(A) Within 30 days after the close of each calendar year, the Commission shall file with the Town’s executive a report setting out their activities during the preceding calendar year.
(B) The report of the Commission must show the names of the then qualified and acting members, the names of the officers of that body, the number of regular employees and their fixed salaries or compensation, the amount of the expenditures made during the preceding year and their general purpose, the amount of funds on hand at the close of the calendar year, and other information necessary to disclose the activities of the Commission, and the results obtained.
(C) The report of the Commission must show all the information required by division (B) of this section, plus the names of any Commissioners appointed to or removed from the office during the preceding calendar year.
(Ord. 738, passed 12-15-98)
(A) A Youth Council is hereby established by the Town Council. The Youth Council shall report its monthly activities to the Town Council at its first regular monthly meeting. The Town Council shall appoint one Town Council member to serve as a liaison and advisor to the Youth Council.
(B) The Youth Council shall prepare and adopt their own constitution and bylaws and present them for review and acceptance to the Town Council no later than six months after the adoption of this section. The constitution and bylaws shall be on file at the Clerk- Treasurer’s office.
(Ord. 858, passed 3-25-03)
(A) General. The town will own and operate a waterworks, and the Council hereby adopts the provisions of IC 8-1.5-4 with passage and adoption of this section.
(B) Board of Directors. The Town Council, pursuant to IC 8-1.5-4-2 establishes a Department of Waterworks to be known the Town of Cedar Lake Department of Waterworks (the Department). The Department shall be governed by a body to be known as the Board of Directors of the Town of Cedar Lake Department of Waterworks (the Board). The Board shall consist of three directors (the Directors) who shall be appointed by the President of the Town Council. Not more than two Directors may be of the same political party. The term of the first Director shall end of December 31, 200 ; the term of the second Director shall end on December 31, 200 ; and the term of the third Director shall end on December 31, 200 . Thereafter all terms will be for a period of four years. The Directors shall be compensated for their services as set forth annually in the salary ordinance of the town. In the event that a vacancy occurs on the Board, that vacancy shall be filled by a majority of the Council within 60 days from the date the vacancy occurred. Each Director shall give a bond, which shall be fixed by the Clerk-Treasurer in a form subject to approval of the Clerk-Treasurer in conformance with the rules and regulations of the State Board of Accounts. The majority of the Council may remove a Director at any time when, in the judgment of the Council, it is for the best interests of the Department.
(C) Waterworks District. The Department has jurisdiction over a special taxing district to be known as the Town of Cedar Lake Department of Waterworks Special Taxing District (the District), which consists of all territory within the municipal corporate boundaries, or territory served or to be served by the town’s waterworks.
(D) Powers and duties. The Board created herein shall have all of the powers and duties prescribed by IC 8-1.5-4-4, as such exists on the date of passage and adoption of this section, and as amended hereafter.
(E) Compliance. The Department and Board shall comply with all provisions of IC 8-1-5-4, as existing, or as may be hereafter amended.
(F) Revenue bonds. The Board shall take no actions which shall impair or impede the rights of holders or revenue bonds as long as the same are outstanding. The town shall retain all its authority and right to issue waterworks revenue bonds in accordance with IC 8-1.5, notwithstanding the adoption of this section or the establishment of the Department and Board.
(Ord. 1010, passed 7-10-07)
(A) The Town Council, as legislative body of the town, hereby provides for the control of the municipal waste water utility and collection system, as well as the municipally owned water utility and distribution systems, in accordance with the provisions of IC 8-1.5-3-3, as amended from time to time, by establishment herein of a Town Utility Board pursuant to applicable state laws.
(B) The established Board shall consist of the members of the Town Council, as town legislative body, in conformance with the provisions of IC 8-1.5-3-3(a)(2), as amended from time to time.
(C) The established Board has and retains general supervisory powers over the municipally owned utilities under its control, consistent with the provisions of IC 8-1.5-3-4, as it states presently, and as the same may be amended hereafter from time to time.
(D) The established Board shall further have all authorized powers, duties and responsibilities as set forth generally in IC 8-1.5-3-1 et seq., as the same presently exists, or as the same may be amended hereafter from time to time, related to the operation of municipally owned utilities, and all other applicable law.
(Ord. 1333, passed 3-19-19)