(a) Intent: The purpose of this Section is to permit creation of new planned developments where variations of designs, uses and densities are allowed on application and approval of specific and detailed plans, where tracts suitable in location and character for the uses and structures proposed are adapted to unified planning and to development as units. Applications for Planned Unit Development will be granted only when the project is such that the public health, safety and general welfare will not be jeopardized by the departure from the restrictions on corresponding uses in the standard zoning districts.
(b) Objectives for Planned Unit Development: It shall be the policy of the Village to promote progressive development of land and construction thereon by encouraging planned unit developments in order to achieve:
(1) A maximum choice of living environments by allowing a variety of housing and building types and permitting a review of density per acre, lot dimensions, yards, building setbacks and area requirements.
(2) A more useful pattern of open space and recreation areas and, if permitted as part of the project, more convenience in the location of accessory commercial uses and services.
(3) A development pattern which preserves and utilizes natural topography and geologic features, scenic vistas, trees and other vegetation, and prevents the disruption of natural drainage patterns; and
(4) A development pattern in harmony with land use density, transportation facilities, and other community facilities and infrastructure elements.
(c) Conflict with Other Provisions: Because of the special characteristics of Planned Unit Development, special provisions governing the development of land are required. Whenever there is a conflict or difference between the provisions of this section and those of the other section of this Zoning Regulation, except those regarding flood plains, the provisions of the section shall prevail for the development of land as a Planned Unit Development. Subjects not covered in this section shall be governed by the respective provisions found elsewhere in this Zoning Regulation.
(d) Minimum Project Area: The minimum gross area of any Planned Unit Development project shall be in accordance with the following table:
RS-2 | 5 acres |
RS-4 | 5 acres |
RT-4 | 5 acres |
RM-8 | All PUD |
R-MH | All PUD |
H-B | 20,000 square feet |
V-B | 5 acres |
LI | 5 acres |
HI | 5 acres |
(e) Project Ownership: The project land may be owned, leased or controlled by a single person or corporation, or by a group of individuals or corporations. Evidence that the applicant has sufficient control over the tract to effect the proposed plan shall be required. This shall include a statement of all the ownership and interests in the tract.
(f) Provisions Continue After Land Sale: If all or any portion of property in the Planned Unit Development project is sold, the Planned Unit Development obligation shall continue for the new owners regardless of the acreage involved in the sale.
(g) Underground Utilities Required: Underground utilities, including telephone and electrical systems, are required within the limits of all Planned Unit Developments. Appurtenances of these systems which can be effectively screened may be excepted from the requirement if the Planning Commission finds that such exemption will not violate the intent or the character of the proposed Planned Unit Development.
(h) Identifying Planned Unit Developments on the Zoning Map: Areas approved for Planned Unit Development will be identified on the Zoning Map by indicating "PUD-Case No. _________". The appropriate case number is to be included in place of the blank. Any approved Zoning District for the area involved will also be marked on the map. The boundaries of the approved Planned Unit Development area will be marked to clearly identify the specific area included.
(j) Residential Planned Unit Developments:
(1) Permitted Uses: See listing of permitted, accessory and conditional uses within the underlying zoning district and Section 1137.05
. The number of dwelling units per dwelling structure may be varied. No mobile home shall be mixed with any other residential uses.
(2) Maximum Residential Density: The maximum number of dwelling units per gross project area shall not exceed that shown on the following chart:
RS-2 | 2.0 |
RS-4 | 4.0 |
RT-4 | 4.0 |
RM-8 | 8.0 |
(3) No more than one dwelling per acre where no central sewer is available.
(4) Site Planning: Buildings and establishments shall be planned as groups having common parking areas and common ingress and egress points in order to reduce the number of potential accident locations at intersections with thoroughfares. The plan of the project shall provide for the integrated and harmonious design of buildings, and for adequate and properly arranged facilities for internal traffic circulation, landscaping and such other features and facilities as may be necessary to make the project attractive and efficient from the standpoint of the adjoining and surrounding existing or potential developments. All areas designed for future expansion or not intended for immediate improvement or development shall be landscaped or otherwise maintained in a neat and orderly manner.
(5) Land Coverage by Buildings: To be determined by the Planning Commission in consideration of developers' recommendations. In no case, shall land coverage for the entire project area exceed that permitted under the standard district requirements.
(6) Building Height Regulations: For each foot of building height over the maximum height regulation specified in the underlying zoning district, the distance between such buildings and the side and rear property lines of a Planned Unit Development project shall be increased by a one (1) foot addition to the side and rear yard required in the district.
(7) Accessory Parking: See Chapter 1121. These requirements may be varied if proven to be excessive due to use of planned unit development.
(8) Signs: All signage stipulations and requests shall be submitted prior to final approval of a Planned Unit Development. See Chapter 1125 for size and location of permitted signs.
(k) Non-residential Planned Unit Developments:
(1) Permitted Uses: See Section 1137.05
for listing of permitted, accessory, and conditional uses within the underlying zoning district.
(2) Land Coverage by Buildings: To be determined by the Planning Commission in consideration of developers' recommendations. In no case shall land coverage by buildings for the entire project area exceed that permitted under the standard district regulations
(3) Building Height Regulations: For each foot of building over the maximum height regulations specified in the underlying district, the distance between such buildings and the side and rear property lines of a Planned Unit Development project shall be increased by a one (1) foot addition to the side and rear yard required in the district.
(4) Accessory Parking: See Chapter 1121. These requirements may be varied if proven to be excessive due to use of Planned Unit Development.
(5) Signs: All signage stipulations and requests shall be submitted prior to final approval of a Planned Unit Development. See Chapter 1125, for size and location of permitted signs.
(l) Conditional Uses Within Planned Unit Development (PUD): In areas of a proposed PUD without a specific site plan, the Planning Commission and Council will specify an underlying zoning district and may list conditional uses the Board of Zoning Appeals can allow in the PUD.