(A) Use of third party to conduct reverse auctions.
(1) The Purchasing Agent is hereby authorized to use a third party to conduct reverse auctions on behalf of the town for the purchase of supplies. The third party that will conduct the reverse auction must have prior experience in conducting reverse auctions on behalf of local governments.
(2) The Purchasing Agent shall obtain a copy of the procedures established by the third party to conduct the reverse auction on behalf of the town and present those procedures to the Town Council for adoption and inclusion in its applicable procedures prior to participating in any reverse auction conducted by the third party.
(B) Transmission of notices, solicitations and specifications.
(1) Notices. The Purchasing Agent shall give notice of a reverse auction by:
(a) Publishing notice of the invitation to bid two times, at least one week apart, with the second publication at least seven days before the commencement of the reverse auction in accordance with IC 5-22-7-5, 5-22-18 et seq., and 5-3-1 et seq., all as amended from time to time;
(b) Posting the invitation on the town’s website; and
(c) If a third party is conducting the reverse auction on behalf of the Purchasing Agent, by posting, or permitting to have posted, the invitation on the third party’s website.
(Note: Posting an invitation to bid on any website requires compliance with IC 5-22-3-4.)
(Note: The Purchasing Agent may also give notice of a reverse auction by electronic mail and/or facsimile transmission.)
(2) Solicitation and Specifications. The Purchasing Agent shall transmit solicitations and specifications:
(a) In accordance with the invitation to bid, identifying a designated location where, during regular business hours, the invitation to bid may be inspected and copied or copies may be obtained; and
(b) By making them available on the town’s website or providing information on the website identifying a designated location where, during regular business hours, the invitation to bid may be inspected and copied or copies may be obtained; and
(c) If a third party is conducting the reverse auction on behalf of the Purchasing Agency, by making them available on the third party’s website.
(Note: Posting an invitation to bid on a website requires compliance with IC 5-22-3-4, as amended from time to time.)
(C) Pre-qualification of bidders.
(1) All bidders desiring to participate in a reverse auction must be pre-qualified by submitting materials to ensure that they meet the specifications identified by the buyer as to the types of supplies to be offered for purchase no later than 24 hours before the time of the commencement of the reverse auction, as provided in the invitation to bid.
(2) The pre-qualification process shall be used to determine whether the bidder is responsible and responsive, as provided in IC 5-22-7.5 et seq., as amended from time to time, whether any bidding or purchasing preferences exist, and whether the bidder has submitted evidence of financial responsibility, as required by the Purchasing Agent. In order to assist the Purchasing Agent in pre-qualifying bidders, the bidder must submit, in accordance with the invitation to bid, all documentation and other information relating to the supplies being offered for purchase, except for price, and any other information that may assist the Purchasing Agent in making its determination. Such documentation shall include evidence of financial responsibility or a certified check, as specified in the bid.
(3) In determining whether a bidder is responsible, the Purchasing Agent may consider the following factors:
(a) The ability and capacity of the bidder to provide the supplies;
(b) The integrity, character and reputation of the bidder; and
(c) The competency and experience of the bidder.
(4) In determining whether a bidder is responsive, the Purchasing Agent may consider the following factors:
(a) Whether the bidder has submitted information demonstrating that his, her or its offer for supplies conforms to the specifications in all material respects.
(b) Whether the bidder has submitted documentation that complies specifically with the solicitation and instructions to bidders.
(c) Whether the bidder has complied with all applicable statutes, ordinances, resolutions and/or rules pertaining to the award of a public contract.
(5) The determination that a bidder is not responsive or not responsible must be made in writing.
(6) Pre-qualification of bidders must be done by the Purchasing Agent or an authorized representative of the Purchasing Agent in the presence of one or more witnesses and must be completed no later than 24 hours prior to the commencement of the reverse auction bidding period.
(7) The Purchasing Agent shall notify any bidder determined to be not pre-qualified in writing, by facsimile or electronic mail (as requested by the bidder) and shall exclude the bidder so notified from participation in the reverse auction.
(8) The Purchasing Agent’s determination that a bidder is not pre-qualified is limited to the reverse auction for which the request for pre-qualification was received.
(D) Contents of invitation to bid. The invitation to bid must include all of the following:
(1) A purchase description;
(2) A statement that the bids will be accepted by means of a reverse auction;
(3) A description of all contractual terms and conditions that apply to the purchase, including the requirement of a non- collusion affirmation by the successful bidder;
(4) The criteria that will be used by the Purchasing Agent to pre-qualify bidders to determine whether a bidder is responsive and responsible;
(5) The information and other documentation required to be submitted for pre-qualification, including a certified check of other evidence of financial responsibility;
(6) The location and manner in which bidders must submit information for pre-qualification, the deadline for submission of such information, and the deadline by which the Town Council will determine whether a bidder is pre-qualified;
(7) The location, including any websites, at which the invitation to bid may be inspected and copied or copies obtained, including, if a third party is conducting the reverse auction on behalf of the town, the procedures to be used by the third party to conduct the reverse auction;
(8) A statement as to whether a third party is conducting the reverse auction on behalf of the town;
(9) A statement indicating that offers submitted by pre- qualified bidders will only be received through the town’s secure website or, if a third party is conducting the reverse auction on behalf of the town, through the third party’s secure website;
(10) The date and time at which the reverse auction bidding period will begin and the approximate length of time for which the reverse auction will be conducted, allowing for automatic extensions based upon resulting competitive activity;
(11) The deadline by which pre-qualified bidders must submit an initial price to a secure website for the purposes of establishing a bidder’s participation and initial ranking at the commencement of the reverse auction bidding period;
(12) A statement explaining that the bidding period during which the reverse auction is conducted may be extended based upon competitive activity, at pre-determined periods determined by the Purchasing Agency;
(13) A statement identifying the circumstances under which the reverse auction may be postponed, paused, rescheduled or canceled;
(14) The place and approximate time at which, following the close of the bidding period, offers will be reviewed publicly by an authorized representative of the Purchasing Agent in the presence of one or more witnesses;
(15) A statement that the third party conducting the reverse auction on behalf of the town will collect a service charge from the successful bidder for its participation in the reverse auction;
(16) The name, address and telephone number of a representative of the Purchasing Agent who can provide additional information related to the reverse auction;
(17) If a third party is conducting the reverse auction on behalf of the town, the name, address and telephone number of a representative of the third party who can provide additional information related to the reverse auction, including the mandatory training required of all pre-qualified bidders as a condition of participating in the reverse auction; and
(18) The conditions under which the invitation to bid may be canceled or postponed in accordance with IC 5-22-18-1, as amended from time to time.
(E) Receiving offers.
(1) The Purchasing Agent shall receive offers only from bidders who have been pre-qualified, in accordance with an invitation to bid.
(2) If a third party conducts the reverse auction on behalf of the town, all pre-qualified bidders must receive training provided by the third party in order to participate in the reverse auction.
(3) Prior to receiving electronic offers, the Purchasing Agent must find that:
(a) The invitation to bid for the reverse auction indicates the procedure for transmitting the electronic offer; and
(b) The electronic system on which the offer is received has a security feature that protects the content of an electronic offer with the same degree of protection as the content of an offer that is not transmitted by electronic means.
(4) In accordance with the invitation to bid, offers submitted by pre-qualified bidders will only be received:
(a) Through the town’s secure website; or
(b) If a third party is conducting the reverse auction on behalf of the town, through the third party’s secure website.
(F) Reverse auction bidding period.
(1) For each reverse auction, the Purchasing Agent must establish an initial bidding period during which bidders may submit prices for which the supplies being offered may be purchased. The initial bidding period shall not be less than one hour. The Purchasing Agent may automatically extend the reverse auction bidding period for additional pre-determined periods based upon competitive activity.
(2) During the bidding period for the reverse auction, information available for public display is limited to the ranking, price and name of bidders of each price bid relative to all other prices bid.
(3) The dollar amounts of the prices bid by bidders shall not be disclosed to the bidders until the close of the bidding period.
(4) All information received, obtained or retained during a reverse auction remains confidential and may not be disclosed until after the close of the reverse auction bidding period.
(G) Opening offers.
(1) In accordance with IC 5-22-7-5, as amended from time to time, offers will be deemed to be opened when a computer generated record of the information contained in all bids received from pre- qualified responsive and responsible bidders is reviewed publicly at the close of the bidding period for the reverse auction in the presence of one or more witnesses at the time and place designated in the invitation for bids by the Purchasing Agent (or his or her authorized representative).
(2) The Purchasing Agent, and any of his or her agents or employees, are prohibited from displaying for public viewing the amount of each initial bid price until the close of the initial bidding period for the reverse auction. The Purchasing Agent is required to protect the identity of a bidder and the prices which have been submitted by each bidder until the initial bid has been placed until the reverse auction begins, at which time bids will be deemed opened.
(H) Contract award.
(1) In accordance with IC 5-22-7-8, as amended from time to time, the Purchasing Agent must award a contract for the purchase of supplies with reasonable promptness by written notice to the lowest responsible and responsive bidder.
(2) If the contract is not awarded to the lowest bidder, the Purchasing Agent must indicate the reasons for the award in writing.
(I) Purchase orders and payments.
(1) A fully executed purchase order must be filed with the Town Clerk-Treasurer within 30 days after the award of the contract for a purchase of supplies through a reverse auction in accordance with IC 5-22-18-5, as amended from time to time.
(2) Payments for supplies purchased in a reverse auction shall be made only after receiving properly submitted claims in accordance with IC 5-11-10 et seq. and 36-5-4 et seq., both as amended from time to time.
(J) Documentation. The Purchasing Agent shall be required to maintain adequate documentation regarding its reverse auctions so that the transactions may be audited as provided by applicable law. The Purchasing Agent shall maintain an indexed file of specifications prepared by or under the authority of the Purchasing Agent for each reverse auction in which the town participates.
(Ord. 936, passed 9-20-05)
(A) Contractors proposing to submit bids on any Town of Cedar Lake public works project estimated to cost at least $250,000, or more, must, prior to the opening of bids, submit a statement made under oath and subject to perjury laws, on a form designated by the town, and must include the following:
(1) A copy of a print-out of the Indiana Secretary of State's on-line record for the bidder dated within 60 days of the submission of said document showing that the bidder is in existence, current with the Indiana Secretary of State's Business Entity Reports, and eligible for a Certificate of Good Standing. If the bidder is an individual, sole proprietor or partnership, this subsection shall not apply.
(2) A list identifying all former business names;
(3) Any determinations by a court or government agency for violations of federal, state, or local laws including, but not limited to, violations of contracting or antitrust laws, tax or licensing laws, environmental laws, the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA), or federal Davis-Bacon, and related Acts;
(4) A statement on staffing capabilities, including labor sources;
(5) Evidence of participation in apprenticeship and training programs applicable to the work to be performed on the project which are approved by and registered with the United States Department of Labor's Office of Apprenticeship, or its successor organization. The required evidence includes but is not limited to a copy of all applicable apprenticeship standards or apprenticeship agreement(s) for any apprentice(s) who will perform work on the public works project, and evidence that each apprenticeship program has graduated at least five apprentices in each of the past five years for each construction craft the bidder will perform work on the project;
(6) A copy of a written plan for employee drug testing that:
(a) Covers all employees of the bidder who will perform work on the public works project; and
(b) Meets, or exceeds, the requirements set forth in IC 4-13-18-5 and IC 4-13-18-6;
(7) The name and description of the management experience of each of the bidder's project managers and superintendents that bidder intends to assign to work on the project;
(8) Proof of any professional or trade license required by law for any trade or specialty area in which the bidder is seeking a contract award; and disclosure of any suspension or revocation within the previous five years of any professional or trade license held by the company, or of any director, office or manager employed by the bidder;
(9) Evidence that the contractor is utilizing a surety company which is on the United States Department of Treasury's Listing Approved Sureties;
(10) A written statement of any federal, state or local tax liens or tax delinquencies owed to any federal, state or local taxing body in the last five years;
(11) A statement that individuals who will perform work on the public works project on behalf of the bidder will be properly classified as either:
(a) An employee; or
(b) An independent contractor under all applicable state and federal laws and local ordinances; and
(12) A list of projects of similar size and scope of work that the bidder has performed in the State of Indiana within three years prior to the date on which the bid is due.
(B) The town reserves the right to demand supplemental information from the bidder, additional verification of any information provided by the bidder, and may also conduct random inquiries of the bidder's current and prior customers.
(Ord. 1405, passed 12-7-21; Am. Ord. 1420, passed 6-7-22)
(A) All bidders shall provide a written list that discloses the name, address, and type of work for each first-tier subcontractor from whom the bidder has accepted a bid and/or intends to hire on any part of the public work project, including individuals performing work as independent contractors, within five business days after the date the bids are due.
(B) In addition, each listed first-tier subcontractor shall be required to adhere to the requirements of this subchapter as though it were bidding directly to the town, except that first-tier subcontractors shall submit the required information (including the name, address, and type of work for each of their first-tier subcontractors) to the successful bidder no later than five business days after the subcontractor's first day of work on the public work project and the bidders shall immediately forward said information to the town. Payment shall be withheld from any first-tier subcontractor who fails to timely submit said information until such information is submitted and approved by the town.
(C) Upon request, the town may require any second and lower-tier subcontractors to provide the required information (including name, address, type of work on the project and the name of the higher-tier subcontractor) within ten calendar days. Payments shall be withheld from any second or low-tier contractor who fails to timely submit this information until this information is submitted and approved by the town. Additionally, the town may require the successful bidder and relevant subcontractor to remove the second or lower-tier subcontractor from the project and replace it with the responsive and responsible subcontractor.
(D) Failure of a subcontractor to submit the required information shall not disqualify the successful bidder from performing work on the project and shall not constitute a contractual default and/or breach by the successful bidder. However, the town may withhold all payments otherwise due for work performed by a subcontractor until the subcontractor submits the required information and the town approved such information. The town may also require that successful bidder to remove the subcontractor from the project and replace it with a responsive and responsible subcontractor.
(E) The disclosure of a subcontractor ("disclosed subcontractor") by a bidder or a subcontractor shall not create any rights in the disclosed subcontractor. Thus, a bidder and/or subcontractor may substitute another subcontractor ("substitute subcontractor") for a disclosed subcontractor by giving the town written notice of the name, address and type of work of the substitute subcontractor. The substitute subcontractor is subject to all of the obligations of a subcontractor under this subchapter, as amended from time to time.
(Ord. 1405, passed 12-7-21)
(A) Upon determination by the town that a contractor's or subcontractor's submission in anticipation of a bid is complete and timely, and upon any further consideration deemed necessary by the town, the contractor or subcontractor may be designated as pre-qualified for future town public works projects. A contractor's designation as pre-qualified shall exempt the contractor or sub-contractor from the comprehensive submission requirements contained herein for a period of 12 months. Thereafter, contractors or subcontractors who are pre-qualified must submit a complete application for continued or pre-qualified standing, on a form provided by the town, (also referred to as the "short form") by December 31 for the upcoming calendar year. Failure by any pre-qualified standing shall result in automatic removal of the designation effective January 21 of the upcoming year. However, the "removed" contractor or subcontractor shall still be permitted to bid on town public works project.
(B) Any material changes to the contractor's status at any time must be reported in writing by the contractor within ten days of its occurrence to the town. The pre-qualification designation is solely within the discretion of the town and the town specifically reserves the right to change or revoke the designation for a stated written reason(s).
(C) Denial of pre-qualification shall be in writing and shall be forwarded to the contractor within seven working days of such decision. Any contractor denied or losing pre-qualification status may request reconsideration of the decision by submitting such request in writing to the town within five business days of receipt of notice of denial.
(Ord. 1405, passed 12-7-21)
It is the sole responsibility of the potential bidder to comply with all pre-bid submission requirements applicable to the bidder in § 32.111 above by no later than the public bid opening. Post-bid submissions must be submitted in accordance with § 32.112 above. Submissions deemed inadequate, incomplete or untimely by the town may result in the disqualification of the bid.
(Ord. 1405, passed 12-7-21)