Chapter 6.12
6.12.010   Animal control officer authority.
6.12.020   Authority to impound.
6.12.030   Notice to owner.
6.12.040   Descriptive report required.
6.12.050   Conditions and duration.
6.12.060   Redemption procedure.
6.12.070   Adoption or destruction of unredeemed animals.
6.12.080   Fee schedule.
6.12.090   Payment of fees.
6.12.100   Impeding animal control officer prohibited.
6.12.110   Biting animals—Procedure.
6.12.010 Animal control officer authority.
   The animal control officer shall be designated by city and shall be charged with the enforcement of the provisions of this chapter, except as may be otherwise provided by the city.
(Prior code § 8-2-1)
6.12.020 Authority to impound.
   The animal control officer may impound any animal found at large in violation of this chapter, or off of the owner's property, not under control or on a leash of some person in the streets, alleys or other public places or vacant or enclosed lots in the city.
(Prior code § 8-2-2)
6.12.030 Notice to owner.
   If the owner of any impounded animal is known to the animal control officer and resides or has a known place of business in the city, the animal control officer shall notify the owner of the animal by telephone or by letter through the post office within twenty-four hours after the animal has been impounded. The notice shall contain a description of the animal and shall state that unless reclaimed, the animal shall be placed for adoption or destroyed in manner provided by law.
(Prior code § 8-2-3)
6.12.040 Descriptive report required.
   The animal control officer shall, within twenty-four hours after impounding any animal, make a report stating the kind of animal and describing it by color or otherwise or by any marks or brands that may be on it, and when it was impounded. Each report shall be maintained on file for not less than six months.
(Prior code § 8-2-4)
6.12.050 Conditions and duration.
   The animal control officer shall provide for the keeping of all animals impounded in a safe, convenient and comfortable place within or conveniently near the city limits and shall feed the animals at least once every twenty-four hours and treat them in a humane manner during the time they are impounded, which shall not be less than three days, unless sooner claimed by the owner.
(Prior code § 8-2-5)