The development of groups of properties for apartment, office, research and industrial centers in "R-O" and "M" Districts shall be subject to the following requirements:
   A preliminary review process shall be followed to ensure compliance with location, size, and character aspects of the proposed development, and
   A final development plan review process shall be followed to ensure compliance to design requirements of the development.
   (a)   Preliminary Review.
      (1)   The owner of a tract located in any "R-O" or "M" District, and containing not less than four acres, shall submit to the Planning Commission for its review a preliminary plan showing the use and development of such tract of land for an apartment, office, research or industrial center. The proposed uses may be mixed, but shall be consistent with those allowed in the district within which the tract of land is located. If the proposed uses are not consistent with those in the existing zoning district, the owner can proceed with a concurrent request to change the zoning classification to the appropriate classification.
      (2)   In accepting such plans for review, the Planning Commission must be satisfied that the proponents of the apartment, office, research or industrial center are capable to undertake and complete the proposed development, both financially and operationally. A reasonable timetable of development must be committed to by the proponents of the center and approved by the Planning Commission.
   (b)   Preliminary Plan Requirements.
      (1)   The Preliminary Plan shall show a development consisting of one or more groups of establishments in buildings of an integrated and harmonious design, together with adequate and properly arranged utilities, traffic and parking facilities and landscaping, which will complement the general character of the adjoining development and surrounding area.
      (2)   The applicant shall submit a traffic circulation plan which should present:
         A.   the location of the proposed development in relation to the City Thoroughfare Plan;
         B.   the anticipated levels of vehicular and pedestrian traffic to be generated by the development;
         C.   the arrangement of on-site traffic circulation and parking facilities and landscaping elements;
         D.   any physical and/or other traffic improvements required, requested, or proposed to alleviate anticipated congestion being created by the proposed development; and
         E.   such other information as the Planning Commission shall require.
      (3)   The applicant shall submit utility and drainage plans for the proposed development which shall show the following:
         A.   The connection points to the City's water and wastewater utilities;
         B.   The connection points and locations of the electric, telephone, gas, telecommunications, and any other utility services;
         C.   The size, depth and location of required water and wastewater utility facilities;
         D.   Water detention plan and calculations based on two and ten year events, emergency stone water plan for hundred year events; and
         E.   The location of storm sewer lines and related facilities.
   (c)   Design Regulations. The following additional regulations shall apply to apartment, office, research and industrial centers:
      (1)   Yards. No building shall be less than thirty feet distant from any zoning district boundary.
   Loading and storage shall be permanently screened from all adjoining properties located in an "R" District by building walls, or a free standing wall, fence or hedge at least six feet in height. All intervening spaces between the street pavement and the right-of-way line and intervening spaces between buildings, drives, parking areas and improved areas shall be landscaped with trees and plantings and properly maintained at all times.
      (2)   Tract Coverage. Where parking spaces are provided within the main buildings of the development, the ground area occupied by all buildings may be expanded by 10% beyond the stated maximum lot coverages listed for the zoning district.
      (3)   Access Drives. Access drives shall be located at a minimum interval of 300 feet.
      (4)   Loading Space. There shall be provided one off-street loading or unloading space for each 20,000 square feet, or fraction thereof; of aggregate floor space of all buildings in the center. At least one-third of the spaces required shall be sufficient in area and vertical clearance to accommodate trucks of the tractor trailer type.
      (5)   Signs. Signs for apartment, office, research or industrial centers shall be limited to wall-type signs on the principal building, except that a free standing identification and directional sign not larger than 15 square feet in area may be erected at entrances to the center. Illuminated signs shall not have the light source visible from off-site.
   (d)   Submission and Approval of Final Development Plan.
Upon approval of the preliminary plan by the Planning Commission, the following procedure shall be followed to achieve final approval of an apartment, office, research or industrial center.
      (1)   The proponents shall prepare and submit a final development plan which will comply with the design requirements, and will incorporate all changes or modifications required by the Planning Commission in the preliminary review stage.
      (2)   If the final development plan complies with the requirements set forth in this Chapter, and other pertinent sections of the Zoning Ordinance, the Planning Commission shall submit the plan with its report and recommendations to City Council for its review. Council shall set a public hearing, following the required 30 day public notification process, to review the plan. If a zoning classification change is being sought concurrently, this public hearing could incorporate both issues.
      (3)   Following the public hearing, Council may modify the plan, provided such modification is consistent with the intent and meaning of the Zoning Ordinance. Any plan approval, in situations where a zoning classification change is required, will not be effective until such zoning classification change occurs.
      (4)   After the final development plan is approved by Council, any minor changes in carrying out this plan, such as adjustments to or rearrangements of buildings, parking areas, drive entrances, heights or yards, must be approved by the Planning Commission. These changes must conform to the standards established by the final development plan and the Zoning Ordinance. Any other changes must follow the final development plan procedure and receive authorization by Council.
         (Ord. 26-99-0. Passed 8-23-99.)