General Provisions
71.01 State Vehicle Code adopted
71.02 Careless driving
71.03 Drag racing
71.04 Fleeing or attempting to elude police officer
71.05 Unlawful possession of highway sign or marker
71.06 Traffic lane usage
71.07 U-turns prohibited
71.08 Duty to report accident
71.09 Transporting liquor in vehicles
71.10 Excessive noise
71.11 Reckless, negligent or careless driving
Speed Restrictions
71.25 Special speed limitations on elevated structures
71.26 General restrictions
71.27 Special speed limit while passing schools
71.28 Failure to reduce speed
Stop and Through Streets
71.40 Through streets
71.41 One-way streets or alleys
71.42 Stop streets
71.43 Yield right-of-way streets
71.44 Posting signs
Traffic Schedules, see Ch. 74
Statutory reference:
Rules of the road, see 625 ILCS 11
Title and definitions, see 625 ILCS 1