
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
   Machine Shop
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
   Media Production
C (Maj)
P (Maj)
C (Maj)
C (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
   Printing Services
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
C (Maj)
   Research and Development, Information Technologies
C (Maj)
P (Maj)
C (Maj)
C (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
   Research and Development, Laboratories
C (Maj)
C (Maj)
C (Maj)
C (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
   Research and Development, Medical Technologies
C (Maj)
P (Maj)
C (Maj)
C (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
   Retail uses which have an industrial character
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
   Self-Storage Facilities
P (Maj)9
   Veterinary offices with fully enclosed runs, pens, or kennels
C (Maj)
C (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
   Warehouses and Mini-Warehouses
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
   Wholesaling and Distribution
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
Office Use
   Government Offices
C (Maj)
C (Maj)
C (Maj)
C (Maj)
C (Maj)
C (Maj)
C (Maj)
C (Maj)
C (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
   Medical and Dental Offices
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
   Office Park
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
   Office Uses
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
   Research and Development, Offices
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
C (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
Residential Uses
C (Maj)
C (Maj)
   Dwelling, Multi-Family and Apartment Building
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
   Dwelling, Single-Family
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
   Dwelling, Duplex
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
   Mixed-Use Building10
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
   Nursing and Convalescent Homes
C (Maj)
P (Maj)
C (Maj)
   Residence Family Home
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
   Residential Cluster Development
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
   Residential Group Home
C (Maj)
   Senior Citizen Residential Community
P (Maj)
   Satellite Dishes (Less than 1 meter in diameter)
   Telecommunications Cabinet
P (Min)
P (Min)
P (Min)
P (Min)
P (Min)
P (Min)
P (Min)
P (Min)
P (Min)
P (Min)
P (Min)
P (Min)
P (Min)
P (Min)
P (Min)
P (Min)
P (Min)
   Television Antennae (Residential)
   Wireless Communication Tower
See Article 9.55, Wireless Communication Facility Standards
   Wireless Communication Antennae
See Article 9.55, Wireless Communication Facility Standards
Temporary Uses
   Carnival/Outdoor Amusement Use
C (Maj)
C (Maj)
   Seasonal Outdoor Sale of Farm Produce or Plants
P (Min)
C (Maj)
C (Maj)
C (Maj)
C (Maj)
C (Maj)
C (Maj)
C (Maj)
C (Maj)
C (Maj)
C (Maj)
C (Maj)
C (Maj)
C (Maj)
   Seasonal Outdoor Sale of Landscaping Materials
C (Maj)
P (Min)
P (Min)
   Sidewalk Sales
   Temporary Construction Buildings
Transportation, Aviation or Surface
C (Maj)
C (Maj)
C (Maj)
C (Maj)
C (Maj)
C (Maj)
   Public transit stations, including bus stops or park and ride lots
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
   Transport Uses, Taxi, Limousine and EMS
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
P (Maj)
Utility Uses
   Solar Power Plant
C (Maj)
C (Maj)
C (Maj)
C (Maj)
C (Maj)
   Wind Power Plant
C (Maj)
C (Maj)
C (Maj)
C (Maj)
C (Maj)
C (Maj)
C (Maj)
C (Maj)
C (Maj)
C (Maj)
C (Maj)
C (Maj)
C (Maj)
C (Maj)
C (Maj)
C (Maj)
C (Maj)
C (Maj)
C (Maj)
   1   Refer to Article 9.39 of the UDO for additional regulations pertaining to Accessory Uses and Buildings. Some Accessory Uses and Buildings that, because of their size, location, or intensity of activity, may have an impact on adjacent property would require Major Site Plan approval.
   2   Refer to Article 9.57 of the UDO for additional regulations for Alternative Energy Systems including a solar energy and wind energy device.
   3   A minimum of 5 acres is required to establish an agricultural use.
   4   Refer to Article 9.39, G. Beekeeping of the UDO for additional regulations.
   5   Drive-up Windows shall be placed in the side or rear yard only.
   6   Within the B-1 or APD Districts, a fueling station shall have a maximum of 2 pumps that are located in the side or rear yard only.
   7   Shall be located on a thoroughfare.
   8   Permitted as a Home Occupation.
   9   See Article 9.05(A)(12) for regulations of Self-Storage Facilities.
   10   Residential uses permitted alongside those otherwise permitted in district in which it is located.
   11   A Heliport shall be set back a minimum of 100 feet from any property line.
(Ord. 09-23)