6.12.070 Adoption or destruction of unredeemed animals.
   All animals impounded under the provisions of this chapter which have not been claimed and the fees and charges have not been paid to the city by the owner within three days, shall be placed for adoption or destruction in a manner prescribed by law.
(Prior code § 8-2-7)
6.12.080 Fee schedule.
   The fees for dogs, cats, and potbellied pigs are hereby established in the City Consolidated Fee Schedule pursuant to Section 1.04.170.
(Ord. 1397.02.10 § 4, 2008; Ord. 1397.06.3 § 2 (part), 1994; Ord. 1397.06.2 § 4, 1992)
6.12.090 Payment of fees.
   A.   The animal control officer of the city will accept all fees and costs involved in the impoundment of all animals for any reason.
    B.   Any person may:
      1.   Bring an unwanted animal to the pound and transfer ownership to the animal control officer;
      2.   Have the animal control officer pick-up, destroy, and bury an owned animal;
      3.   Rent animal traps; and
      4.   Upon proof of compliance of vaccination and licensing provisions of this code, and compliance with applicable state laws, may adopt an unwanted or impounded animal upon the expiration of the impoundment period.
   C.   All fees associated with such animal control services are hereby established in the City Consolidated Fee Schedule pursuant to Section 1.04.170.
(Ord. 1397.02.10 § 5, 2008; Ord. 1397.06.3 § 2 (part), 1994; Ord. 1397.01.1 § 3, 1992)
6.12.100 Impeding animal control officer prohibited.
   It is unlawful for any person to in any manner intervene, impede, prevent, obstruct or intimidate the animal control officer when he is discharging his duties pursuant to this chapter.
(Prior code § 8-2-9)
6.12.110 Biting animals—Procedure.
   Whenever any animal, except a dog or cat, bites a person, the person so bitten and the owner of the animal shall immediately notify the animal control officer who shall cause an examination of the animal to be made by a duly licensed physician or a duly licensed veterinarian, and shall order the animal held on the owner's premises or have it impounded as long as necessary for a complete examination. If it is determined that the animal is infected with rabies or other dangerous, contagious or infectious disease, it shall be the duty of the animal control officer to destroy the animal in a manner provided by law. If, at the end of the quarantine or impoundment, a veterinarian documents that the animal is free from such diseases, the animal shall be released to the owner at the place of impoundment. If the animal dies during the period of quarantine or impoundment, its head shall be sent to the State Department of Health for examination. The owner shall bear any costs involved in the quarantine or impoundment of the animal including boarding costs.
(Prior code § 8-2-10)