(a)   Establishment of Planned Unit Developments: Planned Unit Developments may be established by resolution of the Village Council after receipt of recommendation by the Planning Commission, subject to the procedures outlined in this section.
   (b)   Pre-Application Meeting: The applicant shall meet with the Zoning Inspector and the Planning Commission prior to the submission of a preliminary development plan. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss early and informally the purpose and effect of the Zoning Regulation and the criteria and standards for planned unit development. In addition, the applicant is encouraged to engage in informal consultation with: the Director of the Regional Planning and Coordinating Commission of Greene County to discuss any pertinent plans and regulations which affect the proposed project, with the Greene County Engineer to discuss thoroughfare plans and platting and subdivision requirements, with the Greene County Sanitary Engineer to discuss water and sanitary sewer systems, with the Greene County Health Department and/or Ohio Environmental Protection Agency to discuss on-site water supply and wastewater disposal, the Greene County Soil and Water Conservation District office to discuss drainage and soil conditions, and with the Greene County Building Regulations Department to discuss applicable building codes.
   (c)   Preliminary Development Plan Application: An application for preliminary plan approval shall be filed with the Zoning Inspector by at least one (1) owner or lessee of property included within the application. At a minimum, and in triplicate, the application shall contain the following:
      (1)   Name, address and telephone number of the applicant.
      (2)   Name, address and telephone number of the property owner(s).
      (3)   Name, address and telephone number of any registered surveyor, engineer, architect and/or urban planner assisting in the preparation of the preliminary development plan;
      (4)   Date of filing;
      (5)   Legal description of the property involved;
      (6)   A vicinity map at a scale of one (1) inch to one thousand (1,000) feet showing property lines, streets, existing zoning classifications, and major identifying landmarks in the vicinity;
      (7)   A preliminary development plan map, or set of maps, at a scale no greater than one (1) inch to one hundred (100) feet illustrating the following at a minimum, including adjacent areas within one hundred (100) feet of the boundary of the site.
         A.   A survey of the parcel(s) of land involved in the project, showing dimensions and bearings of property lines;
         B.   Topography at one (1) foot contour intervals for areas of zero percent (0%) to ten percent (10%) slope, in two (2) foot intervals for areas of ten percent (10%) to twenty percent (20%) slope, and in five (5) foot intervals for areas over twenty percent (20%) slope;
         C.   Existing streets, rights-of-way, easements, walks, bikeways, parks and community spaces, utilities, buildings and/or structures, and streams.
         D.   Soil types, land cover, and areas to developed and left undisturbed;
         E.   Proposed streets, rights-of-way, walks, public spaces, buildings and/or structures, and the layout and approximate dimensions of lots; and
         F.   Stormwater drainage facilities.
      (8)   A general or specific description of the proposed uses for each lot within the project area.
      (9)   Areas without specific plans for future development may be permitted in so far as not more than sixty percent (60%) of the total project area so designated and the proposed underlying zoning district(s) are specified;
      (10)   A general buffering and screening plan, if necessary, and one (1) or more profiles illustrating any relationship between proposed buildings or structures and any adjacent residential districts;
      (11)   A proposed schedule for development of the site;
      (12)   Evidence that the applicant has sufficient control over the land in question to initiate the proposed development plan within five (5) years.
      (13)   A written statement by the applicant setting forth the reasons why, in his opinion, the planned unit development project would be in the public interest and how it relates to the appropriate land use plans; and
      (14)   A fee as established by the Village Council.
   (d)   Review of Preliminary Plan by Regional Planning and Coordinating Commission: A copy of the application for preliminary development plan approval may be forwarded to the Regional Planning and Coordinating Commission of Greene County within five (5) days after it is accepted by the Zoning Inspector. The Regional Planning and Coordinating Commission may then provide informal comments and recommendations to the Planning Commission.
   (e)   Review and Action on Preliminary Plan by Planning Commission: Within thirty (30) days after it is filed, the preliminary development plan shall be approved in principle, with or without conditions, or disapproved by the Planning Commission. The Planning Commission shall determine if the application is consistent with the intent and purposes of this Zoning Regulation, whether the application advances the general welfare of the neighborhood and the community, and whether the benefits, combinations of various land uses, and the inter-relationship with the land uses in the surrounding area justify the deviation from standard district regulations. Approval of the preliminary development plan shall not be construed to endorse a precise location of uses, configuration of parcels, or feasibility of the proposed project.
   (f)   Final Development Plan Application: After approval in principle has been given for an application, a preliminary development plan may be filed with the Zoning Inspector by at least one owner or lessee of property included within the application.
   At a minimum the application shall contain the following information:
      (1)   Date of filing;
      (2)   Name, address, and telephone number of applicant, property owner(s), and registered surveyor, engineer, architect, or urban planner assisting in the preparation of the final development plan;
      (3)   A vicinity map as required for preliminary approval;
      (4)   At least five (5) copies of the final development plan map or set of maps at a scale no greater than one (1) inch to one hundred (100) feet illustrating the following at a minimum, including adjacent areas within one hundred (100) feet of the boundary of the site:
         A.   A survey of the parcel (s) of land involved in the project, showing dimensions and bearings of the property lines;
         B.   The layout and dimensions of proposed lots;
         C.   Existing and proposed topography at one (1) foot contour intervals for areas of zero percent (0%) to ten percent (10%) slope, in two (2) foot intervals for areas of ten percent (10%) to twenty percent (20%) slope and five (5) foot intervals for areas over twenty percent (20%) slope;
         D.   Existing and proposed streets, rights-of-way, easements, walks, bikeways, parks and public spaces, utilities, buildings and/or structures, storm drainage facilities, waste disposal facilities, and watercourses;
         E.   Documentation of the acreage of the site devoted to buildings, streets, parking/loading /drive-through facilities, and landscaped or undisturbed areas;
         F.   Existing and proposed zoning districts; and
         G.   Proposed landscaping and buffering and screening, where applicable, showing types and locations of plantings;
      (5)   Documentation of the number and type of dwelling units, including minimum floor area, for residential developments;
      (6)   Engineering feasibility studies and plans showing, as necessary, water, sewer, and drainage installations, street improvements, and earthwork required for site preparations;
      (7)   A schedule for development of the project, by section;
      (8)   Common open space and recreational facilities, including proposed provisions for their care and maintenance. Copies of proposed articles of incorporation and by-laws of any private entity proposed to maintain such areas shall be submitted, otherwise, a copy of the acceptance of such areas by a governmental entity shall be submitted; and
      (9)   The Planning Commission may waive any of the above requirements as deemed inappropriate for the type of development proposed.
   (g)   Required Public Hearing by Planning Commission: Within thirty (30) days after filing of the final development plan, the Planning Commission shall hold a public hearing. Such hearing shall require notice as specified under Section 1137.04 .
   (h)   Recommendation by Planning Commission: Within thirty (30) days after required Public Hearing, and receipt of recommendation from the Regional Planning and Coordinating Commission, the Planning Commission shall recommend to the Village Council that the final development plan be approved as presented, approved with supplementary conditions, or disapproved. The Planning Commission shall then transmit all papers constituting the record and the recommendations to the Village Council.
   Before making its recommendation to the Village Council as required, the Planning Commission shall find that the facts submitted with the application and presented at the public hearing establish that:
      (1)   The planned unit development is consistent in all respects with the purpose and intent of this Zoning Regulation;
      (2)   The proposed development advances the general welfare of the community and the immediate vicinity with no adverse effect to the adjoining or surrounding development and the area surrounding said development can be planned and zoned in coordination and substantial compatibility with the proposed development;
      (3)   The site will be accessible from public thoroughfares adequate to carry the traffic which will be imposed upon them by the proposed development and the streets and driveways on the site of the proposed development will be adequate to serve the residents or occupants of the proposed development;
      (4)   The development will not impose an undue burden on public services and facilities, including fire and police protection and the existing and proposed utility services are adequate for the population densities and non-residential uses proposed;
      (5)   Each individual section of the development, as well as the total development, can exist as an independent section capable of creating an environment of sustained desirability and stability or that adequate assurance has been provided that such objective will be attained;
      (6)   Any exception from standard district requirements is warranted by the design and other amenities incorporated in the final development plan, in accord with the planned unit development and the adopted policy of the Planning Commission and the Village Council;
      (7)   If governmental ownership of common open space or recreational facilities is planned, a copy of its acceptance has been filed with the application. If it is proposed that such open space be owned and/or maintained by an entity other than a governmental authority, copies of the proposed articles of incorporation and by-laws of such entity shall be submitted; and
      (8)   The Planned Unit Development can be substantially completed within the time specified in the schedule of development submitted by the developer and that implementation of the proposed development will begin within five (5) years after the date of approval.
   (i)   Public Hearing and Action by Village Council: Within thirty (30) days after the receipt of the recommendation from the Planning Commission, the Village Council shall hold a public hearing and give notice of such hearing as specified in Section 1137.04 . Within twenty (20) days of the close of the required public hearing, the Village Council shall accept or reject the recommendation of the Planning Commission, or shall approve some modification thereof.
   (j)   Period of Validity: If no construction has begun within five (5) years after approval is granted, the approval shall become void and the land shall revert to the standard district regulations in which it is located. An extension of the time limit of the approved final development plan may be approved if the Village Council and Planning Commission find that such extension is not in conflict with the public interest. No zoning amendment passed during the time period granted for the approval period shall in any way affect the terms under with approval of the Planned Unit Development was granted.
   (k)   Revision or Modification of Final Development Plan: Minor revision to the final development plan in such areas as lot lines, screening plan, loading and unloading space locations, parking provisions, may be approved without following all of the required procedures under this Section, if the Planning Commission and Village Council find that such revision is not in conflict with the intent of the approved final development plan and the public interest. All other modifications to an approved development plan require all of the procedures of this section to be followed.