The regulations of the State Department of Health, as found in 410 I.A.C. 1-5, “Tattoo Rule,” are hereby incorporated by reference in this chapter and shall include any later amendments to those regulations as the same published in the State Register of the State Administrative Code with effective dates as fixed therein. Copies of 410 I.A.C. 1-5-1 et seq. are available and on file in the office of the County Board of Health and the County Auditor.
(Prior Code, § 110.255) (Ord. 99-3, passed 2-16-1999)
All places, individuals, and businesses that offer to affix any type of permanent tattoo to a person shall be regulated by this chapter and shall maintain the premises in which tattoos are performed and equipment used in the tattoo process in a sanitary manner.
(Prior Code, § 110.256) (Ord. 99-3, passed 2-16-1999)