17.12.010 Rules of construction.
17.12.020 Accessory building or use.
17.12.030 Adult use.
17.12.040 Agricultural/ranching.
17.12.050 Airport.
17.12.060 Alley.
17.12.070 Apartment building.
17.12.080 Area of shallow flooding.
17.12.090 Automobile reduction yard.
17.12.092 Automobile repair services (major)
17.12.094 Automobile repair services (major)
17.12.100 Auto salvage yard.
17.12.110 Reserved
17.12.120 Automobile washing establishment.
17.12.122 Bakery, commercial.
17.12.123 Bakery, retail.
17.12.130 Base flood, one-hundred-year.
17.12.140 Basement.
17.12.145 Bed and breakfast establishment (tourist home).
17.12.150 Block frontage.
17.12.160 Board.
17.12.170 Building.
17.12.180 Building area.
17.12.190 Building envelope.
17.12.200 Building, front line of.
17.12.210 Building, height of.
17.12.220 Building line, front.
17.12.230 Building line, rear.
17.12.240 Building, nonconforming.
17.12.250 Building, principal.
17.12.260 Building, public.
17.12.270 Business.
17.12.280 Campground.
17.12.290 Carport.
17.12.300 Cemetery.
17.12.305 Charity dining facilities, homeless shelters and similar services.
17.12.310 Church.
17.12.320 City.
17.12.325 City Manager.
17.12.330 Clinic or medical center.
17.12.340 Club, private (nonprofit).
17.12.350 Commission.
17.12.360 Convenience-food restaurant.
17.12.365 Convenience store
17.12.370 Conditional use permits.
17.12.380 Corporate counsel.
17.12.390 Council.
17.12.400 Day care.
17.12.410 Day care center.
17.12.415 Deferred presentment company
17.12.420 Density, gross.
17.12.430 Density, net residential.
17.12.435 Department.
17.12.440 Development.
17.12.450 Development disability.
17.12.455 Director.
17.12.460 Drive access.
17.12.470 Drive-in business.
17.12.480 Duplex.
17.12.490 Dwelling.
17.12.495 Dwe3lling, accessory or ADU.
17.12.500 Dwelling, attached.
17.12.510 Dwelling, detached.
17.12.515 Dwelling, manufactured.
17.12.516 Dwelling, modular or sectional.
17.12.520 Dwelling, single-family.
17.12.530 Dwelling, two-family.
17.12.540 Dwelling, multiple (multi-family).
17.12.550 Dwelling unit.
17.12.560 Family.
17.12.570 Fence.
17.12.580 Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM).
17.12.590 Flood insurance study.
17.12.600 Floodplain.
17.12.610 Floodproofing.
17.12.620 Floodway, one-hundred-year.
17.12.630 Floodway fringe, one-hundred-year.
17.12.640 Garage, private.
17.12.650 Garage, public.
17.12.660 General plan.
17.12.670 Grade.
17.12.680 Greenhouse.
17.12.685 Gross floor area.
17.12.690 Ground floor area.
17.12.700 Group home.
17.12.710 Habitable floor.
17.12.720 Home occupation or profession.
17.12.730 Hospital.
17.12.740 Hotel or motel.
17.12.750 Incidental.
17.12.760 Junkyard.
17.12.770 Kennel.
17.12.771 Large mulitple use shopping center.
17.12.772 Large single retail use.
17.12.780 Loading and unloading bays.
17.12.790 Lodging house.
17.12.800 Lot.
17.12.810 Lot area.
17.12.820 Lot, corner.
17.12.830 Lot, interior.
17.12.835 Lot of record, nonconforming.
17.12.840 Lot, through.
17.12.850 Lot coverage.
17.12.860 Lot depth.
17.12.870 Lot, ground level.
17.12.880 Lot line, front.
17.12.890 Lot line, rear.
17.12.900 Lot line, side.
17.12.910 Lot width.
17.12.920 Manufactured home.
17.12.930 Manufacturing.
17.12.940 Manufacturing, light.
17.12.941 Marijuana and medical marijuana.
17.12.942 Marijuana cultivation facility.
17.12.943 Marijuana dispensary.
17.12.944 Marijuana infusion facility.
17.12.945 Marijuana testing facility.
17.12.946 Marijuana uses.
17.12.947 Qualifying patient/caregiver cultivation location.
17.12.950 Mining.
17.12.960 Mobile homes.
17.12.970 Mobile home park.
17.12.980 Mobile home space.
17.12.990 Mobile home stand.
17.12.1000 Mobile office.
17.12.1010 Model home.
17.12.1020 Modular or sectional home.
17.12.1030 New construction.
17.12.1040 Noxious matter or material.
17.12.1050 Nonconforming use.
17.12.1060 Nursing home.
17.12.1070 Offices.
17.12.1080 One-hundred-year flood.
17.12.1090 Open sales (or rental) lot.
17.12.1100 Overlay zone.
17.12.1105 Park model.
17.12.1110 Parking area, public.
17.12.1120 Parking space, off-street.
17.12.1130 Party wall.
17.12.1140 Paved parking space or surface.
17.12.1150 Personal and convenience services.
17.12.1160 Persons.
17.12.1170 Plant nursery.
17.12.1180 Property, personal.
17.12.1190 Property, real.
17.12.1200 Recreational vehicle.
17.12.1210 Recreational vehicle park.
17.12.1215 Recycling center.
17.12.1220 Research laboratory.
17.12.1230 Residential facility.
17.12.1240 Restaurant.
17.12.1245 Self-storage facility.
17.12.1250 School.
17.12.1260 Screening.
17.12.1270 Setback.
17.12.1280 Setback line.
17.12.1290 Sewer, public.
17.12.1300 Sewer system, community.
17.12.1305 Sexually oriented business.
17.12.1310 Shopping center.
17.12.1320 Sign.
17.12.1330 Sign, free-standing.
17.12.1340 Sign, nonaccessory.
17.12.1350 Sign, wall.
17.12.1360 Site plan.
17.12.1370 Stable, private.
17.12.1380 Stable, public.
17.12.1390 Start of construction.
17.12.1400 Street.
17.12.1410 Street, arterial.
17.12.1420 Street, collector.
17.12.1430 Street, local.
17.12.1440 Street frontage.
17.12.1450 Street, public.
17.12.1460 Structure.
17.12.1470 Structural alteration.
17.12.1480 Substantial improvement.
17.12.1500 Townhouse.
17.12.1510 Townhouse cluster.
17.12.1520 Truck stop.
17.12.1530 Truck washing establishment.
17.12.1540 Use.
17.12.1550 Use, accessory.
17.12.1560 Use, conditionally permitted.
17.12.1570 Use, nonconforming.
17.12.1580 Use, permitted.
17.12.1590 Use, principal.
17.12.1600 Use, temporary.
17.12.1610 Variance.
17.12.1620 Variance, dimensional.
17.12.1630 Warehouse.
17.12.1640 Reserved.
17.12.1645 Wireless telecommunication facilities.
17.12.1650 Wrecking yard.
17.12.1660 Yard.
17.12.1670 Yard, corner side.
17.12.1680 Yard, front.
17.12.1690 Yard, rear.
17.12.1700 Yard, side.