   The name of the County Home was officially changed to “Woodland Acres” on December 29, 1980.
(Prior Code, § 33.235) (Cass Co. Com. Record Book No. 40, page 428)
   (A)   The Board of County Commissioners establishes a committee of local citizens to advise the Commissioners on wise urban forestry practices, policies, and issues.
   (B)   The Urban Forestry Committee is charged with the responsibility of reviewing information regarding urban forestry and the wise maintenance of trees in the county; educating the citizens on urban forestry, and tree-planting and maintenance; recommending to the Board of County Commissioners a tree ordinance directing the county’s policy of trees on county-owned land; and working to improve the aesthetic quality of the county while addressing the problem of global warming on a grassroots level by the wise planting of trees.
   (C)   The Urban Forestry Committee shall be appointed by the County Board of Commissioners for specified terms. The Board of County Commissioners shall appoint the Urban Forestry Committee’s first Chairperson, with subsequent Chairpersons elected by committee members. The Urban Forestry Committee shall be free to organize itself as it deems necessary.
   (D)   The Urban Forestry Committee will meet at least quarterly (but more often if the members wish), and shall supply the Commissioners with minutes of their meetings. The committee shall comply with the Open Door Law being I.C. 5-14-1.5-1 et seq.
(Prior Code, § 33.236) (Res. 90-2, passed 1-15-1990)
   (A)   Purchasing Agency.
      (1)   Designation of Purchasing Agency. The Board of County Commissioners is hereby designated as the Purchasing Agency for all boards, offices, commissions, councils, departments, or other establishments of the county.
      (2)   Powers of the Purchasing Agency. The Purchasing Agency designated in this division (A) shall:
         (a)   Assume the duties, powers, and responsibilities assigned to Purchasing Agencies under the Act, being I.C. 5-22-4 et seq.;
         (b)   Establish procedures, not inconsistent with the I.C. 5-22-2 or this section, for obtaining supplies or services in a manner which will obtain the greatest economic value for the county;
         (c)   Prepare specifications and notice to bidders and ascertain that required notices are published where bidding and publication of notices are required by law;
         (d)   Designate in writing a Purchasing Agent to carry out the purposes of the provisions of this chapter. Such a purchasing agent may make purchases except as provided herein; and
         (e)   Designate in writing such Limited Purchasing Agents as the Purchasing Agency deems appropriate, and define, in writing, the limitations of their authority consistent herewith.
      (3)   Small purchase procedures.
         (a)   A SMALL PURCHASE is a purchase of supplies with an estimated cost of less than $25,000.
         (b)   The Purchasing Agency may make a small purchase on the open market without inviting or receiving quotes or bids.
         (c)   A Purchasing Agent is authorized to purchase supplies with an estimated cost of less than $25,000 on the open market without inviting or receiving quotes or bids.
         (d)   A Limited Purchasing Agent is authorized to purchase supplies with an estimated cost of $10,000 on the open market without inviting or recovering quotes or bids.
      (4)   Preferences for supplies manufactured in the United States. Supplies manufactured in the United States shall be specified for all purchases by the Purchasing Agency, and shall be purchased unless the Purchasing Agency determines in writing that:
         (a)   The supplies are not manufactured in the United States in reasonably available quantities;
         (b)   The price of supplies manufactured in the United States exceeds, by an unreasonable amount, the price of available and comparable supplies manufactured elsewhere;
         (c)   The quality of the supplies manufactured in the United States is substantially less than quality of comparably priced available supplies manufactured elsewhere; or
         (d)   The purchase of supplies manufactured in the United States is not in the public interest.
      (5)   Purchase of services. As used in this section, the term SERVICES means the furnishing of labor, time, or effort by a person, not involving the delivery of specific supplies other than printed documents or other items that are merely incidental to the required performance, including, but not limited to: legal; medical; architectural; accounting; engineering; appraisal; and insurance services. The Purchasing Agency may purchase services in whatever manner the Purchasing Agency determines to be reasonable and appropriate.
   (B)   Purchasing Agent.
      (1)   Designation of Purchasing Agent. The Board of County Commissioners, acting in its capacity as Purchasing Agency for the county hereby designates the Board of County Commissioners as the Purchasing Agent for the county pursuant to I.C. 5-22-2 .
      (2)   Duties of Purchasing Agent.
         (a)   The Purchasing Agent shall act as an agent for the Purchasing Agency in the administration of the duties of the Purchasing Agency under I.C. 5-22-2 .
         (b)   The Purchasing Agent shall have only those powers specified in I.C. 5-22-2 and under division (A) above.
      (3)   Designation of Limited Purchasing Agents.
         (a)   The Board of County Commissioners, acting in its capacity as Purchasing Agency for the county, hereby designates county elected officers and county department heads as Limited Purchasing Agents for making small purchases for their respective offices and departments, as authorized by division (A)(3) above.
         (b)   As used in this division (B)(3), the term COUNTY ELECTED OFFICERS shall include the Judges of the circuit and superior courts, Auditor, Treasurer, Clerk, Recorder, Assessor, Surveyor, Sheriff, Prosecuting Attorney, and Coroner. The term COUNTY DEPARTMENT HEADS shall include:
            1.   The Director of the County Parks Department;
            2.   The County Highway Superintendent;
            3.   The Executive Director of the County Plan Commission;
            4.   The County Building Superintendent;
            5.   The County Home; the Veteran’s Service Bureau;
            6.   The County Health Department; the County Emergency Management Agency; and
            7.   The 911 and Data Processing Supervisor.
      (4)   Revocation. The designation of Purchasing Agent and Limited Purchasing Agents in this section may be revoked at any time by resolution of the Board of County Commissioners.
      (5)   Effective sate. The effective date of the designation made in this section shall be December 1, 1998.
(Prior Code, § 33.237) (Ord. 98-15, passed 12-7-1998; Ord. 98-16, passed 12-7-1998)
   (A)   It is deemed necessary to establish a County Automatic Data Processing Board, and such Board is established.
   (B)   This County Automatic Data Processing Board shall consist of the County Auditor, or his or her representative, the County Treasurer, or his or her representative, two representatives appointed by the Board of County Commissioners, and a member or representative chosen by the County Council.
   (C)   This County Automatic Data Processing Board shall be responsible for direction, new programs, and further utilization of the county data processing system.
   (D)   This County Automatic Data Processing Board shall appoint a Data Processing Supervisor with said position to be nonpolitical.
(Prior Code, § 33.165) (Res. passed 10-20-1980)
Statutory reference:
   Authorizes the county to establish such a Board, see I.C. 36-1-3.5
   The establishment of the Sheriff’s Merit Board by ordinance of the fiscal body, see I.C. 36-8-10-3
   The Board of County Commissioners shall constitute the County Board of Finance and carry out all duties assigned to the Board of County Commissioners pursuant to applicable state law.
(Prior Code, § 33.166)
Statutory reference:
   Local Boards of Finance, see I.C. 5-13-7-1 through I.C. 5-13-7-6
   State grant programs for community corrections, see I.C. 11-12-2 et seq.
   The County Drainage Board shall carry out all the duties assigned to the County Drainage Board pursuant to applicable state and local law.
(Prior Code, § 33.167)
Statutory reference:
   County Drainage Board, see I.C. 36-9-27-1 through I.C. 36-9-27-112