   Each town officer shall deliver town records and property in the town officer’s custody to the town officer’s successor in office when that successor qualifies.
(IC 36-5-4-10)
   The President of the Town Council may revoke or suspend any license issued by the town if the person holding the license has violated the terms and conditions of the license or of the law under which it was issued.
(IC 36-5-4-11)
   (A)   The personnel policy for town employees is hereby adopted by reference as if set out in its entirety. (Ord. 667, passed 12-26-95; Am. Ord. 668, passed 1-16-96; Am. Ord. 773, passed 6-27-00; Am. Ord. 794, passed 6-26-01; Am. Ord. 830, passed 9-10-02; Am. Ord. 841, passed 11-26-02; Am. Ord. 847, passed 2-11-03; Am. Ord. 849, passed 2-17-03; Am. Ord. 893, passed 4-6-04; Am. Ord. 1065, passed 10-20-09; Am. Ord. 1090, passed 6-1-10; Am. Ord. 1097, passed 8-3-10; Am. Ord. 1160, passed 6-19-12; Am. Ord. 1200, passed 5-20-14; Am. Ord. 1202, passed 5-20-14)
   (B)   Department of Emergency Medical Services Rules and Regulations. The EMS rules and regulations, adopted as an amendment to the Town of Cedar Lake Personnel Policy Manual, are hereby adopted by reference as if set out in their entirety. (Ord. 844, passed 1-28-03; Am. Ord. 867, passed 9-23-03; Am. Ord. 879, passed 12-23-03; Am. Ord. 1210, passed 10-7-14)
   (A)   Definitions. For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   “EMPLOYEE.” An elected or appointed officer or official, or a full-time town employee.
   “GROUP HEALTH INSURANCE.” The type of health insurance authorized, provided and made available for the benefit of retired employees and retired public safety employees of the town.
   “PUBLIC SAFETY EMPLOYEE.” A full-time police officer.
   “RETIRED EMPLOYEE.” A former employee who meets the requirements established by the town for participation in a group health insurance plan for retired employees and retired public safety employees.
   “RETIREMENT DATE.” The date that the town employee has chosen to receive retirement benefits from the Employees’ Retirement Fund.
   (B)   There is hereby authorized the entry into a program and policy of group health insurance which shall be made available to retired employees and retired public safety employees of the town, as defined herein and as further defined by provisions of IC 5-10-8 et seq., as amended from time to time. Each eligible participating retired employee and eligible participating retired public safety employee shall be permitted to participate in and be covered by such group health insurance plan and policy as is provided for and entered into by the town for such retired employees and retired public safety employees. Each participating eligible retired employee and eligible retired public safety employee shall be required to pay the entire premium cost for such group health insurance coverage. Each participating eligible retired public safety employee shall further be required to comply with the provisions of IC 5-10-8 et seq., as amended from time to time, providing for such coverage availability for such retired public safety employees. Each participating eligible retired employee shall be required, likewise, to comply with the terms and provisions of IC 5-10-8 et seq., as amended from time to time, for participating in such coverage.
   (C)   (1)   The eligibility of a retired public safety employee for group health insurance hereunder shall end on the earlier of the following, namely:
         (a)   When the retired public safety employee becomes eligible for Medicare coverage as prescribed by 42 U.S.C. 1395, et seq.;
         (b)   When the town terminates the health insurance program for active public safety employees.
      (2)   A retired public safety employee of the town who is eligible and participating in the group health insurance coverage provided for and authorized by this section, as amended from time to time, shall conform to and comply with all of the statutory requirements of IC 5-10-8 et seq., as amended from time to time.
   (D)   A retired employee’s eligibility to continue the coverage under the Group Health Insurance program provided for and authorized herein ends when the Retired Employee becomes eligible for medicare coverage as prescribed by 42 U.S.C. 1395 et seq., as amended from time to time, or when the town terminates and ends the group health insurance program for all employees. A retired employee of the town who is eligible and participating in the group health insurance coverage provided for and authorized by this section, as amended from time to time, shall conform to and comply with all of the statutory requirements of IC 5-10-8 et seq., as amended from time to time.
   (E)   All participating retired employees and retired public safety employees shall additionally be required to comply with and conform to the terms and provisions of the group health insurance plan and program provided for by the town for such employees. Such compliance shall be considered a condition of eligibility.
   (F)   In the event of any conflict in the provisions of this section, as amended from time to time, the provisions of IC 5-10-8 et seq., as amended from time to time, shall supersede and be dispositive of any issues in dispute.
(Ord. 722, passed 6-23-98)
§ 31.07 HOLIDAYS.
   (A)   Holidays to be observed with pay are: New Year’s Day, Presidents’ Day (as observed nationally), Good Friday, Town of Cedar Lake Primary Election Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Columbus Day, Veterans Day, Town of Cedar Lake Election Day, Thanksgiving Day, Friday after Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve from 12:00 noon, and Christmas Day. When any such holiday falls on a Saturday the previous Friday shall be considered the holiday, and on Sunday, the Monday next following shall be considered such holiday. To receive holiday pay, employees must work the last scheduled departmental work day preceding and the first departmental scheduled work day following the holiday, unless the employee has previously scheduled a vacation or compensatory day for the day before or after a holiday. Holiday pay shall be limited to the regular scheduled hours of the normal work day for the un-worked holiday and shall be counted as time worked for the purpose of computing weekly overtime pay. Whenever it is necessary for an employee to work on a holiday, he shall be entitled to compensatory time off at a time approved by the Department Head. If compensatory time off is not practical, the employee shall be compensated by straight time payment for the holiday in addition to regular payment for hours worked. The Town Hall and Clerk-Treasurer’s office shall be closed on the above listed holidays.
   (B)   That full-time members and full-time civilian employee of the Police Department are required to work on the holidays designated above, when scheduled, to conduct police business and affairs for the welfare and ,safety of the residents of the Town. All full-time members and full-time civilian employees are hereby granted personal days for each of the specific holidays designated above. The personal days shall be taken at a time and date approved by the Chief of Police, or his designate. In no event shall there be compensation given in lieu of the personal day. Each personal day shall be taken only when permitted by the Chief of Police. In the event the personal day is not taken and exercised during the calendar year as required herein, the right to the personal day by the full-time member or full-time civilian employee shall lapse.
(Ord. 733, passed 10-22-98; Am. Ord. 838, passed 11-26-03)
   Overtime and comp time will be calculated pursuant to applicable law.
(Ord. 733, passed 10-20-98)
   (A)   The Town Council establishes a pre-tax premium plan for the voluntary participation of all eligible employees of the town. The plan is required to be established in conformance with the requirements of Section 125 of the Internal Revenue code, as amended from time to time.
   (B)   The Clerk-Treasurer is authorized to execute for the town individual participation agreements with each employee requesting the same, and to act as the administrator of the plan representing the town. The Council President is authorized to execute such agreements and contracts as are necessary to implement the program, and the Clerk- Treasurer shall attest to the execution of the same by the Council President.
   (C)   The town pre-tax plan is established, provided that there is little or no cost to the town for the plan except for minor incidental administrative expenses regarding the same.
(Ord. 734, passed 10-20-98)