Any person, partnership, or corporation that enters into any contract (verbal or written) with another person, partnership, or corporation to engage in any type of construction, repair, remodeling, demolition, or upgrade activity ink, or upon, real estate located in the county must be registered under this chapter.
(A) A person not listed under this chapter who is employed by a contractor who has not been registered may, however, accomplish construction, repair, remodeling, demolition, or upgrade work for which his employer is registered while working under the direction and control of such contractor, but shall not otherwise enter into, or offer to enter, a contractual relationship in any activity. Contractors are required to be registered.
(B) A person not registered under this chapter may, however, accomplish construction activities in carrying out ordinary maintenance of sole, full-time employment by the owner of the premises where such ordinary maintenance and repairs occur.
(C) Any public utility company, and its sub-contractors that work exclusively for the public utility company, shall be exempt from all the requirements and penalties contained in this chapter.
(D) Property owners and tenants working on their property are excluded from registration.
(Ord. 2013-14, passed 12-2-2013)
A person, partnership, or corporation shall be entitled to receive a contractor registration as a contractor in the county if the following requirements are met:
(A) An application form indicating the name, address, and legal business status of the contractor has been submitted to the County Building Commissioner;
(B) The registration fee, as provided in this chapter, has been paid;
(C) The person, partnership, or corporation has not had a contractor registration issued under this chapter suspended or revoked within one year of the application date; and
(D) (1) The partnership has not had a partner, or the corporation has not had an officer, who has had a contractor registration issued under this chapter suspended or revoked within one year of the permit application date.
(2) The contractor obtains insurance as hereafter stated.
(Ord. 2013-14, passed 12-2-2013)
(A) The contractor shall maintain bodily injury, property damage, and worker’s compensation insurance unless properly exempted.
(B) The insurance requirements for this chapter are met if the contractor secures and maintains insurance covering all construction or demolition activity by such contractor or under any permit obtained by such contractor; such insurance to include:
(1) A bodily injury and property damage insurance policy insuring the contractor, providing for the payment of any liability imposed by law on such contractor arising out of operations performed by, or on behalf of, the registered contractor in minimum amounts of:
(a) For any occurrence relative to which there is an injury or death to one or more persons: $1,000,000; and
(b) For any occurrence relative to which there is damage to property: $500,000.
(2) Worker’s compensation insurance covering the personnel employed by the registered contractor for death or injury arising out of operations; provided that this provision shall not apply if the contractor has no employees and gives appropriate notice to the County Building Commissioner with a properly executed independent contractor affidavit of exemption; and
(3) The insurance policies described in division (A) above shall require the insurance carried to give notice both of the registered contractor and to the County Building Commissioner at least ten days before such insurance is either cancelled or not renewed, and the certificate shall state this obligation.
(Ord. 2013-14, passed 12-2-2013)
(A) Approval of the contractor registration shall be issued by the County Building Commissioner with no waiting period.
(B) Upon receipt of such approval, the County Building Commissioner shall issue the contractor registration.
(C) The contractor registration maybe good for up to a one-year period. Initial registrations may occur throughout the year, but renewals will be due January 1 of each year following initial registration.
(D) No contractor registration issued under the provision of this chapter shall be assigned or transferred.
(Ord. 2013-14, passed 12-2-2013)