(A) The Promotion and Festival Committee may elect one of its members as chairman, one of its members as vice-chairman, and one of its members as secretary.
(B) The Promotion and Festival Committee may conduct a regularly scheduled public meeting one time each month on a day and at a time determined by the Committee. The secretary of the Committee shall be responsible for taking and keeping minutes of all meetings. Notice of all meetings of the Promotion and Festival Committee shall be given and made in conformance with the requirements of the applicable provisions of the Indiana Code, as amended from time to time.
(Ord. 533, passed 5-8-91)
Members of the Promotion and Festival Committee shall not be compensated, as these members are expressly acknowledged to be volunteers providing their time, energies and services to the town for the promotion of the town, and for the benefit of all the residents of the town.
(Ord. 533, passed 5-8-91)
There is hereby established, pursuant to the provisions of IC 8-1.5-5 et seq., as amended from time to time, a Department of Stormwater Management for the town. The Department of Stormwater Management shall be controlled by a board of directors, known as the Board of Stormwater Management (hereinafter “Board”).
(Ord. 560, passed 9-1-92)
(A) The Board shall consist of three directors, to be appointed by the town Council, no more than two of whom may be of the same political party.
(B) The terms of the individual directors shall be staggered as follows:
(1) A term of one year followed by a two-year term;
(2) A term of two years followed by a two-year term;
(3) A term of three years followed by a two-year term.
(C) The members of the Board shall be compensated for their services as set forth annually in the salary ordinance for the town, as amended from time to time.
(D) In the event a vacancy occurs on the Board, that vacancy shall be filled by the town Council within 60 days from the date the vacancy occurred, or as soon thereafter as possible. The town Council shall appoint one of its own members to fill the vacancy during any interim period of time.
(E) The town Council may, by simple majority vote, remove a director at any time when, in the judgment of the town Council, it is for the best interest of the Department of Stormwater Management.
(Ord. 560, passed 9-1-92)
(A) The Board shall have exclusive jurisdiction over the collection and disposal of stormwater within the town, and any district created and established herein.
(B) The Board shall have the powers and duties prescribed by IC 8-1.5-3-4(a), as amended from time to time, which include but are not necessarily limited to the following:
(1) General supervisory powers over the Department of Stormwater Management;
(2) Establish the number of employees and compensation of employees of the Department;
(3) Adopt rules regarding employees of the Department;
(4) Appoint a Superintendent for the Department, if appropriate;
(5) Retain and hire attorneys for the business of the Department, if appropriate;
(6) Retain and hire professionals, experts or consultants, including engineers, for the Department, if appropriate;
(7) Submit annual budgets to the town Council for the Department;
(8) Appropriate, lease, rent, purchase, and hold all real and personal property of the Department;
(9) Enter upon lands for the purpose of surveying or examining the land to determine the use of said lands for the purposes of the Department;
(10) Award contracts for:
(a) Purchase of capital equipment;
(b) Construction of capital improvements; or
(c) Other property or purposes that are deemed necessary for the full and efficient operation, construction and management of the Department;
(11) Adopt rules for the safe, economical and efficient management and protection of the Department;
(12) Deposit at least weekly with the town Clerk-Treasurer all money collected, to be kept in a separate fund subject to the orders and directions of the Board;
(13) Make monthly reports to the town Council and town Clerk- Treasurer of the receipts and disbursements of money belonging to the Department, as well as an annual report of the condition of the Department.
(C) In addition to the above described powers and duties, the Board may also undertake any of the following:
(1) Hold hearings following public notice;
(2) Make findings and determinations;
(3) Install, maintain, and operate a stormwater collection and disposal system;
(4) Make all necessary or desirable improvements of the grounds and premises under its control; and
(5) Issue and sell bonds of the stormwater drainage district in the name of the town for the acquisition, construction, alteration, addition, or extension of the stormwater collection and disposal system or for the refunding of any bonds issued by the Board.
(D) The Board may elect one of its members as chairman, one of its members as vice-chairman, and one of its members as secretary. The Board shall have a regularly scheduled meeting once a month on a day and at a time determined by the members of the Board. The secretary of the Board shall be responsible for the keeping of minutes of all meetings. Notice of meetings of the Board shall be given to the public pursuant to the applicable provisions of law.
(Ord. 560, passed 9-1-92)
(A) The acquisition, construction, installation, operation, and maintenance of facilities and land for stormwater drainage systems may be financed through:
(1) Proceeds of special taxing district bonds of the stormwater district;
(2) The assumption of liability incurred to construct the stormwater system being acquired;
(3) Service rates;
(4) Revenue bonds; or
(5) Any other available funds.
(B) The Board, after approval by the town Council, may assess and collect a user’s fee from all of the owners of property within the stormwater drainage district for the operation and maintenance of the stormwater system.
(Ord. 560, passed 9-1-92)
(A) The Board may fix and set aside:
(1) Revenues of the Department necessary for reasonable and proper operation and maintenance;
(2) Revenues for a proper and adequate depreciation account; and
(3) Revenues to be applied to the payment of the principal and interest of the authorized bonds.
(B) The Board shall consider the cost of the operation and maintenance of the Department when establishing and fixing the revenues required for operation and maintenance.
(C) In the event a surplus is accumulated in the operating and maintenance account, the Board may transfer any excess over that surplus to:
(1) The depreciation account, to be used for any improvements, extensions, or additions to the stormwater system; or
(2) The bond and interest redemption account.
(D) The revenues set aside to the depreciation account shall be expended for:
(1) The repair of the stormwater system;
(2) New acquisition, construction, extensions, or additions to the property of the stormwater system; or
(3) Transfer to the bond and interest redemption account to prevent a default.
(E) The revenues set aside for the payment of the principal and interest of the authorized bonds shall be deposited and credited to a special account identified as “the bond and interest redemption account”.
(F) In determining the amount that is to be set aside for the payment of the principal and interest of the authorized bonds, the Board may provide that the amount to be set aside and paid into the bond and interest redemption account for any year or years should not exceed a fixed sum, which must be at least sufficient to provide for the payment of the interest and the principal of the bonds maturing and becoming payable in each year.
(G) In the event a surplus is created in the bond and interest redemption account, the Board may transfer any excess over the surplus to:
(1) The operation and maintenance account; or
(2) The depreciation account.
(Ord. 560, passed 9-1-92)