(a) The provisions of this chapter shall not include or apply to motor vehicles used exclusively as hearses or ambulances, or exclusively for service at weddings, christenings or funerals, or motor vehicles leased or rented for private use without the service of a chauffeur or driver, or motor vehicles operating under a certificate issued by the Public Utilities Commission of the State of Ohio, or any "drive-to-work" clubs, or under franchise granted by ordinance of Council when the franchise provides for a vehicle license fee.
(Ord. 1159. Passed 5-13-63.)
(b) The provisions of this chapter shall not apply to a duly licensed taxicab from another area if such vehicle is picking up a fare-paying passenger within the City, either for delivery at a point outside the City, where such taxicab is a duly qualified taxicab, or for delivery within the City, where the starting point was outside the City and when such taxicab is a duly qualified taxicab at the starting point.
(Ord. 35-71-0. Passed 9-13-71.)