A. Monthly collection fee rates for residences within the City limits are as established in the City Consolidated Fee Schedule and include two collections each week of ninety gallon or three hundred gallon plastic containers.
B. Single pickup collection fee rates for non-residential users within the City limits are as established in the City Consolidated Fee Schedule for ninety gallon or three hundred gallon plastic containers, metal containers filled with loose refuse, roll-on/roll-off containers loose or compacted. The non-residential rates established in the City Consolidated Fee Schedule do not require or authorize the City's collection of uncontainerized rubbish, nor do they establish the full rate for disposal of specially treated solid waste. Non-residential brush truck service shall be charged in accordance with the loose refuse volumes established in the City Consolidated Fee Schedule.
C. Landfill Disposal Fee by Permit:
1. Except for disposal of appliances as set forth in Subsection 8.08.100.C.2.b., Landfill disposal is free to residential users who show proof of residence within the City.
2. Non-residential facilities, except those disposing of specially treated solid waste, within the City limits shall pay Landfill user fees established in the City Consolidated Fee Schedule, except as follows:
a. Green waste delivered to the Landfill that has been chipped to a two inch or less size has no charge. If mixed with other refuse or waste, it will be charged at regular Landfill usage rates as established in the City Consolidated Fee Schedule.
b. For City residents or City non-residential entities, appliances with demonstrated proof that Freon has been removed will be accepted for Landfill disposal at no charge. For City residents or City non-residential entities, appliances that contain Freon, or lack proof that the Freon was removed, will be assessed a Freon removal fee as established in the City Consolidated Fee Schedule.
3. Residential users or non-residential facilities outside the City limits shall pay for Landfill usage pursuant to the City Consolidated Fee Schedule. Roll-off service outside the City limits will be charged a fifty percent surcharge over and above that charged inside the City limits, plus the appropriate Landfill fees, as established in the City Consolidated Fee Schedule.
4. The Landfill will not accept tires or specially treated solid waste from residential users or non-residential facilities outside the City.
5. There will be a minimum one ton charge for all containers charged by weight.
(Ord. 1397.08.16 § 1 (part), 2004; Ord. 1397.08.14 § 1, 2003; Ord. 1397.08.13 § 1 (part), 2002; Ord. 1397.08.12 § 1 (part), 2001; Ord. 1397.08.11 § 1 (part), 2001; Ord. 1397.08.09 § 1, 1999; Ord. 1397.08.08 § 1, 1998; Ord. 1397.08.06, 1998; Ord. 1397.08.3 § 4, 1992)
D. Fees shall be billed and paid monthly.
E. Specially treated solid waste from residential or non-residential users within the City limits shall pay the base charge according to § 8.08.100.B., plus the relevant rate established below for the type of specially treated solid waste being deposited at the Landfill:
1. Actual costs of any remediation, if impossible to separate specially treated solid waste that was improperly deposited at the Landfill because of user's non-compliance with this chapter.
2. Actual costs for any staff time for collection, Landfill observation, and special covering; and actual costs for the equipment time for special covering activities at Landfill.
F. The finance director shall bill all known users monthly by approximately the first day of the following month for which the sanitation or landfill service is provided. Sanitation service fees and Landfill fees shall be due and payable at the office of the financial director when the monthly statement is rendered, and shall be delinquent twenty calendar days thereafter. If the total bill for any such charge is not paid within five calendar days after the date of delinquency, a late fee of one and one-half percent of the unpaid balance (including any unpaid late fees or similar charges) shall be charged each month of delinquency to be collected, in addition to the amount then due. Failure to receive an invoice shall not be a defense to payment for any user; provided, however, that the finance director may waive late fees or otherwise compromise amounts due and owing if the failure to receive an invoice was due to an error on the part of the city. Failure on the part of a person or entity to notify the city that sanitation service or landfill service was being supplied, or failure to notify the city that appropriate monthly billings are not being received, constitute error on the part of the consumer, and not the city, for purposes of this subsection. The finance director is authorized and directed to use any legal means or procedures to ensure collection of sanitation service and Landfill fees, and to compromise, settle or dispose of such fees in the normal course of collection.
G. The finance director may, as an accommodation to a property owner, bill a tenant or other party for sanitation charges, in which case the property owner, as well as the user, are jointly and severally liable for such charges. All unpaid sewer charges for a property, however, remain the responsibility of the property owner. If a tenant does not pay a charge when rendered, the finance director may notify the property owner of the tenant's nonpayment, and the property owner shall pay the amount due within seven calendar days of the notice to the property owner. If such payment is promptly made the finance director may waive applicable late fees.
H. All sanitation charges are the responsibility of the property owners. If a tenant does not pay a charge when due, the City will notify the property owner, at its last known address, of the tenant's nonpayment, and the property owner will be required to pay the amount due within five business days of the mailing of the City notice.
I. City-owned six and eight cubic yard front load metal containers and roll-on/roll-off metal containers will only be rented to contractors or non-residential users on a short-term or project basis. Non-residential customers who have a continuing need for a container will be required to purchase or lease a suitable container from a private enterprise.
J. The public works director, or his designee, will assess a fee for replacement of lost containers, or for containers negligently or intentionally damaged by users. The fee will be based on the actual cost of the replacement container, plus a delivery fee, as established in the City Consolidated Fee Schedule. This fee does not apply to containers damaged due to reasonable wear and tear.
K. Users must bring Landfill disposal to the Landfill covered by tarp or fully contained within a vehicle/trailer. The public works director, or his designee, will assess a failure-to-cover fee as established in the City Consolidated Fee Schedule.
(Ord. 1397.08.22 § 1, 2009; Ord. 1397.08.16 § 1 (part), 2004; Ord. 1397.08.13 § 1 (part), 2002; Ord. 1397.08.12 § 1 (part), 2001; Ord. 1397.08.11 § 1 (part), 2001; Ord. 1397.08.09 § 1 (part), 1999; Ord. 1397.08.08 § 1, 1998; Ord. 1397.08.06, 1998; Ord. 1397.08.3 §§ 2, 3, 4, 1992; Ord. 1397.08.2 § 2 (part), 1992; Ord. 1397.08.1 § 2, 1991; Ord. 645.18 § 1, 1989; Ord. 1086.2 § 1 (part), 1988; prior code § 11-1-9)