Parking Generally
72.01 Obstructional parking; double parking
72.02 Manner of parking
72.03 Limitations of stopping and parking
72.04 Restrictions and prohibitions on designated streets
72.05 Parking restricted to allow street cleaning
72.06 All-night parking
72.07 Parking on parade route
72.08 Parking on off-street facility
72.09 Owner responsibility
72.10 Parking in parks
72.11 Display of parked vehicle for sale
72.12 Fire lanes
72.13 Unattended motor vehicle
72.14 Parking adjacent to school
72.15 Parking on narrow streets
72.16 Parking on one-way streets and roadways
72.17 Restricted parking near hazardous or congested areas
72.18 Angle parking
72.19 Permit for purposes of loading or unloading
72.20 Curb loading zones
72.21 Lights on parked vehicles
72.22 Prohibiting parking on either or both sides of street
72.23 Prohibiting standing or parking at all times
72.24 Regulations not exclusive
72.25 Posting of parking signs required
Snow Emergency Regulations
72.30 Title
72.31 Definitions
72.32 Declaration of parking prohibition on snow emergency routes
72.33 Signs to mark snow emergency routes
72.34 Stalled vehicle on snow emergency route
72.35 Removal and impoundment of vehicles
72.36 Recovery of impounded vehicles
72.37 Citation on vehicles in violation
72.38 Evidence that vehicle was in violation
72.39 Designation of snow emergency routes
Buses; Taxicabs
72.40 Public carrier stops and stands
72.41 Restrictions on buses and taxicabs
72.42 Use of stands by others restricted
72.99 Penalty
Abandoned vehicles, see Ch. 95
Statutory reference:
Authority to regulate standing, parking of vehicles, see IC 9-21-1-3(a)(1)
(A) No person shall park any vehicle upon a street or in an alley in such a manner or under such conditions as to leave available less than ten feet of the width of the roadway for the free movement of vehicular traffic, nor shall any person stop, stand, or park a vehicle within an alley in such a position as to block the driveway entrance to any abutting property.
(Ord. 306, passed 4-8-81) Penalty, see § 72.99
(B) It shall be unlawful for any person to stop or park any vehicle on the roadway side of any other vehicle stopped or parked at the edge or curb of a street. Penalty, see § 72.99
(Ord. 306, passed 4-8-81) Penalty, see § 72.99